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Everything posted by ari.g

  1. Oh no RIP Doggies. Please be Okay Jed. All my healing thoughts coming your way. I'm on the Sunshine Coast if I can do anything to help.
  2. I think my boxers must have been broken they never got 1-2 hours energetic exercise a day. They would have a 1 hour walk/run maybe once or twice a fortnight
  3. Mine has heaps of room in the back but it is the 07 shape (made in Aug 06). There is also plenty of room in the back seat for passengers.
  4. The rules don't actually mention registered elsewhere pure breeds. All the APBT's my brother owned and bred were pure breed and registered, albeit on overseas registers, as is the one we still have. I don't think the APBT is a lost cause. It will be a long slow process though.
  5. ari.g


    What a beautiful girl RIP Ellie. So sorry for your loss
  6. ari.g


    So sorry for your loss RIP Chiquito
  7. Yet another poor pathetic finger blaming response from the sour lemon It's obvious you can't see past this, so why do you even bother coming In here ETA: Continuing to blame the very people who have been and are still fighting hard In regards to BSL and for ALL dogs is very poor form, If you can't see that this is nothing other than a personal attack on one dog then you and the rest are not seeing the bigger picture.
  8. Just gorgeous! They grow so quick :nahnah:
  9. Great update! and great work! :nahnah:
  10. Barf in morning. Chicken frame, roo tail, chicken maryland, turkey or something when I leave for work. Barf at night. 10 yr old dog.
  11. ari.g


    So sorry to hear RIP Gherkin
  12. Wow what a lovely place to take the dog for a walk!
  13. Wow she has grown so much! Still as gorgeous as ever
  14. So sorry for your loss BB. RIP Charm
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