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Everything posted by jerojath

  1. Well I'm about buggered. We've been to Fun For Kids Festival today (with compliments of tlc and Mr. tlc ) and I ell ya it's a looooooooong day! The kids all had a blast and participated in every single activity on offer, I think! Unfortunately the rain kept halting the rock-climbing and when the weather finally cleared up there was a two-hour queue, so we gave that a miss. It really is a great show and I can see why folk travel from far and wide to get along to it. I spoke to a family from Warragul who drove up this morning after leaving at five o'clock and were planning to drive home tonight, but apparently they are so buggered they were going to try and get a room here in town (good luck!). So a big to Mr & Mrs tlc once again, for a great day! (It's good to know people in high-places ;) ). So, for the first time in the history of my family, the kids have crashed and will no-doubt be in bed EARLY tonight!
  2. Too true. That was to be her last litter wasn't it? Don't you have another bitch or do I have that wrong? If you do have another one, and she is related to this girl who just whelped, does that mean you wouldn't breed with her either? I guess in the grand scheme of things it really doesn't matter, so long as they find wonderful new homes. I am very excited that one of my pups may be going to live just around the corner! I have never sold a puppy 'locally' before... they all ended up all over Australia, but one woman has visited numerous breeders in Melbourne and beyond before contacting me via email. After she 'secured' a puppy we discovered that she is right here in Warrnambool!
  3. Bummer. I must say though, that I find it hard to understand the reasoning behind ditching a dog due to cosmetic imperfections. Just coz these girls are slightly miss-marked on the muzzle they are excluded from the show ring and therefore, from any breeding programs? What gets me is the number of dogs with poor bites being exhibited because they are 'well marked'. It seems sometimes that 'cosmetic' character is placed highly of more importance than correct bone structure, temperament and conformation! Not having a go at you Cavalblaze, but more confusion about the importance of these cosmetic points in a breed standard. Isn't a Cav a Cav whether it has a spot on it's muzzle or not? I understand the importance of ALL factors in a breed standard keeping quality and 'type' within a breed, but I just think too much emphasis is placed on the lesser-important cosmetics, than other 'all-important' factors.
  4. Yes and thanks.... (I haven't told Chan yet! ) You can't really buy snakes online as such, but I just sealed a deal with a private collector online.
  5. Yeah it is pretty-well protected from the elements there thank god! Poor you having to go to work, I finished work last week so I am temporarily an unemployed bum... and loving it!!! 'tis a good day for staying inside and doing nothing! Well not exactly nothing... I did just buy a pair of snakes online!
  6. Congratulations on the babies, TashaBailey! Hope the girls end up beautiful! Can't wait for pics... I reckon Sheltie babies are among the most beautiful puppies there are.
  7. Geez, what a day! Batten down the hatches, Warrnambool peeps!!!
  8. I wouldn't of mind the human company but the Lizard, mmm,....sorry not really my thing. Goodluck with yor whelping. Tegan is a local Koroit woman in her 30's, 3 kids + hubby. Son goes to kinder with my daughter. Building a simmons house i believe near or next to your brothers block. Thought your brother might want to know who is neighbors are going to be. He might find out soon enough as she has a large number of chooks including roosters. :D Roosters??? 1, 2, 3, 4, I detect a neighbor war!!! We lived next door to people years ago who had roosters and it caused quite a problem! He will be pleased!
  9. Cav, it was tempting to call in for a puppy-fix but I had the OH, four kids, one dog and a lizard on board. ;) Glad to hear pups are doing so well. 1 week to go here.... :D Who is Tegan Finnerty?
  10. Absolutely. Just waiting for it all to 'happen' before launching our website and FB page. We will have special offers for our FaceBook 'friends'.
  11. Interesting that your lot payed no attention to the smell of Tarni when you got home, coz she sure did stink! Tarni has never 'had a smell' before, but ever since she fell pregnant she has smelt really 'doggy'. She had a very long thorough bath today and smells lovely again! No, I never had an ultrasound done as I don't care how many pups she has and it has been an uneventful pregnancy. We have 'sold' all her pups months ago, but no-one really knows if they will have one until they are born of course. Good luck at the Vets with your girls!
