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Everything posted by ari.g

  1. Yes, how is the old boy going? :) Any chance of a pic?
  2. I love this vid. That dog is just lovin' life :laugh:
  3. Happy Birthday Archie! Very serious birthday face :laugh:
  4. ari.g

    Vale Loki

    Oh, so sorry for your loss Ruffles Run free Loki You were loved beautiful boy
  5. Wow! Look at her go! She gets some speed up
  6. Aww isn't she looking spritely on a brisk morning :D
  7. My condolences . Thank you for your devotion to him. Jasper will be welcomed with open arms by many a Dol'ers friends over the Rainbow Bridge.
  8. What a lovely beach. Dogs just have so much fun at the beach
  9. What a lovely story. Thank you for saving Benny
  10. Looks pretty happy on that couch :D
  11. So sorry for your loss RIP Kiska
  12. What a beautiful day! They all look like they are enjoying their afternoon walk
  13. Thinking of you today, Anne Sweet kisses for Boofy.
  14. RIP Denny's Dog Hugs to you Dogbesotted
  15. Thinking of you and Mac. Broke my heart when I had to let my best little buddy old Nelsson go. Coincidentally I got a new pup in March and his name is Mac (for MacPherson) :)
  16. So sorry for your loss. RIP Kajtek Love that last photo. What a wonderful memory.
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