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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Hi.. A dog of ours had "poxy" bits on her neck...I scrubbed the area once a day with a betadine surgical scrub.Scrubbed from the inside out..RINSED WELL with bottled/boiled water,patted dry with paper towel. Luckily it cleared up fairly quickly. Betadine will help for bacterial and/or fungal conditions,AFAIK,if the dog isn't allergic to it, of course.. If u can..try another vet.
  2. I can sympathise..when my Hamlet had a blockage..I was beside myself They used little tiny balls coated with barium on him, as what he swallowed didn't show on xray(!there are things which don't show clearly on xray..some plastics,corks,pantyhose, etc.) These little balls were swallowed, and after a few hours, his gut was xrayed.Where the little balls were all bunched up is where the obstruction was..then they operated and just went to THAT spot to remove the STICKS & LEAVES that had clogged the works I hope your boy bounces back soon PS try magnesium tablets, or the "big guns"..Mersyndol!!
  3. Hello Fi n Goon on you for checking..AND for starting training nice & early!! Whilst I haven't heard of this ..it does seem VERY long for a baby. We have dogs who are under nO illusions as to who's the boss...mainly what we do is just expect basic "manners"..like a NILIF approach.They really only get attention when they've done the :right" thing at the appropriate time. Enjoy your baby while he's still that...
  4. Well done , whisper..you must've had a shock with what happened..but now you're getting the knowledge to put you in control! Good!! be very careful with muzzles..do not leave on your pup unless you are with him..muzzles can get hooked on things, dogs can get frightened.... If you buy/make an enclosure for him...it must have a floor..mesh or concrete, and should be weldmesh or similar that cannot be bent/broken/chewed!The roof & walls should be secure as well. If the dog is in there for hours,it needs to be large enough for the dog to run around ,and should have shade & a view of the house or whatever.A dog kept in an area where he has vision restricted will possibly be more unhappy than if he can see what's happening It IS difficult for us to give you accurate advice without seeing the dog , where he lives, and how you interact with him, which is why a trainer/behaviourist can be of much more assistance. Best of luck with him
  5. Thinking of you....we love our cats too....
  6. seems a longish recovery time, with no change..have you considered a second opinion?
  7. So sorry, mel...thinking of you...
  8. I have no idea of the do's & dont's but why would anyone want a vasectomised dog???They still chase bitches, scent mark, fight & mate/tie....just "fire blanks"!
  9. lablover...has the vet discounted some sort of insect/spider bite? AFAIK, some venoms actually "dissolve flesh"..... Don't know, this is just a thought!!
  10. When was he castrated? If it was recent,it sounds as if it's scartissue from the op...I just checked Hamlet..who was done about 3 months ago..he doesn't have a lump there. If he's been castrated for a long time, think about ringing /visiting the vet, maybe....?
  11. We use Bonnie Working dog, and/or Cobber(which, I think is Australian owned) Both suit all our dogs..from 12 yearolds, to working sheepdogs, to the teenage brigade
  12. :p Cynthia..sasha probably thanks you for making her freee of pain again.... thinking of you.
  13. .. :p poor tiana..a rattie with a taste for brandy!!Glad he's ok now. I use RR for EVERYTHING! Horses,rescue birds,whelping bitches, crook chooks,cats,humans..it does a great job! :p
  14. I'd go with meaty bones,some veg OR "bonnie lite". Excercise/ Running, jogging, fetching balls (hit them with a tennis raquet)..playing with other dogs!
  15. This topic puzzles me .. why would dogs need their teeth brushed ? Who would brush them for them in the wild ? They would get their teeth cleaned with FUR,SINEWS,Hooves/BONES,GRASSES,all gleaned with HEAPS of chewing!! This doesn't happen in the "modern" dog..so they need human help Although our dogs have worn teeth,I have never seen any discolouration/tartar, due to the high percentage of bones(hard & soft) they have to chew to get fed
  16. So sorry..she was enjoying her life, and now she's watching her pups.
  17. Glad she's home & on treatment..you can sleep better now!!
  18. :rolleyes: well done! One of ours is on oral flea control.I only have to say "flea tablets", & she's up & jumping around near the cupboard. She will stand up, paws on my leg..I pop in a pill, follow with a treat, & she thinks it is SUCH a pleasure Strange dog!
  19. :D I'm sorry you're hurting........You will probably do so for quite a while...you have to heal, and it takes time. Look after yourself.
  20. Salli..no professional kangaroo shooter is allowed to use a shotgun!!!! In NSW at least, roos have to be head shot, kept in a carefully monitored field chiller, etc.before going to the processing plant. Guess the end product differs from processor to processor.....
  21. Our local roo processor makes raw pet mince, and cooked loaf.Yeh, sure it's full of "bits" which humans wouldn't eat, but it's all clean and well packaged... AFAIK no eyeballs or offal or bits like that are used. YUM!!!
  22. may I ask a question? It seems quite a few bitches are fussy eaters or small eaters after whelping. This worries me.... I was always taught that the first sign of not eating ravenously is cause for a check-up...pain/infection/stress/retained afterbirth/pup etc. OR...are we pampering our girls too much? OR...????? :D If Our bitches are having pups...they will often eat during labour as well!I have never seen them refuse a meal after whelping< & they will happily scoff anything offered thereafter, thank you very much :D Maybe ours are different in that most are still working till just before they whelp..on a couple of meals a day, but still very active...would this keep their metabolism high or something similar? Sorry for the side track..it got me cogitating!! :D :pant:
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