  12. Here's Tarni's latest Belly Shot.... Taken today, 7-10 days to go.
  13. Yep Tarni is coming along well now... she's due on the 10th but will probably be a couple of days after that. She is getting a little uncomfortable now but is not huge... nice small litter I think! I'll be sure to post baby pics when it all happens! Edited to add a quick pic of Tarni today... tlc I bet she's looking a lot bigger than when you saw her the other day!
  14. Remember, it's not just snakes... Venomous Snakes Non Venomous Snakes Lizards Dragons Monitors Frogs Salamanders Bird Eating Spiders Goliath Stick Insects Scorpions Native Hopping Mice Sugar Gliders Possibly Indian Palm Squirrels (although the DSE are trying hard to stop me!) and remember... "We Are The Turtle Experts!" ;) Of course we can't stock all these animals all the time, but instead will vary what we have all the time. Some popular species we will try and have at all times though. I have animals all over Australia at the moment waiting for import/export permits to happen. I can't ship them here until we are ready to go in August anyway. As well as the livestock, we will have all the necessary accessories, housing and equipment, as well as all the fresh, frozen and packaged foods all these animals need. We are your One-Stop Unique-Pets Shop! (Might even sell the odd puppy too! ) Well there's my plug!
  15. Try these guys HERE. They do Melbourne to Adelaide every 2nd day and I am pretty sure they go through Ballarat or nearby. I have used them between Adelaide and Victoria and it was under $100 I think. Service was brilliant too. Because my bitch was a "bit of a softy" they let her ride in the car with them instead of in the trailer with the "noisy dogs".
  16. A "very keen fish girl" or for that matter a "very keen fish guy" is called an Aquarist. There ya go. ;) We actually have many dozens of people waiting for us to open now, rather than drive to Melbourne for what they need. It's sure gonna be busy to start with! Wish I could be rendered 'cool' as easily as you. I went to Bunnings today (looked out for ya but you were not about)as I needed a new spray bottle for the frogs. Interesting to find they had a Hills 500ml bottle for $2.73 and a 1000ml bottle for $2.77. So, by the time the 500ml unit is rounded up, and the 1 litre bottle is rounded down, they were exactly the same price! Someone hasn't done their job properly!
  17. Hey Cavalblaze I was out your way today. My brother and SIL have just bought some land and are about to start building. I went out to have a look and discovered they will be just a few doors down from you! Their block is two down from the half-built place near you. They are on a corner of your street and a non-existent road at the moment. Coincidentally, my brother was saying just yesterday that they are considering buying a Cav from a reg breeder and asked me if I'd heard of you, as he has seen you on FB talking about your Cavs. I told him tonight that it would be handy having their breeder so close-by! Hope your babies are steaming along!
  18. Is there a DOLer who lives anywhere near Jules who might check in on her? No-one should be alone at a time like this.
  19. Congrats to those with babies and best wishes to those expecting. My girl is only about 10 days off now, although it's hard to know for sure as she mated steadily over 10 days and tied 3 or 4 times over a week. She is obviously a hussy like her Mum! I marked July 10th down after her first tie, so we'll see how we go! She has only started to show much this last week, and I'm thinking we aren't expecting a big litter, but I've been wrong before. One really nice boy and a lovely girl is all I'm hoping for. I guess I'll just have to watch her like a hawk from here on in and see what happens. So who's due to whelp next???
  20. :eek: :eek: I know, I went down to tell Oh and get a drink and came up to find her chewing another sac off! lol! The final 6 with Sways gorgeous identapup collars on! Congrats on the beautiful Cairn babies!!! :love:
  21. Thanks for reminding me... I've got to order some of those too!
  22. Having operated salons for many years I only ever used Oster A5 2-Speed Clippers and the Double-K, I have tried Andis and Wahl units and never liked them. The Oster does run hot, but it certainly never bothered me and I used the same pair for many, many years without having to touch them except for the carbon brushes. I used the Double-K for the big jobs and they are just awesome... no salon should be without them! But by the comments and results here, everyone obviously has differing opinions. Not everyone is comfortable with the same clippers.
  23. Congratulations on your eight early arrivals! Hope she hasn't retained those placentas though. How is the "Little Miss 180" doing now?
  24. Ooooh Good Luck, Britt! Hope today's the day (seeing you have taken the day off work!) and all goes well for you and the girl!
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