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Everything posted by Cody

  1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iV6DQuEh4UQ
  2. My partner has 3 Eclectus parrots! Do you have any pics you could share?
  3. Dear little girl Keeshond's are just georgeous. Sorry about your loss, :rolleyes: Run free lil Chelsea
  4. That's georgeous!!!! What a cute lil doggy!
  5. So cool. Such a georgeous, happy girl!
  6. I have never liked shock collars, now I hate them.
  7. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=if46pSsMTFQ
  8. She's georgeous! But what exactly is she doing in the second vid?
  9. I lost my sweet girl in September but still grieve for her everyday. She was the grand old age of 16 when cancer struck her down. We had the best friendship and I love her very much. She was a Golden Retriever x Rough Collie. I only had her for 3 short years but they were the best years of my life. We met when I moved in next door to where she lived and from dy one she followed me everywhere. I believe she picked me.
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