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Everything posted by Toohey

  1. This was discussed recently :rolleyes: If you do a search within this site, you will find a lot more information. Good luck. http://forums.dogzonline.com.au/index.php?showtopic=12956
  2. I think perhaps you mean enzymes? Dogs also have much stronger hydrochloric acid in their stomach, designed to efficiently break down tough animal muscle and bones. This is one reason why bugs don't tend to survive, and also because their digestive tract is much shorter than a humans, so bugs aren't in there long enough to cause harm. http://www.natural-akita.com/NaturalCanine..._nutrition.html
  3. Sorry Inspector Rex but I wouldn't give him psyllium. A high fibre diet will most likely exacerbate his diarrhoea. MDS, you need to find out why your dog has this problem, then come back and ask Steve for advice on his diet. She is the expert on remedies and diet here.
  4. A poop test, or stool sample test, is when you take in specimens of your dog's poo in a jar, preferably three specimens over three days, and they are sent off to a lab to be studied to see if there are any parasitic bacteria living in the dog's intestine which would cause his diarrhoea. This test should have been done in the beginning of your dog's treatment and will determine if there is something nasty living in there (in your dog's gut), what it is, and what the correct treatment to get rid of it is. I think this should be done before the dog is commenced on steroid treatment, especially if the vet does not know what is wrong. I think if your vet has not done this test yet, it is time to find another vet for a different opinion, and take a poo sample with you when you go.
  5. That seems unusual that they would treat for Guardia without testing for it first. I assumed when you said he had lots of tests that stool samples would have been first on the list. Especially after 8 months of the runs. Why do you think the vet is treating first before looking for a cause? Sounds like a bit of a guessing game. The dog could have a permanent resident bug in his gut that could be blasted out in one hit with the right antibiotic. Although, I don't think Guardia always shows up in stool studies.
  6. Yoghurt might help, but it's not normal for the dog to have consistently runny poos, especially when being fed raw bones. Might be worth getting a second opinion, although if he does have an inflammatory bowel problem, steroids might help. Hang around here and hopefully the more knowledgeable people will be along to offer their thoughts. I have cockers and give them a dessertspoon of yoghurt 2 or 3 times a week.
  7. Hi and welcome. What an unfortunate problem for both of you. Glad to hear he still appears happy and healthy, but I'd be keeping a close eye on his weight. Can I ask what diets you have tried prior to the vet prescribed food? Have you tried a natural diet of bones, raw vegies, yoghurt etc?
  8. Porterpup, what do you mean when you say soft brush? Do you use a slicker brush? If so, that should get the knots free. If your dog will tolerate it, it's best to use a fine metal comb and put the tip of it into the knots and gently pull them loose. Lie the dog on his side and get into all the crevices, underarms and groins are usually the worst. Cutting is not a great idea as the fur will grow back more profuse and fluffy and will continue to cause problems. Please don't leave him matted. I read somewhere on the forum here once that if a human had long underarm hair and they tied it in several knots and then used their arms normally, can you imagine how uncomfortable that would be, and how would the dog feel. Ps , you have a Spoodle? Watch out for Jed who is on a Spoodle safari and might like to talk to you about shedding and Lagottos :D
  9. Toohey


    :D Jeff, I am so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you
  10. Kristie, I am so terribly sorry for your loss. What a beautiful tribute to your freind Senna. :rolleyes: :p
  11. Salli I am so sorry that this has happened. Was Tiger the lovely kitten you were waiting for last year? How awful for you. You must be devastated
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