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Everything posted by Bubitty

  1. Hehe glad you enjoy them! I try and post them in this thread whenever something comes up! Something usually always does! :laugh:
  2. MrB has been at it again! A few weeks ago I was observing Bitty's nose. I commented "She's very pretty but I think she has a slightly pug nose compared to the Bubby" MrB "Don't you dare diss her looks! You wished you looked as good as her!!!!" ______________________________________________________________________________________ Last weekend he also mowed a "B" into our lawn. He claims it was a gesture for me as my initial is a B but many of my friends think the B stands for "Bitty" ______________________________________________________________________________________ Also last weekend I had a new dress on. MrB kindly took a few snapshots of me as I like to take pictures of myself in new clothes. Earlier that day he had taken pictures of the Bitty at the park. Later while sorting through his pictures MrB asked me "I have sent you these pictures so I am going to delete them ok?" He proceeded to delete my pics, stumbled onto Bitty's pics which were next on the reel and exclaimed "Oh isn't she just gorgeous? I am saving these!" Bastard! :laugh:
  3. Boarding Kennel! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the boarding Kennel I use. To be honest I feel like its more of a holiday for them rather than "being kennelled". And this is coming from someone who is quite paranoid and nutty about my dogs and their welfare!
  4. We walk in rain, hail, shine or dark. Our only exception is severe lightening and thunder of if we think branches may fall off the trees. We figure orphaned dogs are worse than dogs that have missed one walk!
  5. :rofl: That is so cute!!!! MrB does tummy crunches and Bitty is always there to give him a kiss on his way up!
  6. I have a definate five other breeds that I love but I'm a wuss so will spend the rest of my life owning goldens! Plus MrB is a very intense and mad golden fan so I don't see him ever agreeing to anything else!
  7. I feel utterly sorry for any pet or future pets that come under your care who 'just don't cut it' ie aren't wanted anymore. People that see pets as disposable items make me physically ill. Your poor darling rotti girl, I'd be interested to hear exactly why she wasn't wanted anymore Umm I am familiar with Tarope's posts and I'm sure he/she was only being sarcastic!
  8. I can relate to how you feel. I've sort of gone on and off this product! It does work wonders for us but I am extremely suspicious of it and MrB thinks its the devil! I also find that if I don't use comfortis, a capstar every week during summer keeps the fleas at bay.
  9. Bonniek it does get better after the first time. That said I only use it once every two or three months in the hotter months. IMO you don't need to use it every month. Try and fed them on a full belly during a time when you can watch them for at least eight hours.last time I did it they had breakfast, comfortis, and then a small snack every hour after that for four hours.they were a tad more quiet than usual but no throwing up. The snacks seemed to stabilise their bellies.
  10. No advice but you have the most beautiful labs Tapua!!!!! Everytime I see them I think how gorgeous they are!!!!
  11. Three weeks. As much as I love the kids, I also love my holidays and taking a break from walking, wiping paws, cleaning up fur, trimming nails etc. Does me a world of good to feel footloose and doggy free sometimes! I do miss them heaps when we are away but I definately enjoy myself! :laugh:
  12. YES!!!!! I refer to them as my kids, children, babies etc
  13. We were so cross one night when he went out to toilet and came back like this: However despite being super cross, we could not help ourselves but ran for the camera! An another of a recent rainy night!
  14. Mine are loose inside, usually at the front door waiting for me to come home with groceries so they can demand their present! :laugh:
  15. No ... you and she missed NOTHING , IMO - working together, communicating, achieving, learning and sharing experience is more valuable than gratuitous cuddles and admiration ;) :) Quite possibly :) ..as it should be . I often wonder Persephone how much is nature and how much is nurture. Was I lucky. Is she just good?Bitty is a pig of a dog but I have been known to give her roast in a bowl, an unclear command to eat only to walk back a few mins later to find her looking very tormented at me and at the bowl still waiting for my command to eat. She automatically scurries to her mat when I fry foods because we spent months on this as a puppy. Pick up the clicker and my happy go lucky dog gets all serious and sits in front of me waiting for me to ask for something. I must admit with her I feel like a solid foundation has made the world of difference but then she is only one dog.I'd love to raise a few more and see how things turn out!
  16. My ex puppy (hehe I say ex cuz she's a big girl now!) was raised military style. I took two weeks off with her but that was mainly to give myself time to sleep in the day because I was toilet training her (luckily she was a good holder and I had to wake her up and put her out as opposed to her waking me so she slept through the night after a few days). We had a routine which started very very early in the morning, trick training, morning observation of the world, trick training and then she was pretty much left outside in a safe environment (with appropriate treats) for hours while I went inside with the big dog. At around five pm or so we did trick training again, lead training, observation of the world (gradually turned into small basic walks), play, more tricks, learning to be calm (While I made dinner she sat on her mat), outside with her dinner while I ate dinner, learning to be calm, cuddle time, more tricks and then bed (in a crate). This continued for probably 6 months even when I was back at work. I think she was too busy/exhausted to feel anxious or get up to anything! Her only rest time was when I was not there so she always slept! I am of two minds about this method. On one hand in worked a treat and she grew up to be divine and is everything we could ask for. Her record of destruction over her entire life has been................6 tissues! That's it!!! That's all she ever destroyed! She doesn't bark, I can call her off a bird while she is chasing it etc. However I do feel like I missed out on lavishing over her gorgeousness! So much of her youth was spent doing "appropriate" things, I wish I remembered the puppy cuddles more! But then I don't know how she would have turned out! I feel that she is quite an energetic nutter of a dog but yet, she has wonderful self control! I wonder if she would have been norty if I hadn't been so firm with her in her youth! The good thing is that I spoil her rotten now and it doesn't affect her one bit! :D
  17. Bitty likes everyone so is not a particularly good judge of character! :laugh: She even tried to make friends with a group of dubious looking youths! I think the more dubious they are, the more determined she is to be buddies!
