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Everything posted by SkylineGTR

  1. Sorry to hijack the thread, but my puppy Bison has also just started walking around the block (finally got him to stop chewing on the lead, or hitting the ground) Although he isn't distracted by people too much and tends to follow me, run when i run etc, he stops to smell a lot of things. sometimes he will smell something for so long that it annoys me and i say "lets go" he knows this means go yet he will persist to smell the said thing in question. I know this is natural dog behaviour, but how can i make him more focused on walking and less focused on the things to smell.
  2. My Bison does the same. Dominance issues. You have yourself a dominant dog and I suppose if you want to discourage it, stop playing with it, or put him inside as soon as he does it. Btw these are the reccomendations of a pro on this forums, not mine. lol.
  3. Thanks for the advice t-time. Keep it simple..... He loves his chicken mince/wings and goats milk. He only eats the supercoat if its mixed with mince. He won't eat it on its own. Ever. I'll get new kibble when he's 3/4s a way through this bag then.
  4. Thanks for the advice guys. Also have noticed some vomit on his bed the other day.....what could be causing this? At the moment all he gets is, chicken mince/wings, biscuits, dog treats, goats milk/oats. Thanks!
  5. Hey guys, He doesn't like eating too much biscuits. What meats can I feed him? he likes chicken wings, but can I mix chicken mince with his biscuits? Or some other meat? Should i cook it or not? Put simply, what should I feed him besides the dog biscuits? Thanks!
  6. Thanks for the suggestions guys. You're right about Super Coat, produces really mushy stool sometimes.
  7. Photos are in the photos section and rotty thread. lol Thanks for the advise guys, will swith the food over once this bag is done!
  8. Hi all, I have a 12 week old Rottie. The breeder recommended hte use of Supercoat for puppies. Does anyone else have any other reccomendations? Thanks.
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