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Everything posted by AussieDog

  1. The Bunnings near Fountain Gate have the wooden ones..... Yet the Bunnings in Cranbourne don't.
  2. I wish my two waited till 5.30 - i get a wet nose in the eye or a dog lieing on my chest at 5am almost to the dot every morning. As others have mentioned sounds like he just wants to be with his family after being alone during the night.
  3. My dogs love that citronella spray - they chew and dig whatever i spray it on - hence it's in the bin now.
  4. dandenong hastings road - its the road which has the BP and Maccas on the corner.
  5. Unfortunately the offlead area was being used pretty much all morning so i couldn't get in to have a look. That said - the oval area where they do the dog training is soft - and is even full of lush grass. Lot's of dogs running in the off lead area so makes me think it's improved.
  6. I was at KCC park a few days ago and the cracks where still there - it was also covered in sheep poo. That said, it's been pretty wet these last few days so it may be better. I'm heading down there this morning for obediance - happy to report back when i get home.
  7. I must cause if i'm a bit iffy about the ham i'm about to put on my sandwich i offer it to my dogs - if they don't eat it i don't eat it.
  8. I also have to agree on not always going off the back of the bag. My Eagle Pack says to feed my dog 5-6cups per day. He gets max 3. I have been feeding a lot more raw - you can pick up 2 chicken carcasses from a supermarket for about $1 - plus i also go to a Butcher Wholesaler and get gravy beef, bones and chicken wings. A big back of the Eagle Pack Holistic is $110 and last me around 2-3 months with two dogs.
  9. Sorry for loss.... after reading your post i would have to query whether you need to focus on the room she was in? Was she in there for any period of time (i only ask cause if she was than surely the source would be in the room?)
  10. My two are the same - my older puppy drags my younger one around by the collar - literally. I asked some trainers at dog school on the weekend as i was concerned one would eventually hurt the other - both trainers said there is little that can be done and that i should only worry if they are hurting each other - ie if dogs are yelping (which there not). Both trainers said they will evenutally grow out of it - but to remember they are pups/dogs and thats what they do.
  11. Thanks for all the advice. I've read so many posts about the wonders of crating, and although i have nothing against them for short periods of time, i just don't know if my dogs have the ability to sit still for more than 30mins. I'm heading down to PetStock this morning so i'll see how much they are (as i'd have to buy two). I was just thinking do you think it could be i'm feeding them too much "energy" food? They are on Eagle Pack Holistic in the mornings with a dollop of yoghurt, and at night they have a meaty bone (ie lamb shank or osso beef) plus some mince or beef steak or chicken or whatever else i found on special. I mentioned they are exercised regularly - probably too much by some peoples standards in here. I've read so many posts recommending pups be exercised as little as possible due to growing joints - which i fully agree on, but if these dogs don't get to run around KCC park every second day than they go even more feral. The other weekend they both ran the Lure course twice (just once around each time though) and even then when i got home they went crazy in the backyard. The older one isn't quite so bad, he's been to puppy school etc. This weekend the younger one goes too - she doesn't stop barking around other dogs - we will probably get expelled. :rolleyes: No blankets found (yet) but the other day i did find a coloured pencil in there poo.
  12. Oh joy. Actually Terrorbull i was reading your posts last night about your pups "consuming" items. I know it's very serious and dangerous - but it did make me laugh out loud.
  13. I know they are puppies which is why I don't get mad or smack them when they chew everything. They are both Heeler X's. We have tried the restricted access while we are home, but both of them jump straight over the gates. We have used both the kids ones and a dog pen - both of which are up to 1m in height - both dogs can get over. They are locked outside for a good couple of hours each day - thats when they catch up on there digging, barking and chewing of all our plants. I understand they are puppies, and that two puppies equals more naughtiness, i spose i was just venting and to see if anyone else has these problems with there pups and to hopefully hear that they grow out of it. But thank you for your suggestions.
