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Everything posted by Bubitty

  1. I usually line up 5 toys so she does them one after another as I send her off. So you reckon its ok to increase speed and just do 5 rounds? With the diagram, the weaving things I use are already planted in the ground (at the dog park). Hmm but in your diagram does this mean that she would just run straight though those poles through the grassy strip in the middle?
  2. Stagger them: (edited to remove pictogram that didn't work) What is staggering? I'm not making her run through them or anything. I feel so guilty now! I didnt even teach her to increase her speed when she fetches toys for me because I was worried about her running even though people tell me the object is to get the dog to run out really fast and bring the toy/thing back really fast.
  3. Don't worry, they are much stricter on checking ID to buy ciggies or booze these days. You'll be fine so long as you guard your own stash. I only recall my dogs getting better at adolescence. Until then it was all chewing and piddling on the carpet, even the odd smashed window. All got better when they got lanky. Well she’s very lanky now and I think she’s really sweet and requires less supervision. Mind you I really miss my fluffy, brainless, piddling little fluffball!!!!
  4. OMG TSD I didn’t know that!!!! I thought walking through poles in a zig zag was harmless!!!! Yipes! I’ll stop then! Bitty is actually better than Bubby in terms of chewing. Bubby will chew and take the face off all toys given to him (which is fine as this is why I buy them) but Bitty hasn’t even wrecked any of her toys! All the toys she accumulated since puppyhood are perfectly in tact (LOL only rain damage as she likes to sneak them outside).
  5. Cripes this thread has scared me witless now!!!!!! Currently Bit Bit is like: Halllooo Mum! What can I do mum? Sitting and ready mum! What do you want me to do mum? Wotcha want? Wotcha want? I’m sitting!!!! Waiting for instructions mum!!!!! I don’t want my darling puppy to turn nooooooooorty!!!!!!!! *wails* LOL I have started to teach her to weave through poles at the park just to test her focus outside cuz I’m all paranoid now!
  6. Well we’ll just have to wait and see Arty! I’ll give you a running update the moment she wrecks one of my beloved dresses! Bubby was 11 months when he came to me and he was great! Not even a smidgen of feralness! Mind you when he turned about 2 he became like REALLY saintly so I think Bubby at 11 months was “feral” but it was *his* version of feral!
  7. Thanks guys! I will stock up on lots of hard liquor and chamomile tea and wait it out!!!! And to think I was sooooooo happy these last few weeks cuz I could finally trust her more!!!!!
  8. Ellz!!!!!!! Ohh noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!! Now you’ve managed to give me a good fright! So what basics did you do? Was this just for the house training or with everything else too?I want to be armed with as much info as possible! Do you just wait it out and continue with normal boundaries or is there anything special you need to do?
  9. Hehehe thanks! That makes much more sense. I can imagine her becoming a tad off and us having to work more or me having to brush up on my training skills but I seriously was wondering how a normal pup would suddenly lose the plot and go on a rampage! I am fascinated with this next stage. I wonder how I will compare it to the crazy puppy stage. I did think the crazy puppy stage was quite exhausting so I’m wondering if I will find this stage worse cuz the crazy pup stage was just…..nuts!!!!!! ETA: Did you notice it gradually SBT123 or did it hit more abruptly? We are right on the dot at 7.5 months so I am waiting with baited breath!
  10. So it’s not a situation where a puppy who has been trained with clear boundaries from day dot suddenly wakes up and goes haywire. Is it more then that they could be a little more “ratbaggy” but if you can see it and work on it then they won’t go off the rails? The comments I keep getting from ppl seem to imply that she’ll just wake up and all my training will suddenly go POOF and she’ll just go nuts for no reason.
  11. Is there an age where puppies suddenly go off the rails? I have been told by a few ppl that my pup will go bad and not to be shocked when she does. I was told that pups are rarely destructive up until 6 months of age and then they may start to rip up stuff. I have found my girl has mellowed down after turning 6 months. Less crazy puppy zooming fits with bulging eyes! I have also been told that a lot of pups get rehomed before 9 months of age cuz they reach their terrible age at around this age. Is this true? Not that I plan to part with my girl under any circumstances but I am wondering how much truth is in this? She’s the sweetest little thing. Is she just going to wake up one day and go off the rails??? Seems illogical to me!
  12. Hehehe about time you got number two eh TSD Ohh forgot to mention that she managed to do spin, round and shame at breeders! I didn't dare ask her to retrieve cuz she was sooo excited when I dropped her off!
  13. Yup! They were definately overjoyed to be home despite having a ball there. We have one attached to each of us! Surprisingly my breeders looked a bit sad seeing my two brats off! I would have thought they'd be thrilled to get rid of them finally!
