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Everything posted by V.A.H.
Elise,I am so sorry for you and I am in tears. That is a sad, sad story But I immediately thought what a wonderful person and owner you a re!! Happy memories of Tulip to you in time and I sincerely wish you DO keep a baby from Tulip and that it gives you ALL the pleasure you hope for over a very long period of time!! Lots of hugs and wishes for the babies to do well!! :D
Hugs Chris! :p You did all you could and fate dealt a bad hand!! Gosh Brax was such a lovely looking dog and that photo says it all! Cheers,Valxxoo :p
Soo sorry to hear this news!! Hugs :p It is hard to let them go, as I had the same thing, a Toy Poodle, my first boy, who lost all quality of life,deaf, blind,arthritis and thensuddenly deteriorated and overnight couldn't function physically,eg fell into hsi food and water and couldn;t recover any balance!! So. he had to be lovingly taken to the vet also, after 17 yrs 2mths and two days of utter joy and devotion.I still see him as a young boy endlessly fetvching a ball for my late husband--he was so great a pet,such other losses bring a tear still!! I know they wil be waiting at rainbow bridge for us, so lets hope memories and photos help us to let go and recover. Cheers,and my best wishes to you!! :p
OOh how unutterably sad!! :p :D That was my greatest fear when I lived on 10 acres. as the dogs always had a water bowl just inside the door of each shed no matter the weather. I half expected a snake to be attracted in the heat, but closest we came was one scooting along a fence line ,that I could beat with a stick and shoo dogs away from--when the dogs were out, thank goodness!! Each summer we would see at least one snake and ususally a brown or tiger. One almost came into the front of the house the last year-it was in the bushes by the front door,when a neighbour came grabbed a shovel and bashed the bushes till it came out, but it amazed us how far round the garden beds it actually travelled first! Can only send condolences and hope beautiful memories will suffice in time,to both the sorrowful owner and you as breeder :p :D
HE,he!! Poodlefan!! Well done!! :D You forgot tho--while sipping you have to watch the little blighter shake the smooth look all uneven after that first trim!! Specially a show poodle clip anyways!! I have Kalstone's book and it is easy to follow tho old fashioned!! ;) Can't wait for the anal glands episode If you ever changed a baby's nappy........ people do grow used to such things, and after my first (pet) poodle had an impacted anal gland removed, I FAST learned and it's not so bad---under running water--tho the glasses sure mist up!! ;)
Aw!! Rozzie,I am sooooo sad to hear that. Chin up and may God bless you with all the lovely memories till you two meet again one day!!
Condolences! It is always hard to lose a loved dog!! Memories sustain us-- Empathy at the pain and injustice of legal killing of dogs for their looks is why I'm in EDBA Hug the dog, best wishes to you all
It does that Star! Sorry about that, as I've lost out too, and it hurts! good luck w the survivors now!
AWWW! Steve!!! NO!!! not again!! :D This is too much-- i am upset about yours and mine now--all the best to you, and hugs over the waves, my dear friend! lovely vibes to the wee mum too, as I cannot wait to hold my Jazz in my arms and comfort her myself--how sad,and you a re a trooper to advise us all the facts. Love
fingers crossed--calling all religious idols to assist--go Steve and lovely little mum--beat the odds this time :D
Steve---my God- the Canine Hospital--any TV crew there yet??? Best of British goes without saying. I am awaiting news, as in the end I had a health crisis here and a friend has driven 5 hrs,and relieved me of 6 of my 10 dogs, including the two pregnant girls, so she and her vets and friends(toy poo breeders) will do the work and worry if tubing etc is needed--I am so grateful, tho on advice from you here, I had enquired and priced a tube(OOHH!!that much??)and arranged the vet would help out and LEND me one if I got into any difficulties, with Jazz whelping and milking. Think of you, S!! :D
Well ladies,you sure told me the tricks--I feel a bit better prepared on this now. But W, I am all alone here,used to have a great Peke breeder who beccame a mentor on whleping problems and solutions and she moved yearss ago so i do it all alone,even to the struggle to get a mating with two maidens, but that's a different ctory!--still will ask at Vets again and see if they can get a couple tubes ordered in for me in case. I need to do this method. A few years ago, when I mentioned "tube feeding" that an acquaintance tol dme about she had done to save two lil poos,at my vets, the boss lady and two asistants looked at me as if I had suggested we all go play doctors and nurses behind the sheltersheds--it turned out not one had ever seen it and they had no literature or ideas on it at all!! So if it's necessary, it will be me on me PatMalone, but the best clue is the tickle foot idea--I am deaf and would never discern a breath by sound--thanks again, I've had to learn to assist with afterbirths and cutting cords, then taking over the tail docking and dewclawing when vets stoped doing it for a fe per pup, and now I am at my possibly last two litters I will bred, I would HATE to cop out and lose a pup I might have saved!
Jed I am petrified of tubing--have one still in its bag--how do I do it if ever, and KNOW I have hit the stomach in such a wee tot as a 3 ozs pup?? I have spent literally hours eyedropping on tip of tongue, and with an animal carer teat, and doll bottle of replacer milk ,etc,and been totally exhausted by two weeks, saving a tiny--not game to unpack the damn tube! send me instructions if you can please. PM ??????????????
I agree. I supplement with calcium afer she whelps to assist the bitch and have never had eclampsia in a bitch.
Steve I am getting worried, always tense when I mate a bitch but I seem to have both girls going now, thought for sure I would miss out on one--now, do I rush for a colostrum shot when pups come? then have a syringe ready with honey and ?or raspberry water just in case? The worst I've encountered to date--touch wood is a deformed but alive pup and a dead one and one that mother rejected and died in 22 hrs, three different litters over the 20 years all unconnected.I do the usual things to help mum and generally fall apart once she has them cuddled up dry warm and suckling--worst bit is if I have to supplement as I fear this, but I haven't had the problems and I am frightened of having a "turn"--as you say a bitch would be bereft and a trauma for breeder for sure!! What else should I stock, I will get liquid calcium as per, and bitch replacer milk????Think these will be the end for me, too much worry. Speaking of which--recall the accident mating and so forth? well Gayair Mr Hot Stuff--Chip--is very nice ,a milk choco boy I hope to show.We took him to a show witht he german girl,to see how he'd go, not been out of the yard, and he went out the end of the lead up at Horsham first,then he saw a Collie and upped the ante, later we were ringside and saw two labs lying down, Chip sent a power of cheek their way till they came walkies then d-o-w-n went the tail, he stood and they passed him, then confidence rushed back and there he was yelling again at their backs.Now this dog is showoff,likes people visiting and a nice toy. I felt his groin three days ago--one testicle--NO!I can't believe this, they were there at three months and he's over 5 now--next day ever so gently, ONE! Oh I groaned, went quiet for an hour, told Bob another failure, i'm never going back to showing it seems. Yesterday, I brushed and cuddled him and told him Mum would wait for another month in case, and as I practised stand with him on the table, i smoothed him--Goddammit I felt one slide off the top of the mate and roll into the correct sac--he has TWO NUTS and I am happy! Ever had that, I have not -I can't recall two lobbing into one chamber and leaving the other empty??