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Everything posted by AussieDog

  1. Hi Erny, sorry another question. Have you/do you feed Mandela any of the hills prescription or royal canin prescription kibbles?
  2. I ordered a tub of Plaque Off off ebay UK last week - it arrived yesterday with no problems.
  3. My guys have been on Black Hawk since January. I thought they were doing ok on it however i've been dealing with bloody vomiting and poos with my girl since the same time i switched over. I've only just put two and two together. Prior to January when they were on Royal Canin - no problems. Could be a coincidance but just in case I won't allow that stuff back into my house. She has now been diagnosed with severe irritable bowel - we find out today after an ultrasound to what extent.
  4. Hi Erny, sorry to hijack your thread but are Mandelas food intolerances related to irritable bowel? I ask as my dog has recently been diagnosed with severe irritable bowel. We are getting an ultrasound next week to measure intestine walls (or something) but I believe I'll need to start to work out what she can and can't eat. Would you be able to point me in the right direction of how you got Mandela tested? It may prove helpful if I get my dog tested.....maybe? Ta. Edited to say found the testing kit co. In your original post. Helps if I read things properly.
  5. Thought I’d put an update here as my poor dog is still vomiting blood and today she also had bloody mucus in/on her stool. We did a stomach scope back in March this year - nothing was found - in fact the vet commented on what a healthy looking stomach she had. Since March there have been about 10 or so incidents of bloody vomit (never any food in the vomit - just some grass). We went back to the vet last week and it was suggested maybe the grass is cutting her stomach causing the blood and i was told to start to feed her breakfast and dinner. Which I’ve been doing. Last Thursday night after dinner Molly ran outside and consumed HEAPS of grass - she was head down for a good 10minutes. Nothing came back up. All grass was in her poo the next day. Today she didn't want breakfast and overall was very "sad" looking. This afternoon i find bloody vomit and the bloody stool. So just back from the vet and we are treating her for severe IBS. If the medication she is on now (antibiotics and something to help with possible stomach ulcers) doesn't work we go to steroids. We are also on RC Hypoallergenic food. If all that doesn't work i either go to a specialist or surgery for a large intestine biopsy. She also has an enlarged lymph node (only one). I'm obviously very worried about my girl and i hope it is just a matter of a change of diet. The "C" word was thrown around but i just can't even think about that for now. Has anyone else seen these symptoms or had experience with Irritable Bowel?
  6. What a beautiful photo and story. Made me tear up.
  7. That's what i'm thinking. It doesn't make sense. Maybe she dropped the dog off but overnight had second thoughts. Surely if she was just wanting them to mind the dog for a few days she would have told them that and i would have thought they would have said a big fat no.
  8. I don't understand why you think it's manipulation. Pet burial/creamation = big business. Human burial/cremation = even bigger business. Vet's can't wait weeks for you to make up your mind about what you want to do with your deceased animal. Of course they are going to press you there and then about what you would like done.
  9. You're obviously not unemployed then. It would make no difference whether I was employed, on a low income or unemployed. I would not shop around to have a family member euthanised as if I was buying a new fridge. Sounds like you've never been unemployed. You have no idea. I haven't worked for over 12months and i'm as broke as they come. I'm with others - no way would i shop around for the best price for putting any of my animals down. If i ever have to make that hard decision again they'll go to their normal vet and i'll pay whatever the cost it. The dog's will all be cremated and brought home to sit with the other dog and horse on the bookcase.
  10. We got our dwarf lop ear rabbit PTS early this week. Cost was $101 - which included an "emergency" appointment as we were hoping he could be saved. He came home and is buried in the front yard (couldn't go in the back as the dog's would dig him up).
  11. Walked past Chadstone PP last night - they are still doing a roaring trade. Must have been 30-40 puppies in there. The shop was FULL of people too.
  12. No, none of those that i remember. Not sure why, but after a while I really hated it and still hate the breed to date. There are no other doggies, good, bad, big, small or ugly that i dislike as much as the Jap Spitz.
