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Everything posted by Bubitty

  1. Yes! All the time! Whenever they do me a favour! I sometimes drop food and will say “Clean up on aisle three please”. I thank them once they clean up. Bubby also barks to alert people approaching the house. I always say “Thank you darling, that will be enough for now”
  2. Both! I like to break up their day and let them see something besides the house and the yard!
  3. Bubby holds on all day. I was not comfortable doing this at first but Bubby loves to live inside and used to cry at the back door when I tried to send him out in the morning. He has lived like this for 4 years now and he loves it! He has the run of the whole house. I leave out a towel for him to toilet on if I think he is not feeling well and this generally only happens once or twice a yr.
  4. A few years ago I got a puppy which I returned after a few days. I just could not bond with this puppy, found everything to be a trial and just felt overwhelmed by everything. In hindsight I was just not ready for this puppy. He was a puppy that I had picked out myself and I got first pick of the litter. I did not like this poor puppy. I felt that it was inferior to my older dog and there was this overwhelming feeling that I just wanted my life to “reset” and be like it was before this puppy came along. Two years later I got Bitty who was/is the light of my life! She was a crazy, madcap, bull in a china shop pup. VERY different to the kind of dog I thought I would like and the complete opposite to my older dog who I have on a pedestal! In fact my breeder picked her out for me and I was not very keen with her pick but went along with it anyway. I fell head over heels in love with her when she came home! It’s so hard to explain but while she is full of “antics” and silliness, everything she did was perfect in my eyes! I really don’t know what to say. Maybe I wasn’t ready back then or maybe I hadn’t found the right puppy.
  5. Hi Guys We are looking to buy new dog beds for the kids! Can anyone tell me the difference between Snooza Cuddler, picnic cuddler and town and country cuddler? Which one is the best and snuggliest? Many Thanks
  6. Really depends on the dog and what he/she can tolerate. Some dogs cant handle bones at all and will get diarrhoea. My kids enjoy: chicken frames, lamb neck, lamb ribs, whole brisket (not the bone only but whole meaty brisket with bone), veal neck, beef neck bones
  7. Bitty was born to cuddle! She was always the puppy that would sleep on top of other puppies all snuggled in! She is always cuddling up to someone in our family and even poor Bubby who is not a natural cuddler must cuddle with her! He often has this trapped look when she is asleep on him! Bitty loves any sort of personal contact or touch! She LOVES putting her head on our laps or lying on her back nuzzled into our laps! Bubby has learned to be more cuddly over the years. I do think he does it because I like it and Bitty likes it but his is a more understated love! Its interesting because both Bitty's mother and grandma are MASSIVE cuddlers! They were very much like her. Bubby's mum is more dignified and he reminds me of her! Its a quiet dignified love! Not so much a "I must lie on you and wriggle" love!
  8. Oh you soooo should have another one Dee!!! You have a lovely home for one!!!! I honestly was sure that Bubby loved being an only dog and he did but he LOVES his Bitty even more!!!! We have all the love in the world, but just not the room. I'm looking further afield for a new house now so we can get a bigger yard... One day... OH has said that one day when we sort out our house and what we want to do with our lives, we may head down to the path of 4 goldens! He kinda wents nuts after Bitty!!!!
  9. Oh you soooo should have another one Dee!!! You have a lovely home for one!!!! I honestly was sure that Bubby loved being an only dog and he did but he LOVES his Bitty even more!!!!
  10. Hmm not sure about depression but Bubby went through a similar phase. He seemed fine but there was a lot of sleeping and sitting around. The only thing he really got excited about were his two walks a day. I don't think he was depressed but just that life was fairly mellow and the same. I changed this by introducing a Bitty into his life and now he has a complete new lease on life over the past two years. He is busy in all his antics with her and much more lively and active. I am not saying get another dog but maybe introduce some kind of "Action" into his life? Maybe a new sport or activity to pursue?
  11. I have two goldens and they adore each other! I actually have put in a lot of steps to separate them and make sure they can each function separately on their own but they just absolutely adore each other! They can share bones, eat dinner right next to each other, share toys etc. Everything they do feels like a team effort to score more food or toys. When one gets a toy the first thing they do is run to find the other one so they can start a game. Bubby lets Bitty get away with anything and everything, although when Bubby does want something all Bitty needs is a glance from him and she will sit obediently and let him have his way. This happens about 3 times a yr but I have seen it happen! He is the ultimate leader of her imo! Lets her get away with murder but can call the shots easily if he has to.