  18. Oh that newfie is divine!!!!! The golden was a bit neurotic and whiny sounding though!!!!! Not at all like a Bitty :D
  19. Dont fret. Usually the deal has to expire before you get your voucher and then there is normally a one week period before you can book (it should say on the voucher when you can start ordering tags)
  20. What a gorgeous thread!!!! I'll start off with Bitty as her pictures are easier to access: 6 weeks: 8 weeks: Ten weeks: 16 weeks: One year old: Now (2.5 years old):
  21. Exactly right. There have to be boundaries with children otherwise they would be called spoilt brats. The same goes for dogs, and for that matter cats too. My dogs are very well loved, and a very big part of our family and lives but they are dogs. Does that mean that we love them any less and are bad, because we don't give in to their every whim. Of course it doesn't. Yup and just because a dog gets what they want does not mean they are unruly or bad dogs or have owners who don't attend to their doggy needs. :D Well, I'm not saying that at all, but dogs are lower on the hierarchy ladder than most humans and should be treated like dogs. I am not saying they are unruly or bad for that matter, I honestly prefer that they are treated accordingly, and I don't mean mistreated or totally ignored either. My boys sleep up on our couch, have the run of the entire house and, dare I say, sleep in our bed when we choose but they do not dictate to us at their whim. I just tell them to leave it, or to go away, and off they go, without a second thought. My husband and I are still above them in status and they know and actually accept this. They probably like the guidance. I don't think a dog asking for a cookie and getting it means the dog rules the house hold. It wants a treat, it gets a treat. Another time it may not get a treat. Life moves on. It does not mean that the dog is the ruler of the house hold or that it doesn't get treated like a dog. Since when did treating a dog like a dog mean that you couldn't give it what it wants? But my main gripe is why people feel it is ok and perfectly acceptable to say "Well your dog rules the household" or "Well we know who's boss" to someone who is spoiling their dog. I find it extremely rude. There would be uproar if I said to someone "Just give your dog a cookie/game etc, why are you so nasty to it?" or "Why do you need this rule, do you have control issues?" I just think its uncool to make a swipe at someone just because they choose to raise their dog in a certain way. In either direction!
  22. Exactly right. There have to be boundaries with children otherwise they would be called spoilt brats. The same goes for dogs, and for that matter cats too. My dogs are very well loved, and a very big part of our family and lives but they are dogs. Does that mean that we love them any less and are bad, because we don't give in to their every whim. Of course it doesn't. Yup and just because a dog gets what they want does not mean they are unruly or bad dogs or have owners who don't attend to their doggy needs. :D
  23. Have you ever tried just not giving them a cookie to see what happens? If you don't give them a cookie and they exhibit some undesirable behaviour (eg continue to paw, you ignore, they start barking) then I'd say it could be a problem. I often get told my dogs are spoilt (even treated like children) because they eat good quality food, have toys, get walked at least once a day (normally 2), get regular training and go to agility. How on earth is that treating a dog like a child? That is how dogs should be treated IMO. Heheh I DO say no Megan! The tubby one has just asked me for some pound cake. A simple "Later when it cools" and she's off sleeping now. I sometimes wonder if saying yes to the small stuff leads to them being better with the big stuff. They have never hassled me while I eat or when I cook. They sit nicely at a distance and watch. They usually will get a treat when Mummy is done.
  24. I'm exactly the same with Honey too. :D That's because she is generally such a good girl and will not throw a tanty if she doesn't get her way all the time. (IF ONLY my kids were as good! ) BUT... In the case of Evie, my poor troubled previous dog, I absolutely could not behave that way. She needed to have consistently firm boundaries or she would become a real handful. I really noticed if I'd slacked off, her behaviour would take a dive, she'd become pushy, ignore me etc. Not what I needed with 2 small kids and a DA dog. So my belief is that it depends on the dog. I am so much happier with our relaxed way of living with Honey rather than the strict, regimented life we had with Evie. Because of that, I probably do spoil her a little. :D Good point Dee. I think the way I am, I too would find it very hard to have a dog I had to be strict with! That said I have some friends who tell me I expect too much from my two and that I should never get a cat because I am too strict! My way of saying no is to give them a kiss and say "Not now munchkins" and off they go or "Bitty I could feed you this but you'd die and Dada would kill me"! :D
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