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Everything posted by PebsnMe

  1. you have got the most 2 adorable pups! makes me smile as well :D
  2. omg so sorry to hear of this, as everyone else has said, not your fault, thinking of you and your family.
  3. Happy Birthday, hope you have a wonderful day
  4. aww how good is that, what a wonderful pair they make, so glad Charlie is on the improve and looking forward to more photos as well, they are just gorgeous.
  5. Agro Ali Andrew Andy Angus x 3 Angus Rip Anzac Apollo(different spelling!) Appollo Archie +1 Archer Arkhan Armand Arq Ash Ashke Attila Atlas Axl Bael Bailey x 6 Balki Baloo Balou Bandit x 3 Banjo Bardigrub Barney Bart X 2 Barton Basil Baxter Bean Bear x3 Beau x 2 Bender Ben x 2 Benji x 2 Benny Benson BERT! Billy Bing Blue Bluey Bob Bomber Bond Bongo Lloyd Boo Boof Bosch Bossington (Boss) Bosco Boxer Brady Brian Custard O'Doggle Brock Brockie Brody Bronson x2 Brownie Bruce x 2 Brue Bud Buddy x 2 Buffy... he came with it Bumble Bundyx3 Busta Buster x2 byron Caleb Cannon Caramel Carl Casey Cash Casper Champ Changwe Charlie x 5 Chester Chevy Chief Chip x 2 Chok Chubba Chops Clancy Clifford Coco Columbus Connor Cooper x3 Cory Cowan x 2 Cowboy Crikey Cruise Cuba Cujo Damien Damit Daniel x 2 Dancer Danny Darcy x 2 Dashx2 Davy Deakin Dean Declan Delgado Denim Dennys Dog Diablo Diesel x2 Digby Digger x2 Dillon Dinky Douglas Dominic Dozer Dude Dumas Duncan Dylan Ebon Echo x2 Eddie Edward Elijah Elliott Elmo Elvis Edge Enuff Envy Ernie Esky Fang Fergus x 2 Finn Fox x 2 FlashBazil Fleming Fletcher Fly Flynn Focus Forester Foo Frank Fudge Galahad Gandor Geo Georgex2 Gordon Gossy Grease Lightning Greedy Griffin Grover Guiness mcGuinness Hail Hamish Harley x 2 Harper Harri Harrison Harry Hector Henry Henschke Herbie RIP Hey Dog Hogan Hudson Hugo Ian Ivan Jabi Jack x 3 Jake x 2 Jasper x 2 James x 2 Jarrah Jay Jay cee JayDee Jed Jethro Jet x 2 Jett Jonsey Jonty Joop Jordan Joshua Joxer Judd Juggie Jumbo Kahn Kai Kaiser x 2 Kane Kasper Kaos Khan Kiba Kei Kingston Kippy Kirk Kisho Koshi Kuga Kynan Kyzer Leo x3 Lincoln Link Lenny Lexcen Leroy x 2 Lestat x2 Logan Louie Luca Lucca Lucius Ludwig Lughie Luigi RIP Lukas Lukon Luther x 2 Mac X 2 MacKenzie Mandrake Mark (the cat) Mars Mason x2 Maverick Mawson Max x 7 Maxie Maxwell THE DOG Maze Mel Memphis Merlot Merlin x3 Merry Mickey Milky Milosh Milton Minook Mistral Mojo Mokha Montgomery Burns Moo Morris Mr Darcy Mufti Nammu Napoleon Nelsson (yes two s's) Neo Nicky Nigel Noah Norbert Norman Nos Nova Nudge Nugget Occy Odie Oliver Omar RIP Onslow Oscar x 4 Oz Pal x 2 Payton Pete Pepperoni Phoenix Phantom Piikki Peewee Poco Porsha Puck Punch Quatro Quick Quincy Radar Raffy Ralph Rambo Ramses Randy Raymond Razor Reeve Reagan Reginald Rex x2 Ricky Riku Riley Rimes Ripley River Robbie x 2 Rocks Rodney RIP Roger Rolly x2 Rory Rove Rover Roy Roy Jones Jnr Rudnick Ruff Rumour Rupert Rusty Sam x4 Sampson Sarge Satchmo Scooby Scout Scrap Scratch Shadow Seth Silas Simba Snitch Sonny Soul Spartan Speed Spencer Spike Sport Spud x 2 Sputnick Sterling Stig (The) Storm Stryker Sumo Swanky Tag Tally Tana Tanga Tank Tazz x 2 Teddy Terry Tey Dog Thomas Thunder Tiger Tirra Toby x3 Toffee Tolkien Tommy x 2 Tournie Tub Turbo Tusca Tutty Tye x2 Tyson Udo Ulf Valdez Wags Walker Wally Watson Wazim Weave Whisky Willow Willy x 2 Wilson Wonderdog RIP Woody X2 Wookie Wycomb Yoshi Zac x 2 Zedley Zeppelin Zephyr x 2 Zero Zeus x 4 Zorro
  6. looks like you had a great day, and I'm glad it stayed fine for you, I went along to the Cairns walk, also had a great day and didn't see any problems with any of the dogs, good just to see so many people out and about and enjoying their time with their dogs. Its the first time I have been and was a bit nervy about what to expect re other dogs and how they behaved etc but overall enjoyed our morning walk!
