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Everything posted by mandy

  1. I have a Great Dane who does this, and gee it makes a hell of a mess Yes I agree and also scary to think in a 40 degree day she may of dug all the water out. Have put other containers around but she does the same to all of them
  2. yes you may be right there. We have recently adopted ourselves a 13 week old kitten which im sure the puppy thinks is vermin, she reacts quite odley high pitch barking, jumping at the window, I dont trust her with it, however she loves our older cat to bits, licks her and waggs her tail, more than she does us really.
  3. Our water bowl is plastic and she does it until there is no more water, however she seems to do it more when your lookn than when your not
  4. I have to say she doesnt get out that much however she does have the company of another JR he is 8 years old and they run around our large back yard full pelt its great to watch em. I find with the water bowl thing it seems to happen more when we go outside and take notice of her more then when we arnt watching, same as the tail chasing.
  5. Hi, I have a 8mth old female Jack Rusell, who doesnt like to be patted or strocked. Scrapes out all the water in her water bowl and trieds to eat the waves she creates. Runs around in cirlces chasing and growling at her tail.( she doesnt have fleas). Just to name a few things. Please help
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