  12. Oh wow!!!! Thats fantastic Dee!!!! Bubby tries but I dont think he has the actual skills to catch a rat!!!! You will never have to worry about rodents at home!!!!!
  13. Staffyluv Maybe try this number: Emergency Hours Homebush Monday - Friday 6pm - 8am All weekend : 5pm Friday - 8am Monday CALL : 02 9758 8666 click for location details Baulkham Hills 7 days a week 7pm - 8am All weekend : 7pm Friday - 8am Monday CALL : 02 9639 7744 click for location details Both clinics are open 24 hours on public holidays I know you can't get to them but they can at least give you advice hopefully?
  14. Definitely doable! I have a pig of a puppy who if left to develop based on her own natural tendencies, would probably have stolen everything off the older boy! But she has been trained now that when she finishes dinner, she must line up at the back door and wait for Mummy who will ensure “good” things happen to her! So no matter what, she lines up and waits like a little trooper!
  15. Completely unacceptable in my house! Similar rules here as although I find them to be very different in personalities, they both seem to behave in relatively similar ways.
  16. alright guv! I've got one - $1000,000 and she's yours I very much doubt you have THIS puppy :
  17. Got mine from the same registered breeder. Bubby was at a bargain bin price! Breeder just wanted to find someone who would spoil him and be his slave! He was 11 months old, beautiful (with the perfect muzzle/face that I love in a golden), toilet trained, lead trained, didn’t chew, didn’t bark. He was a great beginner’s dog! Bitty was normal price for the breed at the time. I think price has gone up now. She is my perfect little puppy! Sunshine and rainbows! Delightful, amazing little thing who is everything she should be and more! I’d be happy to pay any amount to have the same kind of experience again!
  18. I also think they have a good memory. I often buy Bubby yum cha as take away but sometimes I don't give him all of it. Everytime he has yum cha and sees me put the box in the fridge, later on he will take me to the fridge and look at me expectantly. I often try to offer him other things to throw him off but he will keep urging me until I give him his remaining yum cha! When there is no yum cha he doesn't ever walk me to the fridge.
  19. All my gatherings are held at my house where the dogs rule so no one can complain and if they do, they get uninvited!
  20. Oh they have adorable faces Tapua!!!!! I am a sucker for a nice head!!!!
  21. What do you mean by connection? Do you love him? Bubby is my soulmate. I could sit on a porch and grow old with him forever and ever. He understands me and reads me like a book. When I need a pick me up, I turn to Bubby who always seems to understand. He trusts me and I am his go to person. I am "Mummy". Bitty, I don't have a mental connection and she has always loved OH more but she makes my heart sing! She is my baby, my little prodigy, my picture perfect dog! I absolutely adore her and sometimes on our walks, when she struts around on lead looking so divine that I stop in the middle of the street and mooch over how wonderful she is. But we don't have moments like I do with the Bubby!
  22. Nope! Not free range at all, eat whatever is yummy to me. These things don’t phase me! I would and do eat free range if it tasted better but not if I don’t particularly care for the taste (I find free range chicken chewy!). Dogs eat human grade food, non free range. I buy whatever I think is suited to them during the week. They way I see it, I am a firm believer in fate! Bitty just happens to be lucky she was born a Bitty and is my beloved. So she will eat other animals lower on the food chain and so be it!
  23. Bubby LOVES to watch Bitty train! We train in the lounge room or yard. Bubby has his spot where he sits and watches his Bitty perform. He looks like he is watching a show to me. And when we are done he will wander off to do other things but will remain watching while we are still training.
  24. I used to prefer male dogs until I got Bitty who is the darlingest of all darlings!!!!!! She is a menace but oh so utterly charming she makes all our hearts sing and we are all obsessed with her (even Bubby loves her best)! So I am aiming for a dog like this in general! Not really fussed on female or male!
  25. Hehehe poor Charlie! Although must admit it is kinda funny! We were always locking Bitty in the study by accident cuz she ninjas in without us noticing so we have now put a rope for her to open the door herself.
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