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Everything posted by cobeyandchris

  1. Thanks to all of you!! It puts me at ease to hear how many, little dogs especially, have seizures. She was vaccinated back in march and it was her 2yr shot. We have swapped food around but don't know if that helped because she has had a couple since. The blood sugar thing might be a goer. She is a little over weight but she does not eat alot. We only give them tin food once a day but they have dry food other times. There is plenty of water for her and she does keep cool. Can dogs have a high natural body temp because she lies on the tiles alot obviously to keep cool. Our last house, which we lived for nearly 18 months of her life is when the fits started so I'm hoping a new house and new yard might help her also. Anyways thanks all. Will keep posted.
  2. Hi, Our 2 yr old female pomeranian every now and then has seizures or fits where she gets all rigid and shakes a bit. They last for only about 2-3min but are enough to scare both her owners of course. After the seizure is over she's fine and starts to play or even eat. She also drewls abit while in the fits. Have taken her to the vet but he has said that without a pattern there is no way of telling if its anything serious. Was wondering if anyone here has had anything similar or knows what these could be. Just want to try make our girl better. Thanks
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