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Everything posted by TeamSnag

  1. All we can do is give them the best start on toilet training
  2. I gave the pups there first taste of chicken necks.. I did cut them up
  3. Yep i find danny (blak n tan) is a bully.. They really play rough tho all of them lol Here's the norti one
  4. I agree with all the above..
  5. Just wanna share a photo of Dakota (mum to the pups) I snaped this photo of her on the weekend.. How good does she look.. u wouldnt even think shes got 9 week old pups!! Shes lost some hair, but weigth wise she is looking awesome!.. ETS.. If only we were all like that after having kids
  6. Creams should have a black nose and black nails but u said it was 3 weeks old? All mine had pink noses at 3 days old
  7. Yeah iv had the same prob.. this lady wanted show Quilty, but i wont sell a pup at 8 weeks of age saying its show quilty!! she just wouldnt understand!! Good luck to her if she finds one.. Id hate for it to come back n bite me on the butt if he didnt turn out!!! But i had a lady rang me the nite before, she lost her 16 year old dachie.. and there 9month old (dachie) is very lost without his mate... They are driving up here (4 hours from brisbane) to come see him and take him home the next day!! When i rang her to say she could have him if she still wanted him she had tears of joy!! At that point i kew that was his 4ever home!! Made me cry too...
  8. i too weaned my 3 week old pups on a pink slushy mix.. mince and goats milk and soaked kibbled..
  9. yeah my pups r 1 day short of being 10 weeks old when he goes.. Great news all is well
  10. Hows everyone going? One of the pups goes to their new homes next thursday.. they are driving all the way up here to take him back..
  11. i have been toilet traning my pups from about 4 weeks of age.. half the puppy pen is news paper.. as the weeks go on they get better and better to use the paper.. but we still have spills But other wise they are doing great..
  12. Nice Merc!! What one is your kepper... Iv set up a pen under cover for the pups to go into a few hours a day in.. outa the sun and away from the hawks lol When they are inside iv got them in the show trolley with vet bed, they seem to love it out here with us.. the bigger dogs play and they love watching... I ignored them this morning at 4am and ignored them with there crying.. seemed to work.. till around 6ish they started to yodel lol!!! So i got up n fed em outside in the pup pen and had a run n play with mum.. now there in the trolley..
  13. lol silly me!! i do try and ignore!!! But yeah.. oh well We had photo day today.. 8 Weeks old..My pick of the litters are still bailey and laynee...
  14. Mine are waking up at 230am lil buggas and im starting to ignore them....Then waking up again around 6ish... But this morning ud think i have a litter of mice!!!! All the paper riped up everywhere!! they had whoopie this morning.. Im so over paper!!!!
  15. haha Yep mine start crying around 230am.. iv started to ignore them.. 10mins later there quite again till around 6ish an di place the dry food down for them.. then feed then again around 10ish when they go outside for a play.. then back inside till arvo around 4ish n they have other feed/play... I wish i could leave them out there but i just cant cos of the hawks.. a dachie is a good size for them to pick up n go!
  16. So iv set the pups up in the kitchen with an area closed off for them... We will see if it was a great idea or not... Gives them alot more room to run around and they are loving it atm
  17. Silly buggas!! Im hoping it isnt raining tomorrow
  18. What a great set up!! I wish i could leave my pups outside to play.. But we have bad hawks around here..
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