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Everything posted by Bubitty

  1. Awwww what a gorgeous girl!!!! I say more puppy photos Monelite!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  2. I am starting to wonder about this heart dog business. A while back, before the Bouncing Bitty came into my life I would swear black and blue that Bubby was the one for me and no one would ever live up to him. I’ve always revered him and felt undeserving of the wondrous Bubby. One day madcap Bitty enters my life and over the past few months I have felt very fickle and foolish over my relationship with my dogs. I don’t revere Bitty but I just love her! I love her more than I could ever have imagined. Even my friends are a bit shocked by how much I love her as a few were worried that she would never live up to Bubby in my eyes. She’s my fun loving silly little girl who makes me smile! Sunshine and rainbows that one! So I wonder if this fickleness means that I haven’t really met my heart dog yet!
  3. Sorry to disappoint Bubby KNOWS THE TRICKS! he has been well rewarded by sitting, he knows darn well what you're cooking, and he knows when you are likely to feed him treats !!! Nothing gentlemanly about it, sorry---- he just was waiting for something better than a dollop of icing on the floor :p Ahh well! I suppose he deserves that cookie if that was his line of thought! My poor Bitty! Icing off the floor!
  4. Yup with Bitty, not ye old Bubby though! I guess ultimately it doesnt matter who is ranked higher I am just really curious so hoping you guys can give me some tips to watch out for signs. Purely to satisfy my curiosity!
  5. Oh we do that heaps! We scatter meat for them sometimes in the yard as a treat and they have to use their noses to find it. I always thought icing was more valued in my house which is why the icing incident surprised me.
  6. Yup! He hear's the rats and nudges her to follow him! I didnt think that was an indication though! I figure he just wanted to rat hunt with a buddy! I think its the little things that make me wonder. Like yesterday I dropped passionfruit icing on the floor. They both ran over and then stopped and no one would lick the icing. So I was like "One of you clean it up please.". Nothing happened for a few seconds and then Bitty moved in to lick the icing. Bubby just sat in front of me, giving me a huge smile so I have him a cookie for being a gentleman! Then they both trotted off after Bitty was done licking all the icing. I always thought one of them would muscle in and nab the icing before the other!
  7. Vickie I do see your point. So they could both be behaving because they don’t want to get into “trouble” with Momma (hehehe Me)?
  8. Hmm that makes sense. So basically I have not hit a point where either dog has found anything worth vying for? I always leave Bitty home with a giant bone. I come home in the afternoon, let Bubby out into the yard with her. Bitty finds her old trotter/bone and carries it around, throws it in the air. Bubby looks interested in it but doesn’t do anything and goes to ask to be let inside again. Does this mean he doesn’t want the trotter enough? I guess what confuses me is that Bubby ADORES bones and trotters and gets mega excited when I give them to him. What you are saying makes total sense but I cant imagine him not wanting the bone that she is parading around. Can I assume that despite me observing that he LOVES bones, he doesn’t love them *that* much?
  9. Hi Folks Just curious so I thought I'd start a discussion! I only have two dogs so its not really a "multiple" dog household per say. Anyways, lately I have been observing my two dogs and trying to work out which one is higher ranked. I have Bubby who is 4 yrs old and Bitty who is 9 months old. Bitty is a small dog, looks very much like a puppy and Bubby could theoretically thump her if he wanted to take stuff off her or send her a msg. Thing is Bubby is very zen. Lets her have her way and has never ever told her off. I have been watching them play lots. Bitty is a banshee and bounces all over him. I notice that Bubby is always rolling over on his back when he plays with her. When she was a much younger puppy, he would stop playing with her and walk away if she got too rowdy, shed start howling/crying and then hed walk back to her, lie down and let her resume jumping all over him. They can share a big bone (I only let them eat the same bone when I am in the same room as them) and are very casual as far as food is concerned. They line up very politely for their food and treats. They both like to claim the sleeping spot in front of my bedroom and its a case of first in first served. If Bubby gets the spot Bitty goes somewhere else but if Bubby leaves the spot, Bitty dashes for it, vice versa. So I guess my question is, can you have a situation where there is not higher dog? Or are there subtle things I am not seeing?
