Im really worried about my cav pup Alfie he has been fine all day today, acting his normal happy, playfull self, eating well ect. But after his nap this afternoon when I went to get him to take him out for a wee I noticed there was somthing wrong with him :rolleyes: he cried when I picked him up. Then I noticed he had a really swollen lymph node on the right side of his neck :rolleyes: and it really hurts him if I touch it, he cries what could be the cause of the swollen lymph node? im really worried but cant take him to the vet until the morning. He dident want to eat his dinner and that is very unusual for him as he is usualy a guts and normally eats all of his food. He drank some puppy milk though and is drinking water fine. I had a look in his mouth and on the right side of his bottom lip it is very swollen and red, kind of like a blister ;) there is only one though and only on the right side of his mouth. The Swollen lymph node is only on the right side too and is quite large. Could the sore mouth and the swollen lymph node be connected? I took him to my mums friend who is very experienced with animails, she has worked in vet's and zoos. I took him to see her because I am very worried and the vets are closed ;) she seems to think the blister and the lymph node are connected and he might of cut his lip or somthing and it might be infected so the lymph node has swollen as it's trying to fight the infection? he has a bit of a hot nose too and has been sleeping more then usual. Im gonna take him to the vet first thing in the morning when its open but im really worried at the moment what should I do? does anyone have any ideas on whats wrong with him? its all happend very sudden, like he was fine all day today until about 5pm do you think he had had an allergic reaction to somthing or has been stung? please help im so worried about him