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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Thanks..greytmate...I pulled a few off, but he has a couple of dozen!! They weren't there last night...where DO they come from?
  2. Thanks mel..his little ears look like pine-cones!!
  3. anybody,PLEASE??????? I am thinking of just swabbing the ears with permoxin..he won't be bathed in it..would this be OK??
  4. We have only ever found ticks on visiting dogs before....tonight, I found our 9 weeker with his little ears FULL of the buggers( I think brown dog ticks...not in a paralysis area) The only things I have at my disposal are malaban wash( do not use on anything under 12 weeks) Advantage Permoxin (12 weeks & over) excelpet flea/tick tabs (12 weeks & over) Tea tree oil lavender oil prayer!! Any advice please???
  5. ..sounds a bit like a blood blister...tho' I guess it COULD be a tick...
  6. :rolleyes: What a horrible time for you all. If Gremlin were mine, I would probably have her PTS....sorry
  7. ..not FAT..maybe a teensy bit extra,if one was to be picky..but she does look beautiful!!
  8. ..Where I was working..piglets used to escape & dig up the lawn...I got sick of chasing them away, & tried the pepper. It worked!!!!! they had a dig..spent a couple of minutes sneezing, went to dig again, thought..."naaaah", & didn't return!!
  9. What a sad weekend for you1
  10. Interesting! When I heard this..I was horrified! "What terrible collars...!! " THEN I saw a pic..& realised they are the same ones I used on occasion for thick headed labs (present company excluded, naturally :D ) many years ago Ooops....
  11. So sorry, LP.....I'm crying too....
  12. we stopped buying it when it became american-owned...now they've changed it,too??? It was a very good food for our dogs..they al did well on it.
  13. I third the other reply..It was NOT "out of sight, out of mind". at all..instead it was that I saw it as the breeders's responsibility.( and mis read the post, & thought he would take it back) Roxanne...I hope you keep us posted,and I hope that in a couple of weeks he's bouncing!!
  14. The sad thing is that he was allowed to get like this!! the really GOOD thing is that he's come to YOU,and even if his life is to be very short,at least he is enjoying life at your place. Hope U don't mind, but your story reminded me... A digression.( this was about 30 yrs. ago) In my last yearof high school..my old mini foxie died. I wanted a quick replacement, saw an ad in the paper, rang up,& got a pup delivered. When I came home, my mum was crying..& when she showed me, I understood why!! A TINY black & tan scrap, with one eye popped, hardly any hair, a HUGE pot-belly,& fleas visibly jumping around !! I took her to the vet( a lady not known for diplomacy). The vet held pup up ,swore & dropped pup on the table saying..."put the poor thing out of its misery now!" Well,I dissolved in tears enough to scare the whole waiting room,& she relented & got on the phone to the man from whom I'd bought it!!! I am suprised the phone didn't melt Anyhow...her eye abscess was fixed, the mange eventually cleared,the worms & fleas were gotten rid of, the previous owner paid the bills,& I ended up with the BEST little dog for the next 13 years!! She turned out to be a dachsie x..with legs about an inch long..fuzzy fur, & the nick name of "toilet brush'! She was a great watch dog, would work sheep,catch rabbits,& was just a terrific companion. Some of 'em are worth it!!
  15. In my opinion..rest him until you get him to another vet.I would think exercising weak/damaged joints would only make things worse.... Best of luck..he sounds a lucky boy..I dread to think what the rest of the litter are going thru!!
  16. Given the diet & living conditions...I would strongly suggest you go to a specialist,Or at least vet "hospital" where they are prepared to do some tests to discover what is needed!!!! A raw meat only diet can cause ALL sorts of nutrition problems!!!The bones just DON't get the minerals they need to grow properly.... PLEASE contact a specialist before you make ANY decisions.
  17. I would agree...send the pup back to the breeder asap.Poor thing....
  18. We were taught that it takes 21 days to clear without treatment,and 3 weeks WITH treament I have always used benadryl-settles them down nicely.Remove collars if possible to avoid irritating the area..keep to warmish air,& VET if any change in breathing etc.
  19. Raw.preferably on the bone..less handling/exposure to bacteria,that way!
  20. .....Don't be like that, rappie.... :D At least you're here to defend yourself It's not really vet bashing...sounded more like pal bashing
  21. May I put my 2 bobs' worth in here? re: Milk... yes, pups DO start on milk..BITCHES' milk.They then (if being raised without human intervention) start eating meat of ALL sorts provided by parents etc. When they are strong enough, they go to the water source & drink that. Bitch will occasionally let them drink milk still,but most of their diet is whole carcases . Milk, esp. cows' milk would only be consumed if a "pack" killed & ate a lactating animal, eating the mammary glands as well. Maybe this is why they don't have the required enzyme?? Our dogs are mostly fed fresh meat/carcases(goat,roo,rabbit,sheep)Very occasionally one will be constipated..liver sorts it out!! Psyllium husks(pharmacy or health food shop) help..when they absorb moisture, they turn into a gel-very slippery & good for helping things thru. Hamlet had to have them post bowel surgery(he's 18 kg, & had a level teaspoon once daily) Our Horse gets them as well...helps "bind" & carry thru any ingested sand. Marremmas & Fur Balls The mind boggles!!
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