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Everything posted by whippets

  1. I want a rare dragon dog. It has to be mature enough to have wings already
  2. I'm hanging out to make that "Clinker" slice recipe I saw. It would be bad form to make it without getting the book first
  3. Whippets sleep in the "cockroach" position. ....well most sighthounds do I think.
  4. I don't care what colour whippet I get as long as it's a quality dog.
  5. I wonder if some vets charge you more if they know you have pet insurance. I'd bet an $8 dispensing fee that some do.
  6. It's not nice to talk about whippy babies then not put up any pictures :D
  7. Course - we should just do it out of the kindness of our hearts right (and out of our own pockets)? Yes $8+ for a small zip lock bag, one white sticker label to go in it and the very difficult task of counting tablets is a rip off. I suppose you could also count the lifting of the pen to write the dogs name, dose and time on the expensive white sticker label as well. Wish I could get paid $8+ each time I count a packet of S8 drugs at the end of each shift at work :D cha ching. Dosages have to be calculated as well for many drugs maybe you would like them tossed at you over the counter for you to work it all out yourself. All this continual bitching about Vet fees gives me the shits, like any other business they have to make money and cover the very high overheads. People bitch that that want every conceivable service available, they want the very best of everything, but it seems they want it all for nothing. I could give a rats if it gives you the shits. If you don't like my bitching them press the ignore button otherwise it's a public forum. I use 2 vets and neither charge a dispensing fee. Consult fees arn't ridiculous and neither are the meds. Hell yes toss the drugs over the counter to me in a heartbeat. I'd calculate it myself. Hmm lets see now, I'll put up a midnight dose of IV ab's for 4 patients then again at 6am, then lets see a PCA full of Morph, Fent or Peth (I'd have to calculate those 3 with another nurse). Not to mention PRN meds and regular time oral meds. What gives me the shits is the vet industry thinking that calculating meds , tossed it in a zip lock bag with a white sticker is worth a crazy dispensing fee. Pffft yeah right. The ones that rant and rave about it are the ones that charge so much. I'm sticking my hand out for 8 bucks next time I calculate and dose out meds I'd be on 5 grand a week if I did
  8. Course - we should just do it out of the kindness of our hearts right (and out of our own pockets)? Yes $8+ for a small zip lock bag, one white sticker label to go in it and the very difficult task of counting tablets is a rip off. I suppose you could also count the lifting of the pen to write the dogs name, dose and time on the expensive white sticker label as well. Wish I could get paid $8+ each time I count a packet of S8 drugs at the end of each shift at work cha ching.
  9. Isn't there some evidence now that the Dingo may pre-date the wolf? Thought I saw another thread on that.
  10. Newfs are more of a guardian breed, not to be mistaken for protective really. Go for a swim and watch one try and drag you out of the water or swim alongside you waiting for you to take hold of the tail and be dragged to shore. Most of mine did this. Wasn't taught. It was breed behaviour.
  11. I have had some pretty bad injuries with greys and whippets that didn't have dew claws removed. I remove them myself on day 2 or 3 after whelping. 30 seconds for each pup and it's done.
  12. That's awesome. Hopefully the banana benders will follow suit soon.
  13. I had that with a judge holding onto the table alot. I think without the table she would have fallen over. The poor old dear. She reminded me of "grandma yetta" from the t.v. show "the nanny"
  14. All your pups are so well behaved. Here is my feral bunch Getting ready for their first big photo session. That is a jar of yoghurt, which I didn't use because this is the first liter I have had that went into a "feeding frenzy" over yoghurt. Here are a couple of the boys who will be 6 wks old tommorow and a cute little girl head shot
  15. No, he won't be "damaged" by the op. However the removal of his testes will impact on when his growth plates close. He'll grow for longer than he would have done if he'd not been desexed. That's probably going to make him taller with longer femurs than he would have had otherwise - that can impact on the angles of other bones and ligaments. Anywhoo, Dr Christine Zink explains all this in her article here I understand the reasoning with the hormones behind this one but how could anyone really know how tall or small the dog would have been if he kept his testicles. I've had 2 male whippets desexed at 12 weeks of age and both are smaller than the entire brother sitting in my backyard. I know that is only 3 dogs but still..........
  16. Yes I talk to my dogs but I don't say their names.
  17. The time goes by so fast. I'm going to do stacked shots of my lot on Sunday. That's going to be fun. They are like farts in a whirlwind.
  18. If the judge starts going over the dog while I'm stacking then I continue to stack while he/she goes over the dog. I've never been told to stop stacking.
  19. How ironic. All the finger pointing at governments and councils but when the finger is pointed at you all the response is "get over it". This case has succeeded in dragging another breed into your anti-BSL crap and we should "get over it". I'm sure the Amstaff people would appreciate that. I feel really bad for all the ANKC registered Amstaff breeders/owners in these precarious times. Nobody involved with the applicant side of this case will take any accountability for what has been done to the Amstaff except to "get over it". If you buy an unpapered or BYB dog that bares any resemblance to an APBT or AST then prepare to put up with the councils backlash for you to prove what breed your dog is ....... so "get over it".
  20. I'm pointing the finger at the RIGHT people. I can see past this alright. I just wonder which breed will be dragged into the next court debacle.
  21. Why are you blaming the council? "[45] In this case there is unchallenged evidence as to the identity of the APBT and the AmStaff. The conclusion that I draw from that evidence is that the name “American Staffordshire Terrier” is a name which was adopted in the United States of America for purposes of promotion or other similar reasons and that that name was applied to American Pit Bull Terriers. All the evidence points to the same dog being given different names, that is, American Pit Bull Terrier or American Staffordshire Terrier, so that a dog recognised as being of one of those “breeds” is the same as a dog identified as being of the other “breed”. That practice appears to have been adopted in Australia. It follows then that the views held by the Council when it entered into the “consent order” were unfounded and that there is no difference between an APBT and AmStaff. Therefore, as I am satisfied that the applicant has demonstrated that Tango is an AmStaff it follows that Tango is also an ABPT and is thus subject to the restrictions under the local laws referred above. Conclusion" The applicant in this case and every single anti-bsl campaigner that were involved with this case can take a slice of that blame cake. It's a sad joke that the people involved, who provided this evidence, wanted it used in a different way then expected the defendants to "place nice in the yard" with the evidence used. Shame on you all for dragging another breed into all this.
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