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Everything posted by OMD²

  1. Big hugs. I know how terrible hard it is.
  2. OMD²


    I am so very sorry for your loss :rolleyes:
  3. I am so sorry for your loss :rolleyes: 18 years is a great life time for a doggy How proud you must be
  4. My friend has 2 labs and they are inside dogs. They do just fine. I have 2 shih tzu's and they are inside dogs as well. They only go outside when one of us is home. We don't have any anxiety problems. Don't make a fuss when you leave etc. My 2 enjoy dogging holes etc when they are outside. When they are inside they are good boys It all depends on you and your dog in the long run.
  5. omg those pictures are GREAT!!
  6. I am so very sorry for your loss. She was beautiful
  7. I am very sorry for your loss
  8. OMG I am so sorry for your loss This is just heart breaking
  9. I am very sorry for your loss :rolleyes:
  10. I am so sorry for your loss
  11. Their names are Oscar and Dude I really like the one you have atm Harminee But will be happy with anything that you can come up with Thank you
  12. Here's a pic of my friend's huski (Saxon). He is ideal weight I think your doggy looks great
  13. Sorry this is a bit off topic.. But Oscar is currently on ZD as well. He suffers from upset tummy I'm just a bit confused are you saying Royal Canin Hypo-allergenic is better than the ZD? The ZD is $$$
  14. This is so sad I am very sorry
  15. Thank you for the info I will look into this
  16. I've been reading that yogurt is also good for dog's as well as us But is there a particular brand that is better to feed them? What brand of yogurt do you feed your dog/s? atm we have; Yoplait Lite Creamy vanilla and Jalna Natural yogurt.
  17. I contacted a psychic earlier this year.. Not only did he describe my Nanna and Dad and what they died from. He also described my Dad's dog that was hit by a car after he passed away. He told me exactly what happened to Jake (The dog) and not to worry because Dad has his little best mate by his side on the other side as well. All I told this guy was my name was Lisa
  18. Thank you everyone :p and Happy Birthday Dad for today
  19. My Dad passed away 8 years ago today :rolleyes: Gee I miss him. He passed away a few days before his 43rd birthday. So on the 11th of this month he would have been 51. I remember that Monday night like it was yesterday He got up to make a cup of tea (that's all he ever drank) and he just fell over dead on the kitchen floor. I remember my Aunty calling the funeral people and then putting him in the body bag and carrying him away. I wondered how life could ever keep going without him in it. I had to be strong though! I had to look after Nanna, who had just lost her youngest child. Together we grieved for him, and now I continue to grieve for both of them. My Dad Nanna, Dad and Me Dad by Judy Burnette Dad...so many images come to mind whenever I speak your name; It seems without you in my life things have never been the same. What happened to those lazy days when I was just a child; When my life was consumed in you in your love, and in your smile. What happened to all those times when I always looked to you; No matter what happened in my life you could make my gray skies blue. Dad, some days I hear your voice and turn to see your face; Yet in my turning...it seems the sound has been erased. Dad, who will I turn to for answers when life does not make sense; Who will be there to hold me close when the pieces just don't fit. Oh, Dad, if I could turn back time and once more hear your voice; I'd tell you that out of all the dads you would still be my choice. Please always know I love you and no one can take your place; Years may come and go but your memory will never be erased. Today, Jesus, as You are listening in your home above; Would you go and find my dad and give him all my love.
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