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Everything posted by david99

  1. Thanks for the replies. PAX - I have taken your advice on board and will follow through with your suggestions. I will also discuss the problem further with the trainers at castle hill showground. Yes, unfortunately Steve left Hanrob in December. CrashTestDummy: The socialising I have given her has been on lead. The only time she has gone off lead with other dogs was during the final week of puppy preschool when there were only a few dogs present on the day and they were all placid and gentle much like her.
  2. Thanks all for the advice, really helpful and appreciated. I will look into having some personal lessons with a trainer at hanrob and see what we can arrange in terms of socialising her with other placid dog(s) as well as continue with group obedience and socialisations on outings. It seems like Steve Austin left Hanrob last year. Does anyone have any recommendations for good trainers there? Thanks
  3. Thanks Kavik for the quick reply. She is not confident around any stranger or dog, it doesn’t seem to matter what size, type, breed, race etc… Socialisation – she goes for walks in varying places, at least once daily. Sometimes two short walks instead. She has been through puppy preschool. She does get introduced to strangers where possible - but she is already quite large and people don’t seem to want to interact with her as much now. It doesn’t help that she shy’s away from them. In terms of other dogs – once she sees them she stops, if they come towards her then she pulls away from them. She doesn’t bark or growl. Sometimes she gets submissive and rolls on her back, but if they try and play with her she yelps even if they don’t touch her. But with that said, she is fine with people and dogs she knows. There is a 40kg mastiff that she loves to play rough with, infact, she a little terror and doesn’t leave him alone, jumping all over him, biting, playing, chasing etc… She has no problems with him jumping / running at her whatsoever. I am currently attending group classes at castle hill showground. It wasn’t overly busy, which is good, as I found she was her shyest at puppy school when lots of dogs were around …baby steps. She has only been there once so it’s still early days. Thanks for the link, I shall have a read through it.
  4. Hi all, I have a 4 month old female Doberman puppy that needs further socialization to help build up her confidence. We have finished 5 weeks of puppy preschool where she was always quite shy. Unfortunately when we go out for walks etc she is still quite scared of unknown dogs & people. For instance, should she see a stranger on a walk she will generally stop, or try and pull away. If another dog tries and plays with her and jumps or runs at her playfully she will back away and yelp. She has never had any bad experiences with people / dogs while I have owned her and she came from an excellent breeder. I have also only used positive reinforcement with her. I have tried to introduce her with strangers with treats, as well as take her to new places, I am also taking her to group obedience classes – but she still isn’t showing much increase in confidence. I was recommended to some in house training by hanrob. In particular the 3 week course that includes the following points (as well as the obedience): • STABILITY AND DISTRACTION TRAINING • SOCIALISATION WITH OTHER DOGS AND HUMANS • SOCIABLE AND ACCEPTABLE BEHAVIOUR TRAITS Obviously I would like to work on these issues while she is still young, but am unsure whether there is anything I could be doing? I don’t want to send her away somewhere only to find out they are using harsh training methods or doing anything that could make things worse. Any suggestions on where to go from here? Any thoughts on hanrobs inhouse training or similar programs? Thanks all.
  5. Thanks all for the input and good news! I will keep an eye on them closely. I will also discuss it further with my breeder & vet if things don't improve over the next few weeks. :rolleyes:
  6. Hi all, I have a Doberman pup that is now 3 and half months old. His ears are not docked obviously. I have noticed within the last week that his ears hang differently. I initially thought they were simply different sizes but it’s like ones more erect at the top than the other and that’s what gives off that impression – at least I think. Unfortunately my camera is out of action at the moment so I can’t show you exactly what I’m talking about…it's like one goes out straight and hangs normally creating the V shape where as the other kinda angles backwards and creates more of a || shape. The plot thickens though, as looking back on photos taken about a month ago it seems like he didn’t always have this ‘ailment’, and that both his ears used to ‘hang’ exactly the same ie V V Is ear wonkiness normal during puppyhood? Or is it possible that his ear may have been damaged in anyway? He does has some puppy mates and they all like chewing on each others ears - puppies will be puppies! Thanks all!
  7. Thank you all for the excellent advice and input, really appreciated. As suggested I will continue to keep them seperated during feeding, bone/meat time etc Guess i had a unique experience with my last two boxers, where they would share bones and happily eat next to each other. Guess my main concern was whether the aggression may have being something more, but as its only happens around meal times - i'm happy to hear - dogs will be dogs - and we now have a solution! Thanks!
  8. I'm also worried this experience may hurt her socialisation and create 'fear' of other dogs? I can't see any damage done to her but she yelped a lot when he 'went for her'. Very upsetting, especially as I have never had an experience with any of my previous dogs showing ANY signs of aggression.
  9. Hi all, We have two pups in the family, a 5 month old male boxer and a 3 month old female doberman. We didn't plan on having two pups living together but ...that's a whole other story, but sumed up - WORK. Anyway, they have been living together for the last month. Everything has been going well, they get along great and play well together. He has been through puppy pre school and socialised thoroughly. She hasn't had her third vacination yet, but we will be going through puppy pre school with her as well shortly. Ok - to the problem, we usually keep them seperated at dinner time as they both have started to growl towards each other and try and swap food bowls. Ok, so tonight they both finished eating early and my sister let the doberman outside, where she ran over to the boxers food bowl - which was completely empty - but he saw this, and charged directly at the doberman and attacked her!! My sister corrected him verbally and put him in time out. My question is - how do we correct this behavour? They are only pups at the moment and we definately would like to iron out ANY form of aggression ASAP. They both show posessiveness around bones as well, but only towards each other - they are fine around us. Until we get some sound advice we will be isolating them around meal time / bone time and removing their bowls completely afterwoods etc... It was quite upsetting to witness, so i hope there is a way to eliminate this posessiveness / agression?
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