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Everything posted by Toohey
That is obvious to all of us, and I can't see the benefit in pointing it out. Despite our frustrations with Frank and his refusal to see the issues here, if we give up and alienate him, it is the dog who suffers.
Sadly this is not a troll, and such comments will only make the situation more inflammatory. Frank, if you decide to rehome Bailey, please come straight to the cocker pic thread and let us know? We will help you find a good home for him.
Sorry This One Is Yuck But I Need Advice
Toohey replied to chloebear's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Lose the kiwi fruit... that is causing the problem. I would also avoid strawberries.. in fact keep it fairly plain, and not too frequent.. maybe just apple and pear pieces.. no seeds. If you are feeding the apple core that is also a problem. They are toxic to dogs. -
he was here reading yesterday also..... I hope he would be good enough to give us update on how Bailey is going, and what he is planning to do. Some of us are very concerned.
Thank you Erny Well summed up.
The BARF diet recommends approx 70% raw meaty bones. You can use chicken necks, wings, frames, turkey necks, lamb flaps (nice and fatty), brisket bones, pork bones, lamb necks, beef chuck bones. I usually take the harder bones away when it gets knawed to small sharp pieces in case they try to swallow it whole. You can give the bigger marrowbones for recreational purposes. The necks have very small bones so swallowing them whole is not going to cause a probelm. The wings I would crush with a big knife at first, though mine eat them whole and I have never had a problem. I always supervise them however, mainly to prevent arguments, but also because I had ONE occasion where my boy got a piece of brisket bone lodged across the top of his mouth and was mildly distressed until I removed it for him. I add in vegies, fruit, sardines, yoghurt, egg, and various safe leftovers to make up the bulk of their diet. I feed the occasional dry as well for busy times and convenience, but they love their natural food and do great on it. Here's some reading for you. http://www.rawmeatybones.com/ http://www.abc.net.au/wa/stories/s1293692.htm http://www.drianbillinghurst.com/ http://www.drianbillinghurst.com/barf_philosophy.html http://www.rawlearning.com/ http://www.njboxers.com/faqs.htm http://sonia.clove.net.au/diet.html
Perhaps try some raw chicken necks to start with and see what she thinks of them?
Sensible dog Mine eat predominantly raw meaty bones, veg, fruit, sardines etc.. and they love it and are so healthy!
How can the dog be having someone on? Not all dogs like Nutro, mine didn't.
No, WRONG! I am concerned about the dog. You don't seem to be answering my questions? If the owner is not committed to working with the dog to sort out the issues, rehoming to someone who WILL is the best option. Do you agree?
How can that be a solution if firstly, the owner is not committed to working with the dog to teach appropriate behaviour, and secondly, if the owner does not understand/acknowledge that the problem is caused by himself?
What do you think will fix the problem K9, considering the present owner of this dog is not interested in appropriate training, and is hoping the pup will outgrow his problems?
'K9 Force' date='22nd Oct 2007 - 11:19 AM' post='2114679' But what I would say is, Breeders seem to be a lot of peoples source for behaviour solutions, not sure why this would be...? No-one is suggesting the breeder can fix any behaviour problems, but the breeder may be able to take the pup back and rehome him with someone who is committed to training the pup to behave appropriately.
I can't see any insults either.. just lots of excellent advice from people who want to help. I just find this whole thing terribly sad ;) But gee, then we would not be here to offer advice every time you post about your problems :rolleyes: This is the crux of it for me. Frank, have you contacted the breeder yet? Give Bailey a chance to find a home where people will give him what he needs?
Always do it either outside, or in the bath. Use a glove. If you have a feel with your thumb and index finger... either side and just below the anus, you will feel the glands... they feel like large peas if they are full. Hold the dog's tail with your other hand to steady the dog. Press upwards and inwards, gently but firmly, and the glands should squirt icky brown fluid: can be copious, so watch out. Might take a few goes to ge the hang of it, but if saves the dog having surgery and having the vet do it for you, it's worth it to learn to do it yourself. If you are not sure, ask the vet to teach you how.
No need to water it down.
Oh Pix, I am so sorry. My heart goes out to you ;) You loved Kaeleigh so much, and you made her short life a very happy one. My thoughts are with you in this awfully sad time ;)
How long since he has been wormed? Try not to panic. There may well be a simple reason for it. May have eaten something that has disagreed with him. ;)
So the dog is going to be deprived of playing with the children because he has not been taught how to behave properly? Is that fair?
You may not know that Rage Syndrome is a very rare brain disorder that is nothing like the typical boisterous cocker puppy behaviour that Frank has described here. Considering you admitted you did not even know the name of the disorder, I think you should refrain from trying to diagnose it over the internet Very very few of the behavour issues seen in cockers, and ANY dogs for that matter, are attributable to Rage Syndrome, and people should not jump into threads where the words "cocker" and "problem" are mentioned, and immediately suggest it is the possible cause . It's just ridiculous, annoying, and gives the breed an unnecessarily bad name. Frank, you didn't say whether Bailey is being obedience trained?
Oh dear .. ignore that Frank.. Good post Anne. Sounds spot on to me. Frank, have you been taking Bailey to obedience training?
Pedigree Dog Food - Is It Good For Them?
Toohey replied to Roxy_and_Missys_Mum's topic in Health / Nutrition / Grooming
Wow I'd hang on to that vet. He's a rare one! You can feed a natural diet if you like, with a bit of research it is not hard, and it is great for the dogs. Here's some reading for you http://www.rawmeatybones.com/ http://www.abc.net.au/wa/stories/s1293692.htm http://www.drianbillinghurst.com/ http://www.drianbillinghurst.com/barf_philosophy.html http://www.rawlearning.com/ http://www.njboxers.com/faqs.htm http://sonia.clove.net.au/diet.html Hmm, would probably not do that... I'd give the puppy milk though small amounts of normal milk is OK, lactose free would be better for their digestion. Weetbix doesn't have much to offer...carbs aren't really necessary. Growing pups need protein, calcium and fats firstly. I'd probably feed a couple of raw chicken necks for brekkie, or a small handful of dry if you want. She will need three meals a day until she is four months old, then you can cut it back to two. With natural feeding lots of variety is the key. Mushed vegies, fruit pieces, sardines, a little egg, a little natural yoghurt....spread it out over a week, don't try and give everything in one day. They key to the BARF diet is to feed 70% raw meaty bones. Never feed cooked bones, onion, or chocolate. -
Aww thanks Jaymatt. He thinks so too Jules, have you got some clippers? If so, a nice close clip... (I use a number ten)..and take it down the inner side of the leather a way. And do they grow a lot of hairs inside their ears as well? Might be a good idea to have a good plucking if you don't already :p