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Everything posted by Bec77

  1. Bec77

    3 Wk Old Puppy

    Thanks so much for your advice!!! have taken it all into consideration - unfortunately - all the floors in my place are either lino or tiles . Have put lots of mats down though!
  2. Last week I helped out a friend of mine whose dog had had 11 puppies and then 2.5 weeks later died by taking one of the puppies. I have been feeding him three times a day with Di-Vetelact on dilution A (1 scoop - 60 ml warm water). I just don't know how much he should be taking each feed. He weighs around 500 gm and i gave him his first worming treatment the day after i got him. He will be 4 weeks old on Monday. I am just not sure how to progress from here. When and how do i start weaning him off this milk replacement? I bought some puppy food that can be wetted down with water, when should I start introducing this? He is kept in a crate inside at night but we are planning on moving him outside when he is older. I live in Western Qld and the temps outside right now are around 40 degrees so we thought inside was the best bet. He pees EVERYWHERE!!! even in his bed at night (we change the sheet every day) I have introduced a small toy for him and he loves it. He is booked in at the vet in 4 weeks for his vacination but for fleas and ticks etc i was hoping to use revolution (I use this on my cat with FANTASTIC results) when he is old enough. I dont think he sees very well at the moment (being so young and all). He can see big things but keeps running into doors and walls and chairs (??Thinking they are me??) and I know that he doesnt hear just yet. We tap on the floor and he comes running - very slipepry on lino tho! When could i expect him to be seeing properly and hearing? he is alone durng the day, from 8 - 12 and then i come home and feed him, spend an hour with him, and then he is alone again until about 5. I am trying to do the best that i can for this puppy. he is a border collie X blue cattle dog and the most gorgeous puppy i have ever seen. Thanks to everyone in advance who replies and gives help.
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