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  1. Thanks, at the moment you cant really tell unless you look in his mouth, when his mouth is closed from the outside it just looks as if he is sticking out his bottom lip! i think its cute. As long as its not going to bother him it doesnt bother me! Thats a bit of a relief, i was worried that he did something to his jaw as he plays pretty rough with our neighbours staffy
  2. Hi i have a 6 month old Chihuahua. I regulary check his teeth to see how they are growing and to check the cleanliness of them etc. Over the last two weeks he has starting losing his puppy teeth. but when i checked his mouth last night his teeth dont line up and the bottom of his jaw doesnt seem to line up with his top anymore... He is eating and doesnt seem to be in pain. What is going on!?? should we be taking a trip to the vet? I thought that if a pup is going to have a underbite that this would be noticable from birth and not something that happens in two weeks?
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