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Everything posted by MelissaS

  1. So very very sorry for your loss. So painful R.I.P Oscar and Mia xxx
  2. Hi there, I found some large raw Turkey drumsticks last week at the butcher, they are a great size to feed to the dogs. They ate them without any problems at all. Today when I was buying more a woman in the butcher told me they will kill my dogs even raw and I'd be better off feeding them glass!!?? She kept insisting they are very dangerous. So, I was wanting to ask are they safe to feed large breed dogs? I've googled it as I had never heard they were unsafe, I keep getting different opinions in all the articles I read. Does anyone here feed their dogs raw Turkey drumsticks? Thanks :) Mel
  3. I'm no expert but had a bit of a look on the net and this dog does look like a Illyrian from the pics I could see. I don't know in all honesty.I have not met one and had not heard of them before. Thought Lilli or someone involved with Livestock Guarding breeds may know. If she is -I know is unusual but she may be in the pound for numerous reasons. She is shown on Hawkesbury pounds available dog list on their website her number is PCC809 Tried to post pic but I couldnt do it :laugh:
  4. That is what I assumed- they'd need an experienced owner etc. She is on the dogs available for adoption on Facebook by friends of Hawkesbury companion animal shelter. They post dogs that need adoption. It was on a FB wall post with others available for adoption. Stunning looking girl, hope she goes to the right sort of home.
  5. Hi there, There is a stunning Illiyrian sheepdog at Hawkesbury. I was coming here to ask the experts is this a rare breed? They said she was really relaxed and enjoyed a groom etc... I'm curious if this breed is like a lot of Livestock Guardian breeds and require an experienced or knowledgeable owner? I'm not looking for another dog, just curious as I have never seen this breed before. Stunning looking girl. Thanks :) Mel
  6. Channel 10 said he was 19 years old. They showed him absolutely covered in blood with his entire head bandaged.They have the severed ear to try to reattach it. Didn't mention his dog There was blood all over the road. It happened right outside a school. How awful, I wonder what the history of theses dogs is etc... So sad and terrifying for all involved.
  7. My 1.5 year old loves his crate now but it took a bit of time. I'd say it took a couple of weeks when he was a pup to settle in his crate. He cried at times so loud like he was being tortured in the early days. A few times we thought he'd never accept or like his crate.We were patient and he learnt to enjoy his crate. Now though he will go and snooze in there and likes to go straight in after his dinner and a toilet break. He will wait at the door where the crate is and want to go bed in this crate. Hope it works out for pup and your friends.
  8. Great pics and such a beautiful dog :)
  9. Gorgeous pictures :) Happy birthday Elsie
  10. Well said. Thank you :) I have passed Barb's info from above, I hope they will contact her. The dog sounds really lovely. Paws and fingers crossed :)
  11. The owner in Afghanistan has asked his family (mother and grandmother) to rehome her. They are rehoming the dog for MANY reasons. They have had many personal problems and the owners wife has suffered a serious breakdown. The dog is not just being rehomed because he is OS. The dog cannot stay with the elderly grandmother and THE OWNER asked her to be rehomed, he cannot take the dog when he returns. I was told they will be living in a small unit. The family has had many problems and serious health issues. They have been shuffling the dog between family homes but this cannot continue and the dog needs more attention than they are able to give it. They feel the dog deserves more. I am simply trying to help them so the dog isn't given FTGH or surrendered. I thought of DOL. The owner who is in Afghanistan was the primary carer and provider for the dog. His wife has recently had a baby and fell ill, she needed help so has moved from QLD to NSW into a very crowded family house with 2 territorial large female dogs. Under no circumstances can the Malamute be there. I have not met the owner only his mother who is a friend of my Dad. She is a caring lady trying as best she can to rehome this dog to a decent home. They have basically got stuck with the dog and are trying to do the right thing with limited knowledge. She gave me her word she won't give FTGH or surrender. They are family friends and asked me what to do and how to rehome. They are unsure what the best steps are. I have emailed and left a voice messae and sent a text with Barb's info from above. Thanks :)
  12. Hi there, I will pass your info on now. The lady who will contact you is also called Barb. Thank you :)
  13. A family friend has contacted me to ask for help/ advice rehoming her son's dog. She was upset as they all love the dog. The owner is serving in Afghanistan and his elderly grandmother has been looking after the dog, she already has her own dog and is finding it hard to care for the 2. His wife was looking after the dog but she has fallen ill and had to move in with relatives and cannot have the dog there. Everyone else in the family has dogs and cannot take another in. They are decent people and have tried their best to come up with a solution. The dog is loved and well cared for, she is a 14 month desexed female Malamute. She is toilet trained and walks well on lead and is good with children. I asked if she is good with other dogs and was told that she is BUT she dominates the beagle whom she shares a house with at the moment. They have not fought but the Malamute demands a lot of affection and will dominate the Beagle sometimes. I suggest she goes to a household where she is the only dog. Apparently she is great on lead and does not jump up or get overly hyper etc... I have not met her but she is located in Parramatta. I explained to them do not advertise FTGH or surrender her as she can be pts quickly. They said they will not surrender or give FTGH as they really do care about her and are rehoming her to give her a better life - they have good intentions. If you know anyone who may be looking for a Malamute or can suggest anything please do. Thanks heaps :) Mel
  14. My friends think I'm paranoid about my dogs getting stolen. They scoff and say " whose going to steal a Rottweiler!!???" My dogs would let anyone in our place. They think everyone is a friend. I really hope Jackson is found soon.
  15. Everyone in the house is very healthy including the dog. Their animals are happy and healthy. She is a smart and responsible owner who does have common sense. Shes never had problems with what she feeds. The vet was insisting no chicken or raw meat of any kind. Even raw rump steak! The very first thing she asks is what they are feeding & then anti-raw speech. The vet is VERY encouraging to buy only what they sell. This is why it didn't sit right with me. Thanks for replies :)
  16. Thanks for the replies. I think the vet does try to push a certain dry food they stock :) they believe very heavily in it as the sole food source. My dogs are very happy to hear they can still have their chicken.
  17. Hi there, My friend has always fed her 3 year old Lab raw chicken necks, wings, pieces. He has a varied diet but loves his raw chicken bits. He has never had any problems because of it. She asked me if I feed my dogs chicken necks,wings etc, I do and they get these probably 3 or 4 meals a week out of 2 daily meals. She was upset as her vet told her to NEVER give any raw meat, bones or chicken to her dog as it contains a very dangerous bacteria that can kill her dog. The vet gave her a hard time and she feels very bad about it and is also confused. I did a double take and asked her if she was sure the vet said raw and not cooked- she said the vet said raw. Especially raw chicken is dangerous. No necks or wings or any chicken. I know people have different opinions on raw bones being fed to dogs but has anyone heard this about raw chicken? My vet has told me previously chicken wings, necks are great for my dogs & there are many benefits. I looked it up on the net but can't find much. Thought I'd ask incase anyone knows more about these "dangers". Thanks :)
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