  10. No flames from me! No collars at home at all in my house either! Also started lead and collar training after the second day Bitty came home and have never had an issue with her and her collar. She lines up to have it put on because it means walkies or visits to peoples homes!
  11. Hi BBB! I got up every 2 hours for about 3 nights! A lot of the times she was fast asleep so I just carried her out and woke her up. By the fourth night I let her sleep until 5 am and she never woke so I woke her up at 5am. About 10 days into it she was sleeping from 10pm to 6am. Train him to sit on a mat BBB! Just get him to sit on a mat quietly and feed him at 30 sec interval, then 1 min, 1.5 min, 2 min and so on. It helps for a calm pup later on! I swear by it! Heheeh you’ll have to practise multi tasking! At one stage I was whipping egg whites and teaching her to stay put on her mat! If you have access to him during the day also start clicker training and teach him to focus. I find that by teaching a lot of commands it helps with their self control later on when they grow up. Just do sit, stand, paw etc and do 5 min session as regularly as you can. It really knackers them out! Also agree with mumsy about doing what works for YOU! We will all give you all sorts of tips and advice but every pup is different and everyone’s lifestyle is different!
  12. ;) Thinking of you Charleswentworth.
  13. Awwww he is just the sweetest!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Newfsie what breed is Tessa? I know Annabelle and Katy are newfies but Tessa remains a mystery and its driving me nuts!!!!
  15. Labsrule you’ve just made me cry. I’m so sorry you lost your boy. One of the most endearing things about Bitty is that I don’t think there is much in life that she minds or doesn’t like.
  16. They do all come in all sizes!!! that one wasn't the smallest size either.. OMG I wish I had one for the each of the kids! Since their mother is Viet, they should all wear rice paddy hats!!!! Good luck with Charlie! Keep us updated on his progress.
  17. Oh he is just DIVINE!!!!!!!!!!!! SO SO SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!! How is he coming along these days charleswentworth in terms of his health?
  18. Completely agree with Serket about the fact that locking him outside when fun things happen, makes him even more excitable when he is let inside. I took the easy road and put my pup outside continuously because she was too hyper and frankly I couldn’t handle it! The result was that she was bouncing off the walls whenever I let her inside. So I buckled down, put up with the bounciness and trained her that being calm inside earns MANY rewards and that being inside was no big deal and quite “ordinary”. Basically I would do several sessions a day where I would make her sit on a mat and feed her. I’d make her sit for longer and longer and feed her. I would let her hang out with me in the house and whenever she was settled and sitting peacefully I’d come over and pat her and shove treats at her. I’d cook in the kitchen, have her next to me, and when she found a corner to plonk down and was calm and just watching me, she’d get praise and food. It was quite exhausting and a lot of work and you feel like you lose your normal life to them but at 8.5 months I now have a golden puppy that I can trust completely inside. She is naturally a very bouncy and exuberant pup, but she finds it within herself to remain calm and does not steal or do anything she shouldn’t. I know that at some stages it feels like they are just feral and impossible but they do settle down! There is a calm, well mannered adult in there somewhere! We just need to teach them! Good luck!
  19. OMG I LOVE that pic of him in the rice paddy hat charleswentworth!!!!!!!!!! Can you post a bigger pic???
  20. I am loving all the pics!!!!! I think we need a pic of all the overly cheerful dogs on here!
  21. Darn!!! Should have just stayed silent! *runs off to hide before Leopuppy finds this thread and reads my responses!* ETA: Aiii! Bad grammar as well!
  22. FTPO: Lughie sounds exactly like Bitty! I think she walks around with a permanent: “Good day to you! I am enjoying life! Are you? You ought to be!!! SQUEEEEEEEEEEE!!!! It’s nice to be a Bitty!!!!!!!! That’s me!!!! Squeeeeeeeeeeee”
  23. Ohh I have heard of Merle borders but never seen one! Julesp has a sable one as well!!!!!! I think the Tri Aussies (black and white with reddy bits) are the ones that can look a bit like BCs but they always have reddy bits! That’s how I recognise them! Hehehe I should probably stop now at the risk of offending owners of both breeds!
  24. I think, and dont quote me, the Aussies have reddy brown bits on them whereas the borders are black and white!!!!
  25. She’s only 8.5 months so that’s why I thought it was a puppy thing!
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