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Everything posted by Bubitty

  1. Oh definitely order it online in this case! I doubt you will regret it and am sure you will make good use of the remaining pills! I was SUCH a sceptic of this product but am now a convert! Not to say that I drug up my dogs willy nilly but I use it sparingly and it’s just been like freedom from fleas for me and them!
  2. Don’t fret! When I first got Bubby, I used to take sickies whenever the weather was bad because I couldn’t bear to leave him at home alone. Once you get into the routine of it and you see that they are fine, you will feel better. My dogs cope just fine. I actually find them less settled on the days when I do stay home and their routine is shifted. It’s almost as if they are thinking “Walk us, give us our treats and LEAVE mummy!!!!!”
  3. If the dog's normal response would be aggression in that same situation, then I will reward the hell out of "just standing there" because that's exactly what I want them to do. We do a lot of that because it works, but it's well planned with appropriate criteria that advances as the dog learns. It's a very active process but to anyone who came across my class without knowing the dogs were aggressive, they would think we were mad and just rewarding the dogs for "doing nothing" or "hanging out". Sorry this is a bit off topic, but when I introduced my puppy into the family I was told to reward the two dogs like mad when they were just sitting around peacefully with each other doing nothing. I have continued to do this and they adore each other. Part of me can't help thinking that maybe this has helped promote peace in my pack because great things often happen to them when they are snuggling together.
  4. Tlc my other puppy stays outside but this is mainly because I like to seperate her from Bubby. They are very very close and I don't want them spending so much time together. But Bitty has stayed inside for a full day before and she is fine with it to. Also Bubby started living inside when he was around 1.5 yrs (similar age to Bitty now) without any problems What is it that worries you exactly so maybe we can alleviate your fears?
  5. Bubby is inside for 8 hrs a day, 5 days a week. I make sure he gets a long morning walk so he can empty his bladder and p oop to his hearts content. He's fine with this and choses to live inside. I usually leave him with two bowls of snacks and a chew toy that I make every morning
  6. SunnyFlower, I really recommend you try it at least once. A few months ago I was horrified as during one grooming session I found 4 fleas on my younger dog. I really did not like Comfortis but relented and gave it a go and now............nothing! Not a single flea! I would recommend you give it to them with a meal and give it to them when you are around so you can make sure they have not thrown it up as it does make some dogs nauseaus (Bubby is affected more than Bitty)
  7. I can really recommend it! I was a skeptic at first but it works so so so well I have to give it credit! I use it every two months though. It seems to have lasted them for two months.
  8. I have given up on my battle with the dogs. I have floorboards but I buy ugly rugs and cover up the entire floor so that they dont slip. I clean the rugs when they get grubby and will throw them out and replace with a new rug every so often. House looks like a disaster but its comfy for the dogs!
  9. Oh MM I do hope he is better soon and that its nothing serious!
  10. There are so many many breeds that I love but I know deep down that I probably will never switch breeds as I find the goldens are so very predictable and suited to my life style and my dog raising style. But I am really curious to hear about the experiences of anyone who has switched breeds. What made you want to take on a new breed? Was it a very different experience e to raising your initial breed? Do you now have a preference between the breeds?
  11. Bubby, little pansy that he is, is an inside only dog. He emerges twice/three times a day outside for walks/ratting. Bitty, little feral that she is, is inside when I am gone for 5 hrs or less, inside when I am home and outside if I am gone for more than 5 hours. She does love to drag me outside to hoon around the backyard though. They both get at least two walks a day, rain, hail or shine. I have maaaajor issues about walks and have only missed one second walk in two yrs I think (due to severe thunderstorms). I am a bit of a nutter when it comes to walks!
  12. Mine are quiet early birds. They are awake but lie nice and quiet. Once I get up though its a free for all and they go nuts, running around the house, bouncing and bleating! Bubby is very funny on weekends though! Especially wet weekends! He does enjoy a good snoozy lie in!
  13. I practice recall heaps Megan. She goes to the park twice a day so we do it in the morning and in the afternoon. Basically every time she checks in with me (without me asking) I treat her or when I call and she comes I treat her. It took us another 20 mins to walk home after I clipped her up yesterday. Does this mean the recall was probably not as bad as I imagined?
  14. I am so glad I posted even though it seemed like a bit of a numpty question!!!! Yes! I will get roast chook and call her back a bit next time she has another good play session. Now that I have stopped fretting and think about it, both the dogs checked in with their owners yesterday during play so its not like she just p@ssed off forever and didnt bother with me at all. Poodlefan, she is my first dog where everything seems to have "clicked" training wise so I am always fretting that something will lead her astray. Heheh not to say that Bubby is untrained but he is a different dog
  15. Thanks guys, I did praise like crazy but she is a greedy sort of dog so I would have felt more secure dishing up the treats. Thanks for the "both walking away" tip Aiden! That sounds like a good idea. OH thinks I am being paranoid but she had such a good time I am worried that playing with another dog will be of more value to her than any treats or me next time. Mind you she loves bouncing humans but will stay away from them when I tell her to.......................
  16. Yesterday at the dog park Bitty met herself in the form of a border collie. She has very good recall and will always walk beside me if I tell her not to approach another dog. Yesterday the BCs owner and I established that the dogs were friendly so we let them play. They had a REALLY good time running and chasing and more running and lots and lots of running etc When it was time to go I called Bitty over and was about to shove a heap of treats at her for coming over but I had dropped the treats somewhere and couldnt find them. So I couldnt reward her before clipping her up. After going home I am now a bit worried. Because she met a REALLY friendly dog and had a great time playing with her, I am worried that she will take off after random dogs now because its rewarding. Is there anything I can do to make sure she will still come when I call even if its more fun to play with another dog?
  17. Aiden, are you allowed to guide the dog to the area? One of the problems I have is that we lose objects in the grass at the park and I never know whether I should give her a hint or not?
  18. Have you tried clicker training? That really tires them out and may help with the digging. Somedays Bitty is very "ants in her pants" and I find that after 20 mins of her trying to work out a new trick, it wears her out and she settles down very well. I am quite a terrible trainer but the act of concentrating and trying to work something out really knackers them!
  19. Snowball I don't do "proper" retrieving but I started off by playing fetch with my dog Then I taught her to hold objects and eventually to bring objects to me and hold onto them until I asked for them back Then we moved onto her finding one particular object that was hidden somewhere and to bring it back to me etc etc Some days I will line up 20 toys and she will have to go get them one after the other. Or we do it at the park. It seems to tire her out and I do find that on days where she is play bowing me and has that glint in her eyes, it helps her calm down somewhat.
  20. Snowball, I have what I call the “feral” patch in my yard. I grow sugarcane in it as well as random herbs that smell nice. Bitty loves to dig in this patch, pull out the sugar cane, rearrange the herbs, shove toys into her holes she has dug but she keeps to this patch. It is a about a 2 sqm patch full of dirt and junk which I spruce up with goodies every so often. I really think this has helped her leave everything else alone!
  21. OMG HOW DIVINE!!!!!!!!!! May I please have a puppy????
  22. Yup this is where I got them! Ordered them on Wednesday and for some freaky reason they arrived today! Haven't unpacked anything from the giant box yet! Shall investigate tomorrow and see what they look like!
  23. I even got the extra large ones! I was so happy when I saw they had the extra large ones!
  24. I ordered a kilo of these these the other day not knowing what they were (I thought it was some sort of chew, like jerky) and now they have arrived. I have since been told what they really are and I just want confirmation that they are ok for the dogs to chew on.
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