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Everything posted by alexcan99

  1. Where did you get one from. The number I was given in Adelaide just rings out. I need one to stop my dog from chasing cats when walking. Cheers
  2. That's right. Thirty years of censorship reform overturned and no-one bats an eyelid. I don't know if the Administrative Appeals Tribunal can overturn it as a free-speech issue, given the implied freedoms in the Constitution.
  3. The VCA does not recognise a breed called a Pit Bull, in fact there is no breed. Call it an American Staffordshire Terrier cross and you wont be wrong as APBTs and Amstaffs are the same breed just called different names by different clubs. I dare say unless you know the parents are APBTs for sure then they are Amstaffs. Point out this ridiculous situation to all your friends and encourage them to boycott all organisations which support BSL like the RSPCA and the danger they pose to society.
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