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Everything posted by Danois

  1. Sink jars with a little bit of beer in the bottom into the dirt.
  2. Sorry to hear this. How did the dog get to you? If it was by commercial transport you MUST let them know so they can warn other users and take necessary steps to clean.
  3. I use a check chain - I have excellent control of my dog but if I did have to take quick action for some reason, a flat collar is not going to do anything for a 60kg+ dog.
  4. I know 2! Jack Russell Terrier and Doberman
  5. A NSW dane breeder had a litter of 15 earlier this year.
  6. The fact that you can be fined for having a dog on the beach indicates there is a local government law somewhere in there they will be enforcing. Councils cannot fine people without a legal basis i.e. an offence has occured. Just did a quick google which has confirmed this - under the Dog Act (Dogs Local Law 2000 by Rockingham Council) - clause 5.1 states dogs are prohibiting absolutely from being on any public beach as indicated by signs. Fine is $1,000 (or $2000 if your dog is a dangerous dog)
  7. I was wondering why Boo was being crazy tonight - running around and hyped up. It's like he'd been fed red cordial! Looked up the lunar charts and it is a full moon which explains it
  8. You might prefer this but if she's pretty itchy she'll be miserable and uncomfortable and may scratch herself until she bleeds. You need to treat her with something which relieves that itchiness. I would be going back to the vet and discussing treatment and diagnosis. Look in the thread from Aussielover the other day at the post from stormie. You could also try bathing her in Malaseb and using alpha keri lotion afterwards.
  9. Maleseb can be very harsh. I would be going to another vet too - I recommend Pennant Hills Vet - they are very knowledgeable re itchy dogs. I also find phenergen to be most effective anti-histamine. Look at the Ingleburn Vet website for dose rates but speak with a vet first. Wouldn't allergies render the pup unsuitable for being a guide dog?
  10. hmm, but your dogs all have poodle in them dont they? maybe if they have that woollen coat the fur texture doesnt change like a regular coat would One of the 'joys' of cross bred dogs - there is no consistency. My friend had a spaniel x poodle and his coat was different after the first clip and then after each time, it grew back differently. His coat was never the same.
  11. Great danes are known for being good apartment dogs. My dane uses the backyard (which is only a courtyard) to go to the toilet and occassionally lie on his bed in the sun. He certainly does not free exercise.
  12. Is it suggested that the bitch who was whelping was entered in the show? Or was it that the breeder had taken along her pregnant bitch to keep an eye on her (rather than the dog being entered)?
  13. Send a PM to Pax on this forum. She has a kennel out that way and I highly recommend her (as do a number of others here)
  14. At the end of the day it's personal choice. It's against the law to drink and drive but people still do. It's against the law to text/use a phone and drive but people still do. (sniped) Yes but in this instance, it is not necessarily against the law to have a dog unrestrained in the car and that's the distinction a lot of people seem to be missing.
  15. Seriously people - why are some going into attack mood against a poster who has said they do not use a restraint, instead have the dog on the lap of the passenger. It is not illegal to have an unrestrained dog if it is not going to interfere with the driver therefore it comes down to a personal decision and each person can make their own decision after weighing up the risks. If someone has considered those risks and have the dog unrestrained then so be it and its none of anyone else's business so a few people should just back off. FWIW my dog is not restrained in the back of my car - he is in the back of a 4WD and harnesses are a massive hassle at his size.
  16. Lots of socialisation and chipping it is not going to help it if it comes to the attention of the council for some reason. Your friend will have a losing battle on his hands to show it is not a PB. Chip it what he will but be prepared that his dog could be taken from him at any time and possibly destroyed. IMO though - if it is a cross breed dog then you chip with the most predominant breed and this one is 3/4 PB. Also remember chipping is used to identify the animal if lost - staffy x chip is not going to help in those circumstances.
  17. There are a number of inaccurate statements in that article and the RSPCA guy is contradicted by his own organisation's literature.
  18. Thanks fierydi - it was as I expected. If you were fined by the police for having a dog unrestrained in the back seat it would be open to challenge. I can understand how an unrestrained dog in the front seat could have more potential to interfere with control.
  19. Those that are saying it is the law in NSW for them to be restrained - can someone provide the link to the law that says this? Only thing I have seen published is the new road rule which came in, in July 2008 which had 3 demerit points and $400 fine attached to it. The RTA schedule of offence of 1 August 2010 has no mention of not restraining a dog in the car but does include intefering with control and dog in lap.
  20. What an unfortunate incident for owner and dog. Actually the law in NSW is that the dog cannot be in the driver's lap or prevent them from having proper control of the car. Its Rule 297. It is not the law that the dog must be restrained in the car.
  21. I can identify with this and you do feel a little guilty, but it is true. Ah yes - the guilt at feeling relieved it is over - not only for the dog but for you can do your head in.
  22. Sorry to disappoint Moselle but my views are the same regardless of the breeding of the dog. As RSG said - there are worse things for a dog than to be PTS especially one who may not have the right temperament and who is going to end up in a crowded pound at the worst time of the year. Personally I think it is more humane to let the dog go peacefully than to subject it to the pound environment for however long before it gets PTS there. Given your profession I thought you would have been more open to the fact that everyone has a different social and moral compass
  23. Its a toughy but chreish the time you have and make it a happy time for him - lots of games, walks and cuddles. If he is naughty, don't be mad, life is too short to be mad at them. Remember to take time to breathe! When it comes time, you will know. I always thought it was a trite saying until I got to that point with my boy. When I looked at him I knew he was too tired and there was too much there for him to fight. When he passes, expect to feel relief. It is a hard emotion to reconcile when you have just lost them but the emotional toll of caring for a chronically ill dog is immense - the up and downs of emotions, the constant vigilance of them, watching for the changes, medication etc etc. I was sad but there was a lot of relief but the grief did kick in later. Sorry you are going through this but enjoy the time you have.
  24. This will not go down well with some here but if its as dire as you say, is timid etc and you're so concerned about the future of the pups then how about doing the decent thing and take it to the vet and have it put to sleep. Sometimes that is not the worst thing for a dog.
  25. Have asked a friend with a dally and who's in the animal business if she has a recommendation.
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