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Everything posted by MelissaS

  1. What a beautiful boy So sorry for your loss . R.I.P. Drake
  2. There's a bit of info here in this link: http://www.socares.com.au/news.htm Wednesday 16 July 2014 Blue Mountains Gazette Katoomba animal shelter thrown a lifeline By Shane Desiatnik July 16, 2014, midnight An animal welfare group has offered to take over the Katoomba animal shelter while criticising the NSW RSPCA's decision to close the facility. In a statement issued on July 9, SoCares (Society of Companion Animal Rescuers) expressed interest in operating the shelter and retaining its eight staff members, but only if the NSW RSPCA agreed to lease the site to Blue Mountains City Council "for a peppercorn rent" - a scenario the Gazette understands is unlikely to eventuate. If such an arrangement did go ahead, "SoCares would then manage and operate the facility, under a long-term contract, to ensure that the people of the Blue Mountains - and above all the animals - are given the service and respect which they deserve," SoCares vice president David Atwell said. "We operate across much of NSW with 30 rescue groups as members along with our Wyong animal care facility. "The RSPCA is not the only animal welfare group capable of operating a successful shelter. "This decision by the RSPCA [to close the Katoomba shelter] has left everyone stunned ... the people of the Blue Mountains have every right to be angered at this decision." Blue Mountains mayor Mark Greenhill confirmed council received a letter from SoCares on July 5 "offering their services to operate the shelter". "The SoCares offer appears to be dependent on the RSPCA agreeing to sell or lease the facility to council for a nominal fee, with council assuming on-going responsibility for the property," Clr Greenhill said. "Unfortunately, the RSPCA is not offering this." The Gazette invited the NSW RSPCA to respond to the views expressed in SoCares' statement. "We're always receptive to any reasonable offer or request," NSW RSPCA chief executive officer Steve Coleman said. Source: http://www.bluemountainsgazette.com.au/story/2417936/katoomba-animal-shelter-thrown-a-lifeline/?cs=1810
  3. I was at the meeting in Katoomba to save the shelter last Wednesday night and Socares have put a proposal into the RSPCA. The meeting was very heated and loaded with a lot of angry sad people there. Steve Coleman was there to answer questions but a lot of people just yelled abuse and others tried to ask questions over the screaming. There were a lot of people in the meeting who want to help either with money or labour etc.... It's a very sad situation and I hope an agreement can be met. It seemed though that the decision was financial and it's final- no negotiations. The council were there and spoke and they are also worried, as the RSPCA has been the animal holding facility and now they have to come up with other options probably a fair distance away. The RSPCA said the solution to the shelter closing was to get animals foster carers in the community.
  4. So sorry for your loss. R.I.P beautiful Chisel
  5. LOL. Younger cousin by marriage described his then new Rotti like that. Biggest set ever on any dog. Big, bold,brave , yadda ,yadda ,yadda. I had occasion to house-sit for them in Lithgow in the middle of winter. This you beauty Rotti was too scared to go outside in the rain during the night. I had to take an umbrella and keep him covered including his peanut sized balls when he needed to toilet. :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: Oh he sounds sweet. The guy I know is obsessed with his old dog' s balls. He even said he wishes he had a photo he could show me!? um.. no thanks LOL
  6. What a beautiful girl So very sorry for your loss and pain. R.I.P. gorgeous Piper xxx
  7. A guy I know who thinks of himself as macho told me years ago he had a 93 kg Rotty. The weight gets more exaggerated as time goes by. He also has told me several times the Rotty had the biggest balls the vet had ever seen to this day.... the size of coconuts. He does the visuals with his hands when describing it. It is really hard not to laugh as he is so proud and serious when he tells you-which he does often!
  8. I'm so very, very sorry for you. Awful and heartbreakng. My heart goes out to you
  9. Happy belated birthday to the very beautiful Hank :) xxx
  10. So very, very, sorry for your loss. My heart really goes out to you. I met Tess once with you at K9 Pro and she was just beautiful, such a unique, stunning and gorgeous girl. I remember her leaning on me lots for pats. Affectionate and cheeky. R.I.P beautiful Tess Xxx
  11. So very sorry, what a beautiful stunning boy R.I.P Chester
  12. This is a massive shock and a horrendous thing to happen to you and your dog. I'm so very sorry. It is beyond heartbreaking. So painful and unfair. Be gentle on yourself, you may experience post traumatic shock. It may be good for you to speak to a counsellor or someone who deals with grief and trauma. Take care xxx
  13. So very sorry this horrific incident has happened. I cannot imagine what you are going through. My heart goes out to you R.I.P beautiful Husky
  14. Great news and a very happy ending Congratulations and may you all have a wonderful long life together :)
  15. Hi there! Was just wondering how the lovely Bonnie is doing? :)
  16. So very sorry to hear that Really hope Zeus will be OK.
  17. Hope you find a nice place soon.
  18. My friend said the owner of the pup really believed it was a DDB. I found that hard to believe but I guess some people are naive etc.. Byb obviously, I wonder how much they paid and if this pup will have health issues I hope the puppy is OK health wise I'm sure now if my friend sees the pup again she will delve deeper. A byb recently up here was selling Mastiff X pups for $1200 and people bought all 4 of them Thanks everyone for your replies :) Edited for spelling
  19. Cute Pup but I said to my friend that someone is telling Porky's about the breed :)
  20. MUP that was pretty much what I thought. Cute pup but not much like a DDB.
  21. Hi Everyone, hope it is OK to post this question in general. My friend sent me a pic of a puppy today that she met in dog park- she and the owners insist this is a Dogue de Bordeaux. I only got the text and did not meet the dog but when I questioned the look of the dog and said I thought it was a Neo X or such I was told that they are now breeding DDB in "other" colours! Has anyone heard of this? We had an argument as I did not believe this to be true due to breed standard etc..etc.. They are insisting I am wrong. I have attached a pic of the pup with the "other" colour and was wanting clarification on whether this colour is permitted in the breed standard? Thank you :) Mel
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