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Everything posted by Doghouse
Um where did you get your dog from?? Both my girls have always had wet mixed with dry either packet puppy stuff or raw mince.. to no adverse effects.. The will only eat dry kibble at the last resort.. but eat a 40% raw diet anyway.. I would try mixing mince with it and slowly reducing the amount of mince if this is the way you want to go..
I agree show the girls their halters or collars or leads and they go nuts its time for walkies.. That said they settle quickly once on lead and on activity.. I dont like check chains and my two pull like buggery if allowed.. training is the key Have you tried Halters??
Tone of voice helps with the NO.. try not to have a rising inflection.. I do this both with the dogs, the 5YO and the OH and all four know when they are in the poop... its all in the tone of the voice.. Time out for little puppies hasent worked for us.. they are just too small.. I used to pick them up with the NO, NAUGHTY.. Lots of hard eye contact when picking up .. you are the boss.. growl at them and move them away..absolutely no eye contact from that point forward.. and then move on from there.. You must remember you are the pack leader.. Time out started around 16 weeks when they were a little too big to pick up and move away.. Mind you the damage they inflicted has been pretty rough.. but nothing on par with the OH and the 5YO..
We got the C5 for our girls.. better safe than sorry.. and now is the time to start discussing with the vet getting the pup in for desexing if it is not for show... Our girls were booked at 12 weeks and desexed at 6 and 8 months.. if you book it now and get a quote a) you wont forget and b) you will be able to save for the op (if cash is tight)...
I know my dogs are bigger, but even at the same age as your dog they were doing 2ks per day easy... now they do about 5ks depending on when I can get them out and the work load..when we are on the farm about 10...but my dogs are the sort that can run all day and not complain.. infact the Problem Child even when exhausted still wants to keep going especially if there is the prospect of either something to chase or scent.. Bloody staffy determination... We had a chi on the farm and at 1 year he would follow my OH on his daily run which was 10k... that dog was not coddled in any way lived and slept outside and no treats for this dog.. had balls of steel, if it did get tired it would just flop and then catch up by taking a shortcut..
We didnt take our dogs anywhere even remotely doggie until after their last vaccination at 16 weeks.. You should be right at shows, but for that I defer to the show people who know have forgotten more that I could ever learn about doggies.. No sniffing poles or doggie doo or meeting other big dogs... Even when we were on the farm with the farm dogs they were kept at a distance (@13 or so weeks). And our were just fine...cant take a chance with viruses or pavo.. particularly pavo... Not everyone vaccinates and cares for their dogs like we all do here...
No more Deerhound or Wolfie pics please... im in "I cannot have another pup and I want one of those stages'.. And your pics arnt helping.. especially since I have convinced OH that a wolfie was the perfect breed to join the doghouse.. Even dragged him along to shows to show him everything else..
Fifi, Ill take your dogs anyday, fugly or not.. close to what the lady said about PC when we were at the show.. "what is THAT (doing here)".... PC is bum high again and eating like a horse... three breeds in one dog.. cant wait until she settles out.. She might be ugly mutt, but she is my ugly mutt...
Sorry both girls here are either raw meat or PAL puppies... and in excellent health and beautiful coats.. Flame at will but it works for us..
I have never ever found one of my mutts teeth,, they just went... bugger missed out on something.. But then again I did pay to have the root of Lolas fang removed when it was smashed out in play.. now that bill was expensive..
Problem Child still had problems at 6 months at 20 kilos.. baby gates and no where nice to pee solved the problem she just used the cat door at about 5am the last wee stop was when I went to bed at 11pm.. I just ended up having a glass of milk or green tea at bedtime and was up to wee at 5am and let her out... worked for both of us.. Anytime I woke in the early hours I would demand that she went out and came back in within the time that it took me to do what I had to do.. SHE IS FINALLY HOUSETRAINED.. AT 22 KILOS OF BOOF....
Teenage dogs are like teenage kids.. discipline, discipline and more discipline.. combined with distraction and entertainment and schooling.. Any reason why you leave your Kelpie so long before the snip, I was of the belief that they are basically past their large growth stage at around 6-12 months?? Our are always done (if not for stock breeding on farm) done at 6-9 months with absolutely no ill effects... they get their working head on and settle brilliantly.. I have to run my Kelpie cross for at least an hour per day in addition to a 30 minute walk to school... When she is on the farm she runs herself over 10kms per day easily... here I take her down the park with a ball slinger and throw it constantly for an hour, constantly keeping her on the run or trot for 60-90 minutes.. it does aliviate the destructive and naughty behaviour.. for a while at least.. And there is the constant and consistent discipline and training.. they are still puppies and can be very naughty.. And as Miranda has said, remember you are the boss, not the dog.. you have to be in charge and they have to know it.. Kelpies are very, very smart dogs.. and if they see a chink in the armour.. there goes the training.. Dont go to him for the attention and interaction make him come to you and ask for it and then only give it out when you are ready... he thinks he is the Alpha in your unit from the sounds of it. Good Luck.. personally I would get the snip and raise the training and activity level a notch..
