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Everything posted by Bubitty

  1. I buy all my treats here: http://www.australianpettreatcompany.com.a...pet-treats.html
  2. mgeyer as a besotted owner of two goldens I want to give you a big for taking this boy in. As GR has said, sort out his health first and then some gentle training. He will flourish under your care I am sure. They are very gentle easy going dogs who really flourish with a bit of kindness.
  3. For the "puppy refuses to move" situation, the best thing for me was to ask her to do her already known commands and reward her for them. I find that it perks her up, makes her all jolly and then I issue the command "walk" and she will start walking happy as a clam, thinking it was all a set of training exercises.
  4. I think education is helpful but I think if someone buys a dog with the best of intentions, then they will educate themselves and work out what is needed by the dog eventually. I don’t think you can ever educate people who have questionable intentions/motives from the start.
  5. Don’t wait until you pop off C! Send em down now!!!!!
  6. Don't show ME that little one!!! I have mentioned getting another dog in passing, just to test the waters, but judging by the "NO WAY" and the black look, the conversion is by no means far enough for that!! :D Persevere Dee! OH was like that, thought life was nice with Bubby and was always proclaiming how easy it was with just one dog. Now he has these conversations about hypothetical wormholes that send through five Bitties and how he would keep them all because Bitties can’t possible live without their Daddies. ;)
  7. Watch out Dee! Those goldens are husband stealers! OH has gone from being supportive about the dogs and helping out with them to sporting his very own itunes play list with songs dedicated to the Bitty. I used to get all the song dedications! Now every new song that is released he sings and dedicates to that blond wench I brought home
  8. Could it be that you have trained her that this is the way to get attention? Bitty gets food by offering me objects. When I cook something she DESPEREATELY wants she will go and offer me object after object. It is so cute she always gets her food. Sometimes the food takes long to cook so I end up with a mountain of objects as she has hunted through and offered me every single of her belongings. Last night she wanted crispy chicken and tried so hard! In the end it took so long she hauled herself off to a little corner looking ever so despondent and forlorn! She could hardly believe it when I finally emerged with chicken and a big kiss for her! Bubby...............just whinges. I don’t let him bark but he constantly amazes me by the vast array of noises he can make to bypass the no barking rule!
  9. What tricks does your dog do ? The basics (sit, stay etc) Left paw Right paw Stand on three legs Play drums Say your prayers Open doors Close cupboards Fetch Pick up all toys in yard and hand to me one by one Hold an object until I tell her to release Follow me side by side while holding an object Find specific object which I hide in yard Shy Play dead Bow Back up Crawl Take off my socks Take off my hat Kiss weave Spin Beg Dribble a ball Why did you teach that trick/those tricks in particular? I teach ticks because we both have fun and I don’t know what else to teach her! It is nice to teach a trick, feed her lots, tell her how wonderful and amazing she is and then have a good giggle or cuddle in between. Was it something your dog gravitated naturally toward? Yup! I don’t even know how I teach her things half the time. She figures it out somehow and helps me along, bless her! I don’t teach Bubby because he is not naturally inclined that way and does not get Bitty’s joy from it so I offer him the things he prefers. Did you teach as a pup, or as an older dog? Pup. I gave her two days grace when she came home and then we started clicker training.
  10. Nope! Bubby thinks Bitty should be allowed to do ANYTHING she likes and that the entire family should humour her whims. He goes out of his way to ensure that she can do what she likes, even when we stop her! He doesn't believe in discipline!
  11. I have been guilty of *thinking* this, although I would never ever do it in a million years. When Bitty was a pup, she was perfect (LOL still is ). She was just this glorious little thing that I had raised and I just wanted more of her running around. I wanted to preserve her in some ways. It was not exactly rational thought! But I know better than that and being friends with her breeder I know the work and thought that went into producing MY little Bitty! So I consoled myself by writing crazy emails to my breeder ranting about how they simply must keep working hard to breed more Bitties!
  12. Umm I never even realised they were tattooed! Must check Bitty's ears tonight!
  13. Well he did find his ear last night so he will get his sushi! Corvus: Bubby is just..............................Bubby! I've come to the conclusion that he's probably not as sharp as the Bitty and I haven't helped things as I have always encouraged him to be my spoilt and mellow boofy teddy bear and will continue to do so!
  14. How large is the puzzle in size Megan? Will it be very small for a golden or is it big enough for them to use?
  15. OMG!!! Just googled those puzzles you mentioned Megan! WHY HAS NO ONE EVER TOLD ME ABOUT THIS!!!! OMG!!!! OH is going to get so excited he will freak out!!!!! This is the type of thing he will LOVE to buy for the kids!
  16. Hehehe its so much fun isn’t it! I have done the cup thing. Bubby is not too bad with this. After the OK Bitty will paw the cup straight away and get her treat. Bubby only looks vague for a bit and then does eventually manage to move the cup off on his own to get his treat! I am getting quite excited as it is nearly home time and I shall see whether he did find his pigs ear or not! Ohh Megan, please post more about those puzzles!!! Am VERY interested!
  17. Yes I agree!! He is past playing games, his intelligence is saved for 'higher' existence ;) PS Dougal would do the same except he would stand there and bark at me to remove the towel. If I wasn't there, he would help himself C, this morning before I left, I put a pigs ear under another towel and gave him a release command to eat that and eat from all his food bowls. OH says if we come home and he has found it, we will buy him his favourite teriyaki chicken sushi roll from our favourite Jap restaurant!
  18. Yeah we have also tried this! Same results as you! Guess which was the one who wandered around????
  19. Ellz perhaps he is smarter than all of us! But bitty got her food in a few seconds! Probably would have been easier for him to do what she did if he wanted food quickly! Bless him though! He is entertaining! ;)
  20. In the end OH lifted the towel for him and gave him a kiss! Bless his big boofy bead! ;) Or were you asking who set it up?
  21. Last night OH and I did an experiment on the kids! We put some food into a bowl and covered the bowl with a bath towel. We let each dog see what we were doing. Results were as follows: Bitty walked to the towel/bowl, sniffed, picked up the towel with her mouth, pulled it off, dropped it to the side and went on to eat the contents. Bubby: OH: Go get it Bubby Bubby: *Blinks* *smiles* *sniffs the towel and bowl* *runs around and sniffs the air* *smiles vaguely* *runs to Daddy and raises a paw* *smiles* *blinks some more* *sniffs towel* *runs around bleating* *smiles* This went on for 5 mins. Then he *drops down next to towel and smiled vacantly into the distance* I am so traumatised! I thought he was smarter than this! Thick as mince!!!!!! Oh well! At least he’s pretty! And loved! ;)
  22. Do you think training a puppy from puphood helps? There is a world of difference between Bitty and Bubby interms of training. I always wonder if its personality or because she was taught things from day dot and has been giving more learning tools than him.
  23. Yellow Unfortunately too many people think that Goldies are just long haired Labs My mum's friend gets really insulted if anyone call her GR a Labrador. So do I!!! I ADORE Labs and would love to own one one day (a black or a choc ) but I get very annoyed when ppl tell me how gorgeous my two LABS are and how they seem fluffier than usual!!!!!!
  24. I am all for this!!!! I did this once when Bitty was a wee puplet and now I can leave cakes at nose height happily without needing to supervise her. Over time I have also taught her to “ask” for any foods. If there is something she wants desperately, she will lead me to it and “ask” for it. 90% of the time I say yes and give her a taste. I figure this is better than her needing to steal.
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