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Everything posted by Danois

  1. You'll need to get in quick for the big bowls. Got mine today and apparently he's got low supplies as they've been snapped up.
  2. That might be part of it - how does she go when you hand her a treat or the like? Boo is a funny one in this regard - he'll take it into his mouth, move it around, drop it out and then try and figure out how to eat it as opposed to a 'normal' dog that will just swallow it or crunch it in the teeth. I gave him some slices of apple one day and he just did not know what to do with it eating wise.
  3. From the Rules: No cross posting discussions from 'Breeders Community' Forum The 'Breeders Community' forum is a semi-restricted forum and breeders need to apply to gain full access. If you see a discussion in the Breeder Community Forum, do not cross post a topic being discussed into another forum so that you can add your 2 cents worth. Breeders start topics in the Breeder Community forum for a reason .... they only want input from other breeders. This rule is a trade-off for not having the Breeder Forum totally private.
  4. Its the allergy one sold through vets only - its used for elimination diets.
  5. Have you tried feeding lots of smaller meals? I had massive issues with feeding - my dane simply was not interested in food. After he had a gastropexy he was on small frequent meals and I found once he returned to being fed twice a day, he was eating more. At 21 months he weighed about 55kg - breed average is about 70kg. I finally only got weight on him with chicken frames (from a poultry place directly so high quality), EP Power formula (now feed Canidae Grain Free Salmon which comparable protein and fat levels) and porridge. Porridge was made with water when cooked in the microwave and then made all mushy with rice milk. This was mixed with kibble. I also believe that some of his skinniness was down to hormones and since desexing its been easier to get weight on and keep it on. He will not eat during the day either if he's anxious - some days he'll head straight to his bowl soon after I get home.
  6. Sounds like he has been bitten by something. You need to get moving to the vets.
  7. Your usual vets will usually have a recorded message on their phone with the details of the nearest emergency vet. Or call - 0412 275 200 - that is the emergency number for small animals at the Sydney Uni Camden Clinic who are at 410 Werombi Rd, Camden.
  8. This is identical to what he does post bath...except he stops midway to dive into the towel I am holding, gets a scrub dry and then takes off again!
  9. http://www.rrruff.com.au/senior_dog_mats.html (scroll down) - they have a DOL banner ad. Snooza do them too - the D1000 is good -and the Durobed.
  10. I have a very large bruise coming up on my below/ back of arm from post bath zoomies - I did not move quick enough and got clobbered by 65kg of dog as he raced around the corner of the house I have nice grassy lawns except at the ends of the race track and at the corner of the house...
  11. Woofen - I have been really happy with Canidae's grain free salmon if you're looking for something other than lamb. I never got a reply from Canidae re a sample so if that happens to you, let me know and I'm happy to send you a sample of the salmon from Boo's bag.
  12. That's a shame - the year I exhibited at the Royal, we were chatting constantly to people about the breed etc, bringing the dog over to the fence for pats etc. The Royal is a bit of a full on environment for the dogs (and exhibitors!).
  13. Some dane exhibitors use crates so they would be the 42 inch ones. They do overhang the bench at the front and people used those stretchy straps with hooks on the end and hooked one end on the back of the bench and then on to the crate for keep it stable.
  14. Hi! Come and join us in the dane thread - http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=188608 A couple of people in there have older danes. I would definitely recommend getting away from supermarket foods given the amount of filler in them and look something like Eagle Pack, Canidae etc
  15. There's a health and nutrition subforum which has lots of informative topics.
  16. My last dog was on cortisone long term and never went near other dog's poo so I would not get too worried. But yes, they will drink more and as a result - urinate more. Also its not uncommon to see them sleep more and also pant more.
  17. Retaillers with something more than the run of the mill stuff - like good collars , someone like Jollie treats etc - and for all dog sizes not just the SWF brigade. I avoid the ones set up in a small space - you need to leave room for dogs to have some personal space. I also dislike stalls cramped together as it can be hard to browse, handle a dog and move around people (when you have a big dog). On lead dogs rule - and it is enforced. Demonstrations Show bags!
  18. Anniek and I were exchange 'happy with Canidae' stories elsewhere last night. I am at the end of my second bag (so 2 months in as we go through the 13.6kg bag/ month) and out of the food I have used with Boo (i.e EP Holistic and Power, Nutro, Royal Canin, ProPlan and I'm sure there was another!), this is the standout food. Getting and keeping weight on Boo was hard work but its easy with the Canidae (Salmon) - in fact I looked at him the other day and went hmmm bit solid looking His coat is looking so much better - shiny and softer and improvement in his skin. Best of all - the farting has pretty much stopped - and when you're 65kg - they ain't small and can clear a room. While it may coincide with him settling down, I have also found him calmer. I find that 400 -500gm a day is sufficient whereas I was feeding around 750gm of EP Power.
  19. You say some really odd things - I can't believe its been a whole day since I last posted If you would actually like to know - anniek and I have been having an offline discussion. Thanks to our brief exchange in this thread, we've identified we have a common issue with our dogs and she's given me some good ideas of things to try.
  20. Hi Does anyone have any recommendations for a dog friendly place half way between Sydney and Gold Coast where I can stop for a night? I believe its about an 11 hour drive? TIA
  21. I also wonder what others feed with BH if anything, mine still get RMB at least once a week and chicken wings or necks at least once a week. The raw mine get depends on how much exercise they have and if I think they need a bit extra. If I don't have any bones/chicken available they may get a bit extra BH. Generally on the days they have the raw stuff I will reduce the amount of BH for thier evening meal. That raises a good point - does BH have a threshold for the ratio of other food which can be fed before it throws out the balanced ratios in the BH (eg protein: fat and calcium:phosphorus)? For example, EP has a 20% threshold.
  22. Law in Vic re electric fences: Prevention of Cruelty to Animals Regulations 2008 - SECT 12 Electric fences 12. Electric fences A person may use an electric fence if it complies with the following specifications- (a) the electric current travels through a wire; and (b) the electric fence is installed so that an animal is able to move away and avoid contact with the wire that is carrying the electric current.
  23. Might want to read the forum rule re advertising and self promotion Did not realise that people were not allowed to comment on other foods here - but as JulesP said, no one is running the food down.
  24. So Pet Stores sell more puppies a year (67,500) than registered breeders (66,000)? That puts a different light on it too.
  25. All of which ignores that some dogs simply are not interested in food. I have a picker here and we painfully went through the 10 mins to eat otherwise bowl goes for some time - he was not worried about that and he could easily miss 3 meals in a row and only eat a normal size one on at the 4th meal. As a result I had a dog that simply got skinnier and skinnier on my hands and his health had to come first. No underlying medical issues. He now free feeds and if that works for an owner then so be it. His bowl goes down in the morning and sometimes when I get home there is some food eaten, other times its not touched. He'll normally then eat some of it early evening, another feed around 10pm and he finishes it off overnight. I'm not worried about when he boards as they know his routine and I use a small personal kennel. If he's sick enough to be hospitalised then I doubt he'd be eating anyway. As for medication etc - I have a few tricks up my sleeve with high value foods (i.e cheese) which I use.
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