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Posts posted by Meetu

  1. Glad you asked LilyW and also glad you answered Lillysmum!

    Rogue went in today - im a bag of nerves

    we moved so its a new vet - she my OHs dog really so he organised it - i just worry/panic when i dont know EVERYTHING i havent even met the vet yet :D

    i hate putting them under even for 'routine' stuff :laugh:

    he was asked to ring a 1430hrs so ill be ringing him not long after that for an update!!

    god im going to make a terribly overprotective mum!!

    Hey Akitaowner

    Hope it went well for you !!!



  2. I guess everyone with pups seems to be having the same problems :thumbsup:

    this morning Simba did his business inside (no 2) - which obviously wasn't fun to clean :rofl:. Throughout the night he had been waking me up as he wanted to wee or sometimes play!! So when he woke me up again this morning i kind of ignored him thinking he just wants to play but obviously not as he just went & did his business inside ;)

  3. Hi LiliyW

    I will be going to the vet on Saturday for Simba's vaccination & i'll find out for you what you can feed your girl. i need to know for Simba too. Currently he eats puppy rehydratable that i picked up from the pet shop (as they recommended it) but i feel he's constantly hungry ;) so i want some options for him. Although chicken neck sounds good :thumbsup:



  4. You say that one of the main reasons a pup shouldn't be left alone unchecked for 8 hours is because they can go downhill fast (see the parvo threat comment). You say they should be checked upon constantly. What about night time, is a pup not left alone in his crate for 8 hours unchecked??? Or do you spend your whole sleeping hours not sleeping and disturbing the pup every 2 hours to check if he is alright? Whats the difference with 8 hours during the night and 8 hours during the day??

    Exactly, extremely well put, I agree completely


    Yes, was thinking the same thing...

    :D :p :cheer::cheer:

    Lilysmum- Maybe it's time to ridicule you as you don't check on your puppy at night whereas guess what - I DO :eek: !! And Simba sleeps in my room at night so if anything goes wrong I can hear him. I keep waking up every 2 hours to check on him...do u do that by the way ???????????????????????????????????????????

    Look we all can keep having a go at each other but fact of life is that anything can go wrong at anytime. Simba has been staying alone for the last 3 days (weekdays) and he has been fine. Most of my friends are dog lovers and on weekends if we're invited so is he & they love him as he is really well behaved!

    Please kindly stop being critical as we all seem to know what we're doing with our puppies, atleast now i do :rofl: Initially after joining the forum I felt horrible as thats how everyone made me feel but ther are plenty of other people in the same situation and their dogs are doing fine being alone.

    Everyone elsse - I am very much here just had a busy weekend with SIMBA :cheer::cheer:

    Here is another pic:post-13762-1165231641_thumb.jpg

  5. Hi LiliyW - I totally understand where you're coming from as I'm in the same boat. It was a little disappointing initially as i was being criticised by everyone

    here. But as you have mentioned its important that our puppies are brought up the right way. I have had a dog in the past who was pretty unmanageable even though someone was home with him all day!

    I can't wait for Simba's classes to being (on the waiting list at the moment). Currently he already understands - sit, pee :rofl:, fetch, stay, kiss :laugh:

    Do keep us posted on your puppy affairs.

    Pawprints & Bommy thanks for supporting us :vomit:

  6. Hi LiliyW - I totally understand where you're coming from as I'm in the same boat. It was a little disappointing initially as i was being criticised by everyone

    here. But as you have mentioned its important that our puppies are brought up the right way. I have had a dog in the past who was pretty unmanageable even though someone was home with him all day!

    I can't wait for Simba's classes to being (on the waiting list at the moment). Currently he already understands - sit, pee :rofl:, fetch, stay, kiss :laugh:

    Do keep us posted on your puppy affairs.

    Pawprints & Bommy thanks for supporting us :vomit:

  7. Hi LiliyW - I totally understand where you're coming from as I'm in the same boat. It was a little disappointing initially as i was being criticised by everyone

    here. But as you have mentioned its important that our puppies are brought up the right way. I have had a dog in the past who was pretty unmanageable even though someone was home with him all day!

    I can't wait for Simba's classes to being (on the waiting list at the moment). Currently he already understands - sit, pee :rofl:, fetch, stay, kiss :laugh:

    Do keep us posted on your puppy affairs.

    Pawprints & Bommy thanks for supporting us :vomit:

  8. Hi LiliyW - I totally understand where you're coming from as I'm in the same boat. It was a little disappointing initially as i was being criticised by everyone

    here. But as you have mentioned its important that our puppies are brought up the right way. I have had a dog in the past who was pretty unmanageable even though someone was home with him all day!

    I can't wait for Simba's classes to being (on the waiting list at the moment). Currently he already understands - sit, pee :rofl:, fetch, stay, kiss :laugh:

    Do keep us posted on your puppy affairs.

