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  1. First of all im sorry if i seemed rude to anyone,im not at all like that and was very upset.And thanks to everyone i went to the vet at 2am that night and my pup will be fine.She was given to much dewormer and it caused severe dehydration.She stayed there overnight and we got her midday Christmas Eve.The vet says she was very yound to leave her litter but she is in good health and would be fine considering I have 3 other dogs.Christmas Eve i called up the lady i bought her from and informed her that the pups were to young to leave the litter.She made an honest mistake,she was hoping to get the pups out for the holiday and was told by her vet they would be fine.Im not sure how much i trust her now,but i know my lil Kayden is in a good home and will be well taken care of.Thankyou all for your help and I wish you and you family the best holiday season, Shareen(Kaydens Happy Mother)
  2. well the idea about taking home a puppy so early was something i trusted in the breeder.I was told 6 weeks was okay for this pup to leave the litter.I trusted in her>but thats not the point my pup is sick and thats all you have to say....shows where your heart is..
  3. its 1 oclock here and i guess its considered Christmas Eve right now nowhere is open.I guess i was kinda asking for some ideas on what to do or some understanding from someone else that may have had the same problem.
  4. Hello Everyone, Well im scampering around trying to find out what to do and i landed here hoping someone had some suggestions.Its now the night before christmas eve and im stuck.I just got my puppy today and was told she is 6 weeks old 2 days after christmas.Her mother was a mastiff and father is a Rotty.She was 1 of 11 puppies.We picked her up today and now i feel there may be a problem with her.The breeder told me she was dewormed last night and was also given a dose at 4 weeks of age.As soon as she got in I could sense she was very thirsty so i imediatly put down a bowl of water.She laped up 2 bowls worth just enough so you can see her belly get really full.She then threw up a mucusy mush of water and we actually had to stop her from drinking cause she kept lapping it up.She pooped and everything looked fine,it came out solid and was a good color.I went to work and hubby stayed home with her he said she slept just about the whole time i was gone.I went over to her when i got home and was giving her kisses and she woke up then.She got up and started walking around and then stopped dead in her tracks and started to kinda heave like she was gonna throw up.She shacked a lil and tipped over to her side and kinda layed still.when i picked her up she had like a foamy substance around her mouth.Then she stood up and was walking as though she was drunk and couldnt keep her balance.She eventually started to walk normal again.She is very small and im afraid she may not be 6 weeks and may have been given a big dose of the dewormer?Could this happen from this?Did she have a seziure?Why is she muckusy?What can i do for her? Please someone help... Worried Mother
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