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Everything posted by diamonds2009

  1. it is this comment that i was referring to Puggles there were 5 responses up to where you posted this, so my point is that I was included to contribute to this misconception about seizures. it just puzzles me why drugs would be used as an example thats all and not snake bites as was your example raz. i couldnt think of decent human that would do that to a dog... but then again i just answered my own confusion... 'decent human' if everyone were a decent human there wouldnt be the number of dogs being dumped... anyway thats another topic
  2. firstly let me apologise for my personal experience with a dog that had seizures contributing to 'an obvious misconception that runs through this thread'. I told of my 'similar' experience and I did not in any way suggest that this could be what cobeyandchris's pet is suffering from. The course of action taken by me was what my (very qualified) vet had suggested I do. I did not try to wrap it up in one explanation, but shared my experience as was asked in cobeyandchris's original post... "Was wondering if anyone here has had anything similar.... " secondly any person that gives their dogs any sort of drug other than those prescribed by a qualified veterinarian is not worthy of being a dog owner (or any other animal for that matter). I cant see anywhere in the responses that would warrant this to be included in the reply unless there is an assumption that the dogs that have seizures are being / have been given human recreational drugs.
  3. I had (my ex now has him) a chi x pom who started having seizures at the age of 4. To start with they were not regular at all, but the more time went by the more regular they became. We had him to the vet more times that I could count but murphys law the seizures were always at night ... our vet so very kindly gave us his home number and said that when (not if) he has the next one no matter what time to call him & he would come to us (luckily he didnt live that far away).Well we finally managed to get the vet to come & see one for himself, he took blood samples and my boy back to his home & said he wanted to keep him for a couple of days til the results were in. My boys seizures lasted a little longer than a couple of minutes tho. His were more like 10-15 and the really severe ones 20-25 mins. They were heartbreaking to watch because there was nothing I could do other than be there to comfort and hold him It was severe epilepsy. We started him on meds straight away & they kept the seizures under control for a alot of years. He still had the occasional fit but no where near the length or severity they originally were. From what I hear from my ex my boy is having regular fits again now (but he has stopped medication due to he cant afford it but there is no way that he would let me take him ;) ) Good Luck & I hope you get some answers & can help stop the fits.
  4. im sorry i just have to laugh because that is soooo familiar. I too rushed my pom x to the vet to have his 'lumps' checked out. Id never had my own dog before so I really had no clue, he was only 6mths old and was having a nice old snooze in the sun when I grabbed him, put him in the car & drove the 1hr 15mins to the nearest vet. We were out camping, during xmas holiday time & the vet was called in on her day off only to explain to me that it was nothing terminal. I walked out not only red faced, but well informed on the anatamy of kangaroos as this is what she used as a reference ie what kangaroos do with their 'lumps' when they jump over fences!! ;)
  5. guess this has opened a can of worms.... We would really love to be able to get our little guy into training without having to falsify what breed he is (i dont like doing things illegally) and in falsifying a breed I believe that can contribute to peoples confusion re what breed looks like what but we just can afford private training and private training also defeats the purpose of being able to socialise him with other dogs and prove he is not 'dangerous'
  6. yes i totally agree. ALL dogs need to be obedience trained. letting them 'run amok' with no discipline is like not discipling a child. what respect or manners do expect one to have if not disciplined.
  7. I'm just wondering how many people have received letters and if my house is the one specified as the nusiance house...... The council should only have given letters to the properties on the immediate boundry of the 'nuisance house' ie if its yours then it would be the left & right neighbours and the ones over the back BUT in saying that if you are on a large block where there is possible two or three over your back fence (even if it is not their full block) they will also get letters... so possibly 5. Not sure about where you are but that was the case with my complaint but luckily I had really good neighbours that stood up for my boys & said they werent a problem, the council then told the neighbour that complained that there was no case against my dogs
  8. Well this is down right sick but I'll say it anyway. If you have a weak stomach do not continue reading! Well i should have taken note of 'do not continue' ... but its the old saying "Tell them NOT to do it and they WILL" Ive had a good laugh over this topic though. & as for getting kisses from dogs in the future... i think i'll just hug!
  9. Ive just gotta say thanks for the ... its makes a change from reading all the in the rescue forums. Now I know why I leave all the 'checking of bits' to my hubby
  10. If one neighbour says it isnt that bad and another one says it is enough to make a complaint direct to council there must be a reason behind it. I used to have a pomeranian and a chihuahua and everytime someone walked along the fence on the other side they would bark (too close to their property i guess). I got a letter of complaint from my council saying the barking was excessive & that I would have to get rid of them if it wasnt fixed up within 28 days. I thought that this was a bit over the top since Id been off work sick (the neighbour didnt know this) and I hadnt heard barking at all unless it was 'necessary' ie someone coming to the house. Well I did a test of sorts. I pretended to go to work so the neighbour would think I wasnt home but I stayed near enuff to see if my boys were in fact barking. They were, but only when the neighbour went and provoked them. I soon found out that the neighbour wanted to sell his house & didnt want the dogs barking everytime somone was walking around the fence line. So he went out to upset the dogs enuff to cause complaints and so that I would have to get rid of my boys. Maybe if you pretend to go to work so that your dogs think you arent there, you will be able to see for yourself a) if they really are barking that excessively & b) what is causing them to bark Good luck with it
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