  7. I brought one a couple of years ago but have only used it once, so thought I'd better go try and put it up and see what happens!! took me a couple of goes but I got there in the end but it must be the basic type as it doesn't have sides, and I didn't have any problems getting the metal bits in the ends?? so not much help really, but at least you got me out there and reminded me I should use it as once up it is a great little shade and privacy area. Hope you have luck with yours..
  8. I haven't posted either since hearing of this tragedy... really can't think of any words.. thoughts are with Jed and her family
  9. I have had three snakes in the yard in the last week!! but then I live in Far North Queensland, so weather not so cold as down south, so we get them all year round pretty much..
  10. I'm so happy that you were there so often for Jack and finally got thru to his owners that dogs bring so much joy to our lives, if we just let them! I hope they continue to look after jack now, and I bet he is one little happy chappy!!
  11. will make donation tomorrow or Friday
  12. no problems, understand completely, glad they are able to support them, so up my order to 2, every little bit helps.
  13. I'll be lighting a candle for sure.. lovely idea. edited as Buddy jumped on Keyboard as I was typing, so he's letting me know that I have to light another one for him...
  14. thats fantastic news, hope he continues to heal well.
  15. ok put me down for 1 also, I'm not much of a cook but its for a good cause, just let me know how much and how to pay.
  16. just can't believe they treated you this way.. you done the right thing, paid up front so why would they not repay what they owe you?? little bit of customer service goes a long way!!
  17. Happy B'day to Cooper Jay!! loved the photos, looks like everyone had a wonderful weekend!!
  18. I think everyones already said it but WOW what gorgeous photos!!
  19. OMG , thankgod Max and Zack are now home, I hope all goes well in the healing both physically and emotionally for both dogs and owner!!
  20. yep its the charcoal biscuits, didn't know what to think first time I gave them to my dog!!
  21. I've just taken on my nieces dog which just had his front leg amputated, he is only a small dog and it hasn't slowed him down at all, its totally amazed me as I offered to pay what ever it took to get him to keep his leg, but in the end his vet advised it was best to remove the leg while he was young as he would cope well and avoid painful arthritis.. hoping this was the right decision, wasn't my call as wasn't my dog at the time.. only time will tell I suppose
  22. aww how cute is asha, just beautiful photos.. I just love the nose to nose one!! I remember as a kid by oldest brother took up photography and was using me and my other brothers as his 'subjects' and he tried to get us to go nose to nose but we couldn't stop laughing... just thought of that after seeing your photo ..
  23. I've had three jack russells and all have had their differences, my first boy was always by my side, thought he was a rotti, would protect me from anything, he was a digger but once we got that sorted he didn't get out, my first girl was the most gentle, quiet lap dog, my current female has springs in her legs good at escaping but have now heightened all the fences and she's put on a bit to much weight so thats slowing her down a touch!! and I have just adopted a mini foxie so still working him out lol.. but all have been the most loyal, loving dogs that I wouldn't be without one.. they keep me on my toes and I love every minute of it!!
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