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Everything posted by persephone

  1. ;) BUGGAR!! poor Salli..your little kitten, and Cher, what a day! Thinking of you.
  2. :rolleyes: years ago, I lost a goat the same way...My sympathies
  3. QUOTE What if it took more than one shot. Normally We wouldn't even attempt it if we thought this was the case- as I said, it is at point-blank range, and is instant...it is the noise that makes it seem much more "violent", I guess.
  4. Thank you, people...I always feel a bit "crude" doing it that way,even tho most of the dogs are wagging tails when they go- I guess years of working at a vets, as well as the rural upbringing still clash occasionally.Back to the thread, tho..it is cheap money wise..luckily the vets don't charge for my panic phone consults at all hours!!
  5. This may upset some folks... We euthanise our own pets, and do our grieving in private..It is around 1.5 hrs. drive to the vet- and most of our animals would get very distressed with all the upheaval(not to mention us!!) we use firearms at point blank range which sounds awful, I know..but it is instant, the animal is in it's own spot and does not get at all distressed. If a dog, and they're very old, they don't even realise. My old Mitch was extremely happy- he had his head halfway down a rabbit hole, sniffing hard( his nose was about the only thing working properly), so I guess he was still hunting when he went over the bridge. My dear Kieran, who had bloat- I took him for a short car ride, to a place he liked to run in.... My Mum's old cat, who had a large tumour, was sunning himself under a shrub, quite happy. and our foal, who had a prolapsed hernia, was standing alongside his mum, under the tree where he was born. 12 mths. before. Tiana I love the fact that your ratties are with you in the pot plants..our dogs for the past 40 yrs. are all on a hill overlooking the house. cats, chooks, guineafowl etc, are under fruit trees. It is nice to hear of vets who don't charge a fortune.. where I worked, I always felt horrible..people had just lost a friend, were very upset, and they had to PAY! The worst bit was getting them to sign a form authorising us to PTS their animal..it seemed so "official". I must admit, I did take pride in "presenting " their pet for those that took them home...just making them look comfortable, and brushing ruffled coats, washing them if needed, and wrapping them in their blanket or whatever...It made people feel a bit better ..seeing how peaceful and pain-free their pet looked.... Sorry If I upset/annoyed anyone
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