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Everything posted by MelissaS

  1. For the neighbours...I would be doing everything in my power to get them to own what there dogs have done. No one else deserves to go through what Tyson and his family have gone through. OMG what if it had been a child in the back yard ! Can these dogs get back into the yard?? I would be worried sick. I haven't stopped thinking about Tyson today- even had a cry. His story has really stuck with me. I cannot imagine what everyone is going through. I really really feel for them To come home and find your gorgeous boofer like that. Those awful neighbours & a beautiful innocent boy loses his leg Anyway, rant over. Tyson obviously has a loving, amazing family who adore him I'm sending more loving and healing vibes to him & the family. My dogs send lots of love too x
  2. Banshee is gorgeous The photos are lovely. Thank you so much for taking her and making her a part of your family.
  3. I'm so very sorry this happened to the beautiful Tyson- so awful I really hope these neighbours get some decency-disgraceful behaviour & irresponsible owners. Hope something can be done! I hope that when he returns home Tyson will be safe in his yard &healthy . My hounds and I are sending lots and lots of healing thoughts and get well kisses to the beautiful Tyson.
  4. I love my beautiful OH and family & friends very much but it's different love with my dogs. I am grateful every day that I get to spend with them. They make me laugh and provide me with such love.It's a bond that is so hard to make non-dog people understand.It does not in anyway threaten my love for my humans it's just a very unique type of love.Hard to put into words. I cannot put into words all that they mean to me.I am often at my happiest when lying snuggling with my pack or watching a dvd or reading.I love watching them play in the yard or enjoying the sun or doing zoomies. My girl Rox is always near by-we have had some challenging times,even with her training& behavioural issues.We worked hard together & I think it made us further bonded. She is the most loyal and soulful dog.She makes me a better person.She looks at you like she would do anything in the world for you-she has a lot of heart. Last year a very close friend killed herself & my mother died. The dogs helped me keep going and get out of bed- I had to for them.They were also comforting in my time of sadness and great to hug and just sit with.They didn't expect anything in return. They also helped me smile and appreciate life.The excitement and contentment they have is admirable. They are natural loving clowns. I adore my dogs.They have taught me so much and continue to do so. Even though they are all rescues- I consider myself the lucky one ;)
  5. Miz J good on you for caring. I don't have any "expert" advice but I would most likely try to be nice to the people and have the dog over for play visits.If they allow it. I would think that some love, attention and companionship& exercise even if occasionally would have to be a benefit. Although, would it actually encourage her to then escape more for visits? This happened to me when I befriended a neighbours dog.It would escape to visit more. Although, the owners didn't care It was a kelpie X also. Kept with low fences and no stimulation or exercise. Having said that I am by no means an expert but think what you are offering is very kind. I hope some good advice is given to you. Sorry I am not much help.Thanks for caring about the dog. Keep us updated. Good luck
  6. So horrible.An absolute nightmare. Such an awful thing for them and your aunt to go through. They look like such beautiful dogs. I agree the offending dogs owner is crazy and dangerous with a dog like that not under control. So sorry this has happened.Really hope that it will be OK and all 3 make a speedy recovery physically and emotionally. Sending lots & lots of healing vibes and healing doggy licks. XOX
  7. Report it. A similar thing happened to my friends BC- was attacked and it cost a LOT of money& caused damage. She regrets not taking action and reporting it.The attacking dog has since done it to others. Hope you are OK.
  8. So very very sorry. My heart breaks for you. R.I.P Miko
  9. Agreed. All dogs should be expected to have manners. My dogs have played with some beautiful small dogs.They also have a lot of little dog mates that visit us at home. We have also had small aggro dogs behaving very badly and the owners actually stand there and laugh finding it amusing!!!??? One said to me it's lucky ours is so aggressive and yours isnt??!! They just stood and laughed as it tried to attach itself to my rotty's face There is one small terror known locally and the owner takes it out offlead knowing it dislikes other dogs, the owner then abuses all the other dog owners. I just steer clear when I see her and her dog even though my dogs are on lead-I just don't need the hassle. I've seen her and her tiny dog clear the entire park-most just avoid them.
  10. MelissaS


    So sorry Such an adorable picture.They look so cute. R.I.P Little Leroy
  11. At least you know one of your dogs went to an amazing home I love him more each day.
  12. Good I'm glad. I'm In Ktown and thought from memory you were also. Just there was a beautiful female that was running around near my work.No collar or ID. Tried to catch her but she kept thinking it was a game.She was fast and playful. She was very friendly and gorgeous like Tilly. She had a tumour on her front right leg about tennis ball size. Really hope she ends up OK.Last I saw her she was running away across the field near my work VERY fast. That was just before the time you mention you found Tilly. Must have been the day for lost dogs running round. Thanks for taking the lovely Tilly in for the night and to the RSPCA.
  13. She is gorgeous !! Just out of curiousity did she have a tumour on her leg?
  14. So sorry. R.I.P Little Dude
  15. So young-so sad. R.I.P Omaha
  16. There is a male dog at our park that marks. Not people but dogs-usually males. He marked my rotty boy once who was just sitting there. Luckily my boy just ignored it-very dignified Just gave him a wash when we got home.
  17. So sorry. Such a sad incident. R.I.P little Beam
  18. So sorry. Such a sad incident. R.I.P little Beam
  19. Fingers & paws crossed little dog pulls through :cool:
  20. So very sorry for your loss.My condolences to you and your family. R.I.P Grandfather
  21. They are both so gorgeous-what a story! Keeping all paws and fingers crossed for Mischa and that all is OK.
  22. I have been following this thread.Cried when I read their story and all they have endured. I kept thinking about the 3 of them.Their story sticks with you especially when you found out their special bond- being related. All I can say is thank you SO SO much for saving the 3 of them.You have done an amazing thing.You are a true angel. Your love and compassion comes out in your posts.We are so lucky there are angels like you out there.You restore hope. I imagine at times it's exhausting and incredibly consuming,it's an amazing job you do. Just wanted to say thank you . Give the 3 of them a hug-you all deserve it!
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