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Everything posted by ari.g

  1. Oh they are just gorgeous! Love the fawn :D
  2. The pups are gorgeous!! And look at the adults
  3. Could you get big roo tails that he can't possibly swallow?
  4. Hehe Jake looks a bit like my brothers old APBT Seth. You could dress him up in anything I'm sure Jake is looking down on you at Christmas time with his sunnies and antlers on
  5. poor little fella. Good to hear he has a home now
  6. Haha great save! They look very happy with themselves though! :D
  7. So sorry Staffyluv. RIP Ollie Dog
  8. Oh so sorry bustam RIP Busta
  9. Love, love, love the happy beach doggie pic
  10. Sounds like a plan Teebs All in the name of research of course
  11. So sorry for your loss cas. RIP little Shannon
  12. The poor lady. Just want you want to do, tow around a piece of crap you can put 30kg on
  13. She's gorgeous kja. I'm sure she's feeling better for it too :D
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