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Everything posted by Vehs

  1. After D bloated I heard it was common practice to do it in police/service dogs??
  2. Hey welcome back! Poor Mika, but I hope you can find the information you need to get your aunt a dog that will suit her lifestyle.
  3. In a way a floppy eared dog is a little easier; I'd stand behind - straddle a little if needed, put my left hand around the front and grab the muzzle to steady the dog and then tuck the right ear between my left forarm and the dogs head and then the right hand is free to pop the drops in. With little dogs or more cooperative dogs I can do it from the front but use my thumb and hand to hold a floppy ear back. Poor little fella :D I've recently had to wipe my dogs arse daily and put repel X on his ears, but luckily he just grins and bears it. Good idea about the small rooms, D is a little weary of the bathroom because I'm either bathing and throwing bubbles or squirting rubber duckies at him or he's getting his ears cleaned or some other medical treatment...
  4. water down some human conditioner? everyone is against pantene, but it'll probably work
  5. I got the TV switched off the other day.. AND a drooly controller
  6. Hey, welcome back! Good to see you still have Tess :D Can't really help with that type of barking, Dieter is the fun police and likes to break up dogs that are having a playful romp with barking... seeing as Tess is a good girl can she stay inside and the others outside during the working day?
  7. I'm more inclined now to get a rescue/pound dog - although my preference for a pup would lend me more to a registered breeder with a good reputation and solid testing. I have considered getting a senior pound dog lately, but not sure if my budget could accomodate another big dog and especially one that may be more inclined to have some health issues.
  8. agree poodlefan - 1 in 5 dogs has a moron owner
  9. Happy Birthday! - What a bright young spark!
  10. I used vaseline (after washing and drying his ears) on my GSD this past week, until I could get some repelX from the vet seem to have healed ok now, flies have left too... but I'll be prepared for next time
  11. I agree Wuffles - I think Canberra is very dog friendly, but I also think Canberra in general is great - I hate visiting Sydney and other places and could not imagine travelling around with the dog out there - they aren't very green, but people obviously do it. We also have lots of fun dog events and easy places to swim. dogs aren't allowed within 10m (or 50m) of playgrounds if kids are on them is that tiny offleash area the hoover road one? I've only been there once and can't really remember how big it was - but that might be an option for you I hope you find an offleash area suitable for you
  12. omg that is too adorable and I love the splat! this is D's first swim, he's a bit older though ~1year http://www.facebook.com/photo.php?pid=1287...mp;id=807245494
  13. handsome man or drag queen? why oh why do you put jewellry on him! happy birthday bosco!
  14. for puppy pre school classes you'll have to try the vets otherwise the companion dog club in narrabundah is where I would recommend for puppy and continued training classes
  15. is it wrong that I stack up buckets and put a broom across them for jumps? For weave poles I used PVC pipes and just stabbed them into the ground hula hoop for a ring that I just strung up between two stakes I don't have an a-frame/balance alternative because I used to use playground equipment and peoples walls when out on walks ..I guess now I could try a ramp of sorts I did a lot of agility training with the D when I first moved, but it's just been too hot lately and then when it's cool it's dark and not that safe!
  16. thanks chichi I posted her answer just above your reply
  17. For those that were interested on the dog ownership laws in Beijing: In the city, only one dog is allowed per household and the dog can’t be taller than 35 cm at the shoulder (except guide dogs). All pet dogs have to be registered at the local police station and you need a dog-keeping permit from the neighbourhood committee (you need your passport, residence permit/Chinese ID if a local and two passport-sized photos of your dog from the front). Registration entitles you to free annual checkups and vaccinations at the hospital, where a Health and Immunity Certificate is issued and required for re-registration every year The rules are relaxed and the registration fees are cheaper if you live in outer Beijing – I’m pretty sure that you’re allowed bigger dogs out here too. Clyde - I'm of the same opinion, at least the animals are being well cared for
  18. here's hoping she only does it when you want her too! but giving a command when the dog doesn't know what you mean isn't the way to go about it because she probably still doesn't associated the word with the action, hence her not barking for your partner
  19. One of my vets has a resident cat that attacks the receipt as it comes out of the printer! They have a big reception so I don't think the D has ever noticed it At another vets they have a cat bell on the end of their till key, when you pay it jingles and he goes ape... so I have to explain to them they need to show him the key
  20. When D was younger and I tried to run onlead with him he would get really excited and 'attack' me and get tangled in the lead atm I am running with him on and offlead.... offlead there is no drama, he sniffs and then catches up. Onlead I am faster, bit of a sprinter, but he definitely has the endurance and overall better fitness then me. I couldn't justify walking/running alone if I had a dog sitting at home
  21. hrm.. I'll have to ask my friend who just moved back to China what the deal is with owning pet dogs over there -- you have to have a license to own a bicycle in the city so I wonder what they do for dogs...
  22. the amount you take off is the same amount you would with the scissor style clippers - so just itty bitty bits each time if you aren't confident these ones I would use with the blade coming up on the underside of the nail just have some cornflour or a bar of soap handy incase you nick one
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