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Everything posted by laffi

  1. Sorry but what are the symptoms of dry eye? :D Thanks!
  2. I think it's http://www.leerburg.com/ (without the au) :D
  3. I agree that rewarding the dog and taking brakes to play/cuddle them is very very important. My dogs love to work when they know they will get a treat!
  4. I have to say at the beginning I thought obedience is boring (compared to agility or tricks). But now I think about it as a set of tricks joined together and am having much more fun. Perhaps it's very overwhelming when you go to obedience school and they teach/train to do all these things at once, and dogs don't do most of them properly. I think that once you decompose it all and treat it as a lot of different exercises together is much more interesting.
  5. Have a look at the pinned topic General Heath Information.
  6. laffi

    Over Anxious Puppy

    poor you, it must be terrible sorry I can't offer any help but what breed she she and how old? maybe she is sick :p does she ever look content or happy?
  7. poor thing good luck! (sorry I can't help , and can only offer moral support :p )
  8. Sorry I can't help But I would also like to ask the DOLers how much excercice should a young dog (6-8 mo) of a large breed (like lab or goldie) get? I was told not to walk them for too long because it's bad for their joints
  9. Me too - I couldn't live with myself if just coz I missed the worming (ie: did them every 12mths etc) that my dead dog was my fault Both of my dogs are on Sentinel Spectrum as well. Better safe than sorry.
  10. sorry I definitely will not be much help what is the difference between CCD and novice?
  11. which collar do you use? I used one for a little more then a week but I just couldn't handle the smell of it
  12. Does anyone know a flyball club near Ipswich QLD?
  13. I wish I was at home wearing my PJ and playing with my doggies
  14. it went great it just reconfirmed that Midge the most perfect aussie I have seen (it doesn't matter that she is the only aussie I have seen) :p :D
  15. Yep, my vet and bayer rep say you can use Advocate and Advantix concurrently just like Mel said. Georgie-boy why do you say you can't?
  16. You can definitely double up with advocate and advantix for example.
  17. the males do tend to have 'bulkier' heads. Although it is assentuated in my pair as Kinta's head takes after her sire's side of the family - which tend to be a lot sharper. I'm not a real fan of her head myself coz I love the boofheads . Leo's head is beautiful IMO, although his muzzle is a little shorter than what it should be Oh I also noticed something else. Leo's ears on all the pics are pretty low in a submissive/respectful way but Kinta's are high (in a more attentive/interested way). I realized that Midge used to be like Kinta at the beginning but now it more like Leo. Does it change with age? Different lines again- and just different ear sets . Leo's just naturally sit a little lower - both are technically correct. Aussies ears should be semi-erect but the length of ear can't reach past the tip of the eye... so - that means if you grab midge's ear and pull it toward the centre of her eyes, it shouldn't reach past there http://www.shalakoaussies.com/BreedStandard_Ears.html This is a good website too I will be doing some ears pulling tonight Thanks for a great website
  18. the males do tend to have 'bulkier' heads. Although it is assentuated in my pair as Kinta's head takes after her sire's side of the family - which tend to be a lot sharper. I'm not a real fan of her head myself coz I love the boofheads . Leo's head is beautiful IMO, although his muzzle is a little shorter than what it should be Oh I also noticed something else. Leo's ears on all the pics are pretty low in a submissive/respectful way but Kinta's are high (in a more attentive/interested way). I realized that Midge used to be like Kinta at the beginning but now it more like Leo. Does it change with age?
  19. Kinta and Leo have very different heads. His is much more "bulky". Is it a trait of male aussies?
  20. Have you changed anything in his diet? He looks amazing
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