I took my neo pup aprox 4 months old 2 the beach 2day. all was going fine, we had met a few small dogs and i had him on the lead because he has some selective hearing at times and hed never been to the beach before.
we eventually came across 2 wolfhouds i think so they were much bigger than him. one bounded over and befor i knew it my neo was growning and had a bit of a go at the other dog.
he is much stronger than me but the minuite i grabbed his haltie he sat down but he kept growling. i dragged him away but he was quite spooked. tail between his legs and looking around constantly. on the way back 2 the car he barked at another male mastiff.
i was wondering if anyone had any ideas why he did it. all of the other dogs who he argued with were male, so i thought that was a possibility as he is not desexed (im not sure if the others were), but he has been around my mothers cockerspaniel (not desexed male).
my other thought was that prehaps he just got scared as im fairly sure this is the first large dog thats ever bounded over to meet him and maybe he was defendin himself and me.
any other thoughts.
btw he hasnt been to puppy pree school, so if anyone can recoment a good one that will take him at his age id love the advice