  14. I just noticed I hadn't seen my puppies for a good 10mins - they usually are joined to my hip. I wondered outside only to find them both lieing in the dirt (the grass is long dead) chewing on my book - ironically titled "Don't Shoot The Dog!". It's come to the point that if ANYTHING is lost in the house, the first place we look is in the backyard - nothing is safe. The other day we came home to find they had pulled a dozen DVD's OFF the bookcase, chewed the cover, chewed the insert and in one case got the dvd out and chewed that. Besides not leaving things out, anyone with any suggestions to stop this naughty behaviour. Everything is taken - shoes, clothes, kids sofas, hairbrushes, beauty products, pillows, blankets - anything they can fit out the doggie door (which is big enough for a 3y/o to crawl through) goes. They have tons of toys - kongs, teddy's, ropes, things hanging off the pergola, bones to chew - treat puzzles, ice blocks. They are taken for walks, runs - plus at the moment i'm home for the best part of the entire day. They just are super naughty! HELLLPPPPPPP please.
  15. shoemonster - that was me who recognised your dogs. I had the very loud and naughty Heeler.
  16. Is everyone still going?? Can you believe this time last week the air cons were on and we were all dieing from the heat....i'm thinking of putting the heater on as it's so damn cold.
  17. Weather is not looking good. I am about a 7min drive from KCC park and it only just pelted down and it's BLOWING A GAIL!!!!! Bugger - i was looking forward to taking my pup down for a run. He doesn't look very eager at the moment - he is curled up asleep.
  18. I was on the Animal Liberation Victoria website reading about puppy farms when i came across this article about Iams. http://www.alv.org.au/issues/iams.php I know i wont be buying there products!!
  19. I've just noticed for the second time my 12week old female puppy mounts my 6month old male desexed puppy. Is this normal? On both occasions the male puppy has been sleeping peacefully on the floor - the female goes up, stands over him and gets the hips moving. I say No to her, but i'm unsure if this is a dominance issue or does she just have the hots for my male.
  20. AussieDog


    I am completely confused as to what wormers i have been giving my puppies. Originally i got two "worming" tablets from the VET at the same time i purchased Revolution. I was told i needed to re-worm in three months. When i took my second puppy to the vet i again brought Revolution and the Vet gave my little one a worming tablet but said it needed to be done monthly, but gave the older dog a tablet that would last three months. I then got free samples of Frontline Plus and Heartgard. As i did not use Revolution on the younger one i gave her the Frontline and the Heartgard, but then out of utter confusion i gave the older puppy the Heartgard. I was just looking on a dog website and found Revolution under "Heartworm Control". So is Revolution a flea treatment AND Heartworm treatment in the one paste/tube? And if so, in theory should i then ALSO be worming both dogs for intestional worms? Help...anyone....please.........
  21. Hi there, just wanted to see if this summer school is starting/started. I'm in Sth Eastern Melb but would be interested in meeting up with people. I have a 12week Heeler and a 6mth old HeelerX (he is big). Both go to obediance school - but would love for them to be able to have a play with other puppies over the chrissie period.
  22. I'm a little concerned at how dry my Blue Heeler X Red Heelers coat is. She is approx 12weeks of age and i'm feeding her Science Diet Puppy, plus she gets tinned salmon and raw marrow bones every couple of days. Her coat is short but it's very dry and has no shine or softness to it. I'm not sure if this is a characteristic of the heeler - can anyone confirm? My other puppy who is 6 months and is meant to be a Heeler X (all he has is speckled feet - plus he is too tall and lean to be one IMO) has a beautiful long shiny and soft coat. He eats and lives exactly like the younger one. Thanks for your help Jen.
  23. CavNrott - I 100% agree with you and is also the way i manage my puppies. ralfthelab when i take Molly outside to go the toilet i make sure she walks herself outside (following me of course) through the doggie door. I think this is the best way so then she knows 1) how to get out into the backyard and 2) doesn't get lazy cause she will think i'll carry her. Once outside i literally stand still on the grass and tell her to do weez. 9/10 she will go straight away. If she sits down or starts to play with a toy i walk further up the garden where she follows but drops her toy and again tell her to do weez. If she falls to the ground and sleeps i go back inside but leave her out to come back in as she will. Seems to work. Standing out in the cold at night for 5mins i think is heaps. Molly has a HUGE drink every time we wake up in the night so every 4hrs i know she'll have to go.
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