we had to take Lola to the vets here in Moree (wonderful when you are on holiday) over her rash that has erupted again.. he says it is an allergy, as there are no parasites and he went over her from head to toe.. and if it was a parasite then the problem child would have had it too.. Has placed her on cortizone for a few weeks and we have to see what it is that is exacerbating it he seems to think that it is beef.. poor baby is NOT HAPPY :rolleyes: So now we start the exclusion diet to see what works and what dosent.. bloody hell.. Any ideas guys.. poor little doggie..all bubbled, blistered and itchy..
Vet checking isnt worth crap.. pet shops offer vet checks on their pups and usually these are the ones that have all the horrendous cross breeding without scoring problems..
I like Collie Castle We call our avairy The Hilton because a) its the old outside dunny and b) our first two quails were Paris and Nicki....
OK then stupid question how do you know they have worms, just look in the poo like you do with kids? I only worm every 3 or so months Heartworm annually And Advantage plus for fleas and ticks... And vaccinations will be annually as we need to board them every now and then
I grew up with an outside dunny and had to go out in the cold night.. so if it was good enough for us as kids then it is good enough for the dogs.. Even though with the sodden mess of the backyard they are FINALLY getting the picture, suprisingly problem child is brilliant now.. Persistence and then more persistence...
My dogs are fasted for the entire night before their morning romp and then its a slow walk home and about 40 mins until food... When they were puppies it was food as soon as we rose and then the walk an hour or two later...
I agree.. You have to make yourself more assertive with the pup and elevate yourself in the pack order...Biting is not OK and yes staffy pups are mouthy, you just have to make sure pup knows that its not OK, lower and deepen your voice and a firm NO.. There are lots of threads on here about pack order and establishment of boundaries... both mine were mouthy.. but not for long..
Just a quick question how much is a bottle of Malaseb??? I had PC at the vets today, came home and Lolas arm pit is all red and angry lumps, cant be sure if it is just the normal allergy to Wandering Jew or something she is allergic too..or even worse some kind of mange (she is on Frontline Plus) If I had seen it I would have taken them both with me today and I cant get back to the vet until next week now, financially we are more than a little strapped... So how much am I looking at...
Could this just be a way of getting the pup used to physical examination (did they say to do it while asleep or nearly asleep or awake??). I agree with getting a pup used to having it's ears and mouth checked over, as well as feet etc. but this should be done when pup is calm, restful and happy (which I suspect is what Falling_dawn may have meant ) - makes it easier when the dog has to be examined at the vet or for grooming issues. We did the same things with our girls when they were little, for examination and other reasons.. but when they were awake.. never asleep.. and they are great to handle and the vet never has a problem.. that said, the 5YO was certainly HANDS ON with her as well..
As a mother I do understand. but you have to teach your child that pup is a No NO..... and the dog is not at fault It takes time and it will happen...
As you can tell by my sig I have two dogs under one and it has been INTERESTING to say the least, Company: Has been great but two dogs going through different stages has been challenging, I have no garden, anything of value in the garage has been destroyed, one lounge, walls, toys, 10 pairs of shoes etc All training that Lola had has gone out the window when problem child is around. Just as Lola settled, PC went into puberty. I had an award winning garden - no more, does not even look like one was there.. But my dogs are high energy... Two female desexings (one with canine removal the other with dew claw removal) put me back over $1000 and then you have vaccinations, worming and flea & tick treatments all x 2.. all within the first year of life... I would recommend it. but only under fair warning and advisement.. can be a good thing, can also be a nightmare...
A 1 year old child can be taught the concept of Ouch & No .. slowly but they can.. mine did when she used to chase the cats or pull the cats tail whilst she was sleeping. But our rule of thumb was if the cat was in the house (as we had two then) then all eyes on the skinkid.. and the skin kid learned. I would not have had a 1 yr old on the floor with a dog, IMO.. Now she is 5YO, if she dose something to the dogs, they snap or snarl, she has to appologise. It isnt the dogs fault.. mind you the dogs put up with most things, and have never snapped unprovoked. Good luck