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Everything posted by Benson

  1. We give Benson antihistamines periodically, and when he is on them he eats like a horse, whereas usually he is a picky eater. The vet did tell us they do make dogs more hungry, so perhaps your dog is also wanting to eat more then usual when given the antihistamines? Not sure how heavy Bronte is right now (female Wei, will be two in June, was 30kg at last weigh in), but she does really love her food :D
  2. Hey Phoebe, I have a large crate if you need to borrow it - it should fit Tess for sleeping, but anyway you're welcome to come round and see if it's ok if you need it. Hope Tess settles soon Benson
  3. I am very sorry Kristie. Our thoughts are with you. Benson, Bronte and me
  4. But it's such fun mischief! It would be nice for Bronte and Tess to meet without Benson being around actually, as she doesn't look at anything / anyone else except him (and his apparently very tasty legs). I'm definitely going to try the whistle thing though. How about we meet at a park that's all fenced in, send Bronte and Tess off, blow our whistles and see what happens :D
  5. I have a sneaking suspicion that if I used a whistle anywhere near Bronte she'd flip out - either because it excited her beyond belief, or scared the hell out of her. And unless the whistle was somehow attached to a tennis ball, Benson wouldn't even bat an eyelid. Mmmm, I think I'll buy one on the weekend and give it a go though. Always up for being mauled by a Weimeraner who's approaching draft horse size...
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