    Pawprints & Bommy thanks for supporting us :vomit:

  9. Hi LiliyW - I totally understand where you're coming from as I'm in the same boat. It was a little disappointing initially as i was being criticised by everyone

    here. But as you have mentioned its important that our puppies are brought up the right way. I have had a dog in the past who was pretty unmanageable even though someone was home with him all day!

    I can't wait for Simba's classes to being (on the waiting list at the moment). Currently he already understands - sit, pee :rofl:, fetch, stay, kiss :laugh:

    Do keep us posted on your puppy affairs.

    Pawprints & Bommy thanks for supporting us :vomit:

  10. Hi Akitaowner - Hopefully the picture gets uploaded this time round :laugh:

    LilyW - OMG you sound just like me! I'm an absolute worry wort too and just getting used to the idea that my babywill be crying for me while I'm away at work :rofl: Like yourself I too have made like a million phone calls and have been told that dogs WILL ADJUST TO YOUR SCHEDULE so fingers crossed I'm sure our babies will adjust :rofl: I too am looking forward to Christmas as we want to spend all our time with him.

    As Akitaowner mentioned I too have read and heard that getting another puppy doesn't necessarily solve any problems so I have definitely discarded that idea for now but in future might think of another one. I guess this is quite a debatable topic but the bottom line is that we are madly in love with our dogs and hence are memebers in this forum.

    Tomorrow will be SIMBA's first day home alone & I will let you all know how it goes.



  11. Hi Akitaowner.

    No Worries at all and thanks for your advise. Since the majority of peole were being negative towards me I fratically started doing research on the internet on whether this is fair/ unfair but the fact is I really love my baby & want him to be well disciplined. I have introduced myself to the neighbours and luckily they are really nice & have agreed to put up with is crying - which is a big relief :thumbsup: Infact today SIMBA managed to get out of the backyard(long story) and went straight into the neighbours garage & started playing with their kids (they loved him).

    i have also called dog trainers & taken suggestions from them - they say the same thing as you to leave him outside even when we're at home. I have started doing this and trying to be strong so that I don't give into his crying :eek:

    I will keep you posted on his progress!!



  12. I have just spoken to the breeder and they have one of the puppies too who is alone all day form 8:30 in the morning till 6:30 in the night. And he stays out all night too unlike mine who sleeps in our bedroom! Looks like I'm not the only one leaving my puppy alone & I joined this forum to get advise as I'm really concerned. Once he staying home alone(as i have mentioned he starts doing that only in January) I'm willing to get a dog walker to walk him & feed him during the day too.

    BTW - here's his Pic!

  13. i know I sound really cruel :laugh: although the truth is there hasn't been a single day that he's been left alone. if we're going to work then he's being dropped off to a friends. SOMEONE IS ALWAYS THERE FOR HIM! Even during the Christmas break we plan to stay at home to give him our company & train him as much as possible. he will be alone from January onwards ...is that ok then!! he will be 4 months then!!

  14. we have just got a 16 week old ACD from rescue- now both myself and my partner work monday to fridays i work 9 till 5 and my partner works 11 till 5.30 monday-thursday and 1-9 pm on fridays so the most he is left by himself is 6 hours HOWEVER we have organised a friend to feed him his lunch and play with hima bit during the day. Caspa has access to alot of toys- kongs, soft turtle (which he loves to run around with and kill lol), tennis balls, chew toys etc etc so there is alot of mental situlation for him so for him not to become bored, lonely or desructive.

    He is walked sometimes before work if time permits and also after work without fail. During the weekends and some weeknights he will come to the horses with me and get a good free run around too. He also comes to bike races and travels in the car to partners parents etc etc.

    So even tho yes he is left alone for sometime the time that we spent when we are home is quality time with him and we make arrangements and as a good enviroment that can be considering our working hours

  15. Hi Everyone

    I have a 10 week old gorgeous cocker spaniel with a great temperament! My only worry is leaving him home alone during work days. I got this puppy 5 days ago and during weekdays he was supervised by some friend and my partner & I did as much training over the weekend. However I want him to get used to staying home alone. We tried leaving him in the backyard yesterday just to test him and he cried so much that it broke our hearts :laugh: . I have since bought him a toy (I think it’s called CONG) which I’m hoping will keep him busy but I want to know what else I can do to avoid the whining. Secondly I’d like to know if its such a good idea to leave a puppy home alone for 10 hours??? If not then I do have friends in the meanwhile who are happy to keep him during the day.

    This puppy however is quiet intelligent and we hope that it’s only a matter of time that he gets used to being home alone during work hours. When we got him initially he would cry at night as he would want to cuddle up right next to me and as soon as I would let him cuddle up he’d sleep off instantly. However since the past couple of days we’ve managed to train him to sleep in his own bed without any whining :) .

    Please give advise for our dear SIMBA :( !!

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