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Everything posted by MelissaS

  1. This story involves our old Rotty Kaiser who has since gone to the bridge. He was sitting drooling and looking generally a bit off. Suddenly he starts making these gross gagging sounds and we start to smell this horrendous smell.Aghhh........ Suddenly something slides out of his mouth covered in slime and goober. He regurgitates an entire dead rat-in one piece no damage but rotting! . No idea how old it was or when he ate it but it was decomposing. So repulsive.We all ran screaming and gagging.We also had guests so we were mortified they witnessed/smelt this. One of them was scared of Rotty's -don't think this helped My dad ran out gagging and was sick in the front yard. He was literally green.He said the smell burnt his nose. My dad wouldn't come back in the house till I go rid of it. Needless to say we didn't let K kiss us for some time after. Still makes me feel sick-can still see that rat sliding out covered in slime. and it was years ago.
  2. So sorry this has happened-awful situation. I hope it's resolved soon.Good luck. It's not your fault, you have tried to do the right thing. I hope the owners realise soon that they were in the wrong. Shame they weren't more careful of where their cat roams. Hope your hand is better. R.I.P Puss
  3. It was Liver Treats, beef jerky, Roo jerky, sticks flavoured like chicken and kangaroo, this item called chicke and roo delite and lamb sticks May have been others too can't recall all of them as i have them in the shed. Yes i know I bought a heap. Hi there Can I ask was this an internet order?
  4. Nekhbet your dogs are beautiful Sooo Gorgeous.
  5. It's amazing how much Akasha looks like a rotty- SO much. So similar and Gorgeous Your pup looks adorable.Good luck.
  6. I think you will find that he had them clipped before Cesar got him. He was a lovely dog and Cesar's best mate. Yes, he originally was owned by rapper Redman. I feel so sad-like I knew him. I'm a dag! I love Daddy such a beautiful soft dog. Helped educate many. R.I.P beautiful Daddy ;)
  7. MelissaS


    That was such a beautiful and touching tribute. I cannot stop crying ;) I am so so sorry.I cannot imagine what you are going through. Thank you for all the beautiful photos and stories and sharing Rocco with us. He was so unique. R.I.P beautiful big Rocco
  8. Thanks for posting it. I recently ordered a Hachiko t-shirt and a couple of books on him. Talk about crazy dog lady
  9. I'm A CDL. I was at a party where a lady was sitting on her own and no one was talking to her. I knew she had a nice girl lab rescue that had played with my rotty previously. I tried to be nice as she was on her own and go over and talk to her about dogs and how her lab was doing-a mutual interest. I was furious later when she complained to someone that all I do is talk dogs & it was too much I was only trying to be nice LOL. Needless to say since then if I have seen her-mostly on her own I don't talk to her either! I try not to talk dogs too much with people that are not interested but I love chatting to my friends who love dogs too. At work if anyone has a dog question or has lost their dog etc I am the first one they call which is kind of funny-it's because I'm the CDL.
  10. They sound awful!!! Horrendous.Really disgusting and selfish. Must be very distressing for you. Really hope it all resolves itself.Keeping all fingers and paws crossed for you.
  11. Poor you.Some people have no idea their dog is imposing or being a menace. I've had my girl rotty X on lead humped by a female rotty while the owners laughed.They thought their dogs unacceptable and dominant behaviour was funny???!!!! Explained my girl won't find it funny and it's going to get nasty if they do not grab their dog. I didn't appreciate their dog humping mine whilst out walking on leash minding our own biz. Their dog was running loose annoying lots of dogs.Later in the day this dog had a fight with a smaller dog when it tried to hump. They have a disaster on their hands.Won't take much to get them and the dog in real trouble.Very dominant dog and no social skills. They still didn't get it and said that she was just playing-like it was OK. My girl is very friendly but she isn't gonna let any dog hump her and just stand there-especially a young pushy female dog. I feel for you and I really hope that you and Sonny are OK & no long term affects.
  12. Sending lots and lots of healing vibes to Reg. Must have been very stressful for you.Sounds like you did an amazing job.Good on you! We have all the paws and fingers crossed here for a very speedy recovery.
  13. Ditto :D How terrifying for them. Hope David recovers quickly and the dog.
  14. I'm so very sorry.So sad. :D R.I.P beautiful little girl
  15. So sorry to hear of this awful attack. I hope your friend and his doggies have a speedy recovery.
  16. So very sorry My heart goes out to you. R.I.P big beautiful unique Rocco
  17. This is too horrible for words. :o I literally cried & couldn't stop when reading this . Those poor dogs and their family. So horrendous. I really really hope charges have been laid. R.I.P doggies
  18. More frightening than a batallion of Wendys are the comments on this site. Every second word is "F**K" and every second person is called a moron. Just horrendous. :D :D Agreed also, and the idiots that all "want one'. spottychick you are right- at least she does look happy and from only what I saw/read her owner is actually decent&cares about her .She is a family pet.
  19. Wow, check out this doggy. Cute face I'm not sure if been posted before. http://www.canada.com/victoriatimescolonis...8ea&k=59202 http://blogmuscle.wordpress.com/2007/07/13...internet-abuzz/
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