  14. YAY!!!! We are back! The kids are back and immaculately groomed as well bless my breeders! Bit Bit had a blast! Apparently she spent her days zooming and socialising with her brother stepping in to assit her whenever the big dogs tried to teach her manners! ;) Someone forgot to tell my baby not to grow while I was away!!!!! She has grown so much in the past few weeks!!!!!! All her puppy fluff is gone!!!!! She still had bits of puppy fluff when I dropped her off! Looking like a grown girl now! :D ETA: OMG That is the cutest pic Krankypuss! Such a cool combo of friends all hanging out!!!!! Which ones are yours?
  15. Since thread is all over the place anyway I MUST post pics of the little miss who is in the middle of all this! My gorgeous kids! Itty Bitty
  16. I'm sorry I was snarky back! Hope your week gets better!
  17. I think, based on the puppy I know and have spent hours training that she will perform. If she does, I will squeal with glee and rave about it to the OH on the way home. If she doesn't, I'll laugh, give her a cuddle and laugh some more at my over ambitious expectations. Lighten up people!!!!! ETA: So it makes sense!
  18. I can't think of a worse time/place to ask her Bub. She'll be excited, you'll be anxious. Leave till when you get back. Seriously, if you think you're going to be a bit of a mess, don't go. Get your OH to drop the dogs off. She's a happy, well behaved puppy and she's going to do a few fun tricks to show off to her breeders? Errr what exactly is the problem with that? What did you think I would do? Beat her with a broom if she can't do her tricks? Lock her in the closet? Sell her into slavery??? ;) I just think you're being very over the top, the poor puppy will be excited and super busy thinking about all these exciting dogs and new surroundings... You didn't answer my question either Why should I? Mind your own business
  19. She's a happy, well behaved puppy and she's going to do a few fun tricks to show off to her breeders? Errr what exactly is the problem with that? What did you think I would do? Beat her with a broom if she can't do her tricks? Lock her in the closet? Sell her into slavery???
  20. She was so cute and chubby and just a wee Bit when we got her so the name Bit Bit just stuck. She’s also known as TidBit 50% of the time! And when I’m displeased with her she is “Baaaaaad Bitty!!!!”
  21. OMG OMG OMG What perfect and beautiful babies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GORGEOUS!!!! Made my day!!!!! Can I ask what you mean by “lemon” colour? I have never heard of the term before.
  22. That happened when i went away on my cruise, mum was going away the same weekend i left for the cruise and we were having friends come and house/pet sit for us. I left a list for my mum to print off and it explained everything to our friends. Well my unreliable mum didnt print it off and the dogs food all got muddled up. 10 days later i hear the stories of how fat Ramses was and how Teddy (the goat) was let run wild ( he was only a baby then) and that Sasha got fed the wrong food. To say I was not happy with my mum for not printing the list was an understatememt!!!!!!!!!! Needless to say next time we went away I left the dogs and the cat at work (boarding kennels) and will be doing that from now on I’m lucky cuz the kids are on the same breeder prescribed diet so no issues with food! Believe it or not I actually have NO instruction lists!!!!
  23. Yep she will. think about the weekly routine you have at home then think about how you break that routine when you go on holiday, then you have to readjust when you get back home but it's not hard for you, right? It'll be just the same for her. Pooches will have a holiday and so will you. You'll be right, bub. Now for the important question - where are you going? scratch that - now I know all I can say is you'll have such a great time you wont have 5 seconds to stress about Bit Bit. Seasons Greetings to you, bub. Have a great holiday. Thanks Razzle!!!!!!!! Everytime I eat fish sauce over there, I will think of you
  24. I can't think of a worse time/place to ask her Bub. She'll be excited, you'll be anxious. Leave till when you get back. Seriously, if you think you're going to be a bit of a mess, don't go. Get your OH to drop the dogs off. Nah, she should be fine. We’ve done a lot of work in public and I’ve even had little kids yell and wave at us while she works just to make sure she can do it under strange circumstances! She’s a performer my girl! ETA: Plus I have to be there to spy on her litter sister and see whether my little girl is as pretty!!!!
  25. Thanks guys!!!!! Feeling a lot calmer! It will be a great social event for her so I do know its good for her but being the crazy nutso mum I can’t help but twitch! More than anything I think I worry about whether she will be able to settle back home with me just like before she left. We have such a nice routine now, breaking routine always worries me! Bubby’s been there and back 1000000 times so I have no qualms about him. We are brushing up on tricks furiously now as I have spent last few months raving about her abilities to them!!!!! She soooo needs to perform when we get down there!!!!!!!!
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