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Everything posted by WorkingHard
Good luck Yes we do require photos and updates
Just re read and I can't see wherit says out side either. must have been thinking about an other post. I was looking on pet rescue and thought I'd drop a few in here. My bad.
Finn Milli Heaps more. *puts on flame suit* You mentioned the dog would be out side most of the time. A lot of rescue dogs have hardly had the privladge of living indoors so I'm sure they would be happy with a nice warm kennel to live in as well as lots of love and attention.
Have a look at either petrescue.com or operation toby There are heaps of SWF (small white fluffys) there, some times they already have training, they have been tested to see of they are good with cats, kids ect.
Hi and welcome Of the breeds you have mentiond so far 3 need clipping and regular grooming and although I love beagles they can be destructive as you need to entertain there minds. off the top of my head I can't think of any other than a jack but then they can be distructive too. There are a few pet selector things around, I think Pedigree does one. You could try these. If you like the look of the dd but don't want to support it then you could try rescue, but you may not get a little pupbut at least you would have an idea of temprment. (the other prob of a dd)
I have used a plastic one and did not like it as much as the Fibre glass one. *Not as sturdy when dogs did move around a lot *It was old and the plastic had chiped in a few places and had to be covered as it was sharp(it was on the out side so I got scratched not the dogs) *When you put a heavy dog in the bath it made the edges bend in just a little but enough to make it hard to get the door lined up and down. (make sence?)
What I D*** But I guess It shows that it isn't that bad. The skin on a humans thoat is a LOT more sensitive than that of a hairy dog. Still what a D***
IMHO I think it is worse to leave a dog inside than it is out. Dogs are dogs they might be part of our family but they are still dogs. They like grass and dirt and sky and things to smell and chew. That said mine sleep under my bed at night and if I go to bed late they winge at the door so I don't forget them
I tried eagle pack and something else made by them but I can't think what it was called. It was great except that even though the dog I tried it on was very active I could only give him about 1/3 cup. Good for my pocket but not his tummy boor bugger must have felt starved. Nutriance seems to be getting a good wrap mayby I should try that. *Sigh* to many dogs to feed not enough cash. They eat better than I do
I think that we may have gotten away a little from the question posed by the OP. What are some of the signs of a pup trying to be dominate?? Yes pups are just babies but some can show dominate traits even at such a young age. Forcing owners to do things their way by growling or snapping, Getting up higher or equal with humans, and all those things that we see in adult dogs. If these things that can be seen in a dominate dog are stoped at an age where the dog is still manageble and easily influenced this could only be good couldn't it??? I do not have much experiance in this area as all my dogs have been adults when I have got them so this is just my thoughts. As for the food thing that people seem to have gotton stuck debating. When the eating from the bowl idea is used then you don't generally ask the dog to "DO" anything. The dog learns that you eat then it does. I used this way on my some of my dogs as I wasn't going to risk losing an arm to take the bowl away. The look of OMG your eating MY food is priceless. ;) Edit coz I'm not sure it makes sence.
Try your libaray. I read "The dog listener" It seemed to lightly cover every thing including how she got into doing what she does and why. I didn't relise that she had so many I'm sure that the methods is the same no matter what book you read. Prehaps you could google "Amichien Bonding" As this is what she calls her method. Excuse my naivety but what is NILIF. Is it similar to TOT?? Can some one post a link.
There is a method by Jan Fennel. Not sure what it is called really but it uses similar ideas to that of Monty Roberts the horse wisperer. She works with a lot of rescue dogs with great results. I'm not a fan of ALL her methods but most of it seems to work wonders and by the sound of this little guy I think they could help a lot. She came to Aus to do a seminar not long a go so some other DOLers might be able to fill you in more on her methods. OHH and he is a gorgess dog I hope that all works out well
If a big problem is giving an effective correction (I know I will no doubt be critised for this but) why not use a pinch collar for a while untill the she realises you mean business. This should stop any bad habits forming while you are persisting with other forms of training to rectify (sp?) the situation. As for the lizard...lucky lizard if it is still alive with 2 jacks after it.