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Everything posted by Bubitty

  1. My dog drinks about 1/2 cup of milk every second morning and has no issues at all. He also gets cubes of cheese as a training treat. I think it depends on what your dog’s tummy can handle.
  2. LP I am greedy! Wanted video zoom and pics of Panda Bear! ETA: Hows about one for your dad (the one which is the "pick") and Panda Bear for your mum!!!!!
  3. Just gorgeous!!!! Although I still say....................NOT ENOUGH PANDA BEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. So so so sooooooooooooo gorgeous!!!!! Congratulations! You will have the greatest times together!
  5. Hi There Try not to worry too much. Once a yr my dog will throw up to if he eats something disagreeable. The fact that she ate her breakfast is a good sign. I too have made the mistake of feeding my dog scrambled eggs after an episode of throwing up and diarrhoea (long ago when he was one). Check her this evening and take her to the vet if you are worried. Or is it possible to sneak home a bit early?
  6. Hmm you slot the end part of the spiral in and then you twist and twist and twist. It will then go on but it does fall off down though so you need something (I used thick tape) to stop it from sliding down
  7. Aussie Stafford Generally everyone has their own opinion on what dogs should or shouldn’t eat. If your dog is fit and healthy on his diet and has no health problems I would keep on doing what you are doing. Everyone has their own views! I would NEVER disclose what my Bubby actually eats! I would be flamed to death!
  8. We had our first hotpot this year and this was what I used: One part hydrogen peroxide plus 2 parts methylated spirits mixed together. Apply that to the hot spot (apply it thoroughly, don't be alarmed if it fizzles and froths). Within 24 hours the hot spot had dried up.
  9. Not sure what you want to know but I own a gundog and he is really mild mannered and easy to train. Will do anything he is taught to do as long as he understands what I am trying to teach him. He will perform any command he has already been taught at the drop of a hat. But then again I like to teach silly tricks (such as carrying my clothes for me or packing up his toys) so I am not sure what kind of training you are referring to.
  10. Sus, do I just add the shampoo with a bit of water and lather? Also can some one tell me if Curash is the same as Johnson’s baby powder?
  11. I just stick my tablet in a piece of roasted pumpkin or sweet potato and he gobbles it down.
  12. Prob scratched it somewhere! Bubby has pinky bits on his nose when he has been ratting a bit too enthusiastically (hehehehehe by diving in a bunch of dried twigs)! It will come back to its normal colour!
  13. Have fed pork happily with no ill effects. Mind you my little monster has an iron stomach! Laffi will LOVE the pigs head!!!!!!
  14. Well if you need anymore of the same ones I can mail them up to you! Just let me know!
  15. I have been using them on Midge and they worked wonders ;) I am running low so I can't start Laffi on them. I ordered more on internet though. Midge is a new dog because of these meds and she says or if I had to be honest she says I didnt know you could get them on the net!!! Is it the same brand???? Try them on Laffi as well when you get your hands on them!!!!
  16. How are the pills laffi? Have they worked for you at all???
  17. Thanks for answering my questions guys! Especially PF for the explanation about Gun Dogs! You know so much about them! I bet deep down you are secretly dying to add a goldie to your brood? I was concerned about his peeing and weight but I guess the other stuff is more curiosity. He is my first dog and there are so many things I want to know! I wish I could sit there all day and have someone answer all the questions I have about what he does/doesn't do! I find him fascinating! Tess32: My breeders tell me he is not rare either! Apparently his sister (same litter) goes to work with a solicitor and sits on a mat all day at his feet, looking pleasant as well!
  18. Everyone else’s dog seems to have so much fun chewing and tearing! He seems to spend his days sitting around looking pleasant! I thought his life would be more fun if he chewed on a few toys instead of squeaking them and then stacking them in a pile! I wonder sometimes if he was ever a crazy little puppy who dug, chewed and nipped. Or did he always sit around looking like Ghandi even at 8 weeks!
  19. He gets 2 fish oil tablets a day and 1 zinc tablet as well. Definitely has a waist and ribs can be felt. Am confused about the fat! I read so much stuff about fat causing pancreatis and being the root of all evil and then some ppl say fat is good!!!!! PF: I do enjoy him!!! He’s just so darn perfect I need to make him stay around for as long as I can!!!!! Was going to post about my concern as to why he doesn’t rip his toys (not even the ones with eyes) but I suppose you don’t want to read that!
  20. Hi Folks, Was wondering how often your dogs pee in a day. Am wondering if I should be concerned or not as Bubby seems to only pee in 2 lots a day or 3 at the very most. He pees all over the park on his morning walk. All the days when I am home he does not pee at all for the entire day. Even when we are sitting outside for hours I don’t see him pee. He pees again during his afternoon walk and then once before bed. He is drinking and eating well, solid poos (only twice a day though). Lots of energy, nothing I can see which may be a problem but am sort of worried as I expect dogs to pee more. Should I get him checked out just in case or am I being paranoid? Another thing is that he tends to be a bit on the thin side. Last weigh in at the vet was 27 kgs but he looks even leaner these days. I think he has a decent diet and gets plenty to eat but is lean. He has lots of muscle (confirmed by vet and breeder, plus you can see his muscles) but generally looks a lot thinner these days than most other goldies I see. He eats: Morning 1 large kongful of RC in the morning, 1 chicken carcass (or 7 necks), 1 novelty treat (one of these things: homemade biscuit, pigs ear – maximum only twice a week, few pieces of cheese, grilled chicken breast etc) Dinner 2 carcasses or a mush meal (approx 500g – mince, sardines, eggs, pureed veggies) or a lamb neck sometimes he will get another meaty bone at night About 4 times a week he will get an after dinner treat as well. Usually a lean piece of cooked meat or fish we save him from dinner (always lean and nothing fried). Should he be eating more? Also should add that I trim off all the fat off his bones. For eg, the lambs neck is covered with fat but I cut it all off.
  21. Hi LenLen would you be able to drive to Peakhurst? There is a WONDERFUL obedience club there which I can tell you more about if you can make it there. They used to meet at 3 pm every Saturday afternoon (they are on summer break now).
  22. I play tug of war with Bubby all the time and have no problems. I don't think he really wants the toy though. I think its just something we pick up and use for tug. I always drop the toy first but he spits out the toy straight after I drop it and will come sit next to me.
  23. It definitely looks like something Bubby had last year. He started with tiny red postules, which turned into little scabby dots afterwards. He was itchy and agitated. We went to a chinese herbal store and got some chinese pills for him which worked wonders.
  24. So happy for you Newnewf!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! cheer: Looks like you're all on track!!!!! Now we really need more piccies of him please!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  25. Quick question, my Bubby used to be totally non focused and used to stare off into the distance at Obedience (while dropping to the ground)? With all the tips I got from the instructors (hehehehe got myszka a few times! She’s not evil at all despite the rumors!!!!!), I managed to train him to “focus” and “ignore” every time I ask. Would you say that was training him or managing his tendency to drift off? Also have managed to get him to “ignore” cats!!! Yay!!!! One walked by the other day, right in front of his nose and……………..ta da! No pulling or anything! He walked nicely like a civilised little dog! Again is this training him to ignore cats or just to manage his desire to run off and chase them?
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