  13. I love all most all dogs except i have a deep hatred of Japenese Spitzs'. My sister used to have one and it was the worst dog.
  14. They always have full windows at Fountain Gate and there are always hoards of people oooing and ahhing at them. If i'm with my mum or nephews i always say in a loud voice how vile the shop is and where those puppies come from.
  15. I've also used these guys - for a horse and a dog. They also trade under the name "Bamganie Environmental Services Pty Ltd". No problems at all in both accounts. I wasn't there when they picked my dog up but i was there when they collected my horse - they were extremely respectful and even when my horse didn't fit in the standard wooden box they didn't throw out the remainder ashes - they gave me four additional tins to match. I would have been none the wiser if they didn't provide the extra containers. edited to say i'm pretty sure they pick up Melbourne wide (they are down near Geelong)
  16. Those things are not associated with the breed though it can happen to ANY BREED. Some breeds may be more proned to things like ear infections then others, but every breed has it flaws and health issues the key is being able to do your research and weed out the people who don't test to those who do test, I'm sure if you found a pup and you opted to pay for optional test for highly uncommon things in the breed a breeder would be more then happy to get the test done on your pup. I have been around cavs alot and even handled a few in the ring no way would those dogs be there as a representation of "good breeding" if they had health issues that could potentially affect off spring.. Well anyone with ethics wouldn't be doing that anyway I'm not sure what you are trying to imply with a: my sister's buying habits or b: the breeder's ethics but this thread was about Cavaliers and health issues they may be prone to. As I have a Cavalier in the family and i know of his long list of problems i thought my contribution to this thread might be interesting. Cavaliers have long ears - they will be prone to infections more so than dog's with "normal" ears. I'm not putting the breed down - we love Billy. He has had a small fortune spent on him because he is loved so much. He now 7 and seems to be a happy little dog.
  17. My sister has a pure bred Cavalier from a registered breeder - i think the breeder may actually even be on DOL (not sure though). He was the runt of the litter so a lot smaller than your normal Cavalier - he came with a hernia, something wrong with his testicle, he had his ear canal operated on due to very smelly and infected ears, and his eyes are now shot. The family love him to bits but he has been a very expensive little doggie.
  18. That website was sad. I'm not sure where i found it but i once came across a site that had animals for sale for universities. I hate animal testing and i try to educate myself on the products i buy. I know for certain none of the makeup and skincare products i use are tested on animals. Prescriptions and medicine - well i hate to think.
  19. Mine do. They have one or two small pieces if mum has a packet open.
  20. My dog had a problem with her Anal Glands only a couple of weeks ago. Noticed she was bum scooting the night before then in the morning she was just sitting looking rather sheepish. Tail up and i saw all the delights of a burst anal gland around her bum. Not knowing exactly what to do i cleaned her up and took her to the vet where they told me not much can be done. It had burst and as it was the only time in her life there was a problem they sent me home. Before that day i had no idea there was any problem around that area. Poor dog looked so uncomfortable for the next week.
  21. That's a great idea. Just make sure though it's one they can get too.
  22. Me to. I was in Melbourne CBD a few weeks back and there was a man and his big black dog out the front of Melbourne Central. While i was in the shops i ducked into Coles and brought some dog treats. On my way out i handed them to the man. WOW the big dog perked up, wagged his tail and started to smell the back of treats. Made my day. I only wished i had gotten him more. I think these dogs are well looked after (for where they are) by their homeless masters. For some (people), it's probably the only friendship and warmth they get.
  23. Poo on the pavement drives me mad. I'm forever looking down and trying not to step in it. My dogs always poop on the grass and i always pick it up. My only frustration is around here (Sth East Melb) none of the parks (even those that are HUGE) don't have bins.
  24. When i was travelling through London and Europe i went to a few zoos and was surprised at the differance in animal welfare. London zoo is/was HORRIBLE. Tiny, tiny cages and dirty. I was so upset by the whole thing i left. Barcelona on the other hand. HUGE, much cleaner and the animals looked to have a decent size yard. I've also been to Singapore which i was impressed with. Such a shame animals have to live in such horrid conditions.
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