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Posts posted by persephone

  1. :cry: In the opinion of our dogs, every day is perfect! They go loking for left overs in both chook aND GUINEA FOWL NESTS , & sometimes I find a little pile of neatly opened and drained shells... (our house yard is about an acre,and very shrubby ,etc.) Some of ours will scoff a dozen per sitting..and provided we stay clear the next day, to avoid the "rotten egg gas" effect..no ill effects noted.
  2. :mad As others have said...he is a DOG, and doesn't need human food. Fresh RAW meat, bones,egg,fish, and some fruit /veg,with maybe a good quality kibble.

    Some dogs are very good at training their humans .... they will use those brown eyes to get what they see us eating.....even though it can be something which makes them ill. :)

    Sometimes we give our dogs food which looks and smells good to our eyes....but a dog just doesn't see/smell things the same way :)

  3. :thumbsup: A puddle is no problem..... accidents will happen .

    When training guide dogs many years ago... we had some very embarrassing moments!

    Try a lab. in harness..myer make up section......NOT a puddle !!

    Dogs throwing up in shops is also an interesting experience :rofl:

    As suggested..offering her another toilet opptunity may be a good idea. She is only young..and excitement,different food etc can do things :laugh:

    You are doing well...and those "people" who looked sideways at you ...well,IMHO they need to see MORE of that sort of thing :rofl: (tic)

  4. :rofl: yes..that is one of the problems ..

    A dog presents with pale gums,internal bleeding/bruising....and often you can't remember what they ate/did! :mad

    I do hope she is ok..every day is a good sign :cry: Poor little girl.

    Please people, take care with dogs who catch mice/rats!!These rodents may be dying from eating poison..and the poison could also affect your dog if they eat the rat etc.

  5. :happydance2: Oh..my sympathies.

    You did all you could for her..please DON'T feel that you couldn't look after a new dog .... it wasn't your fault.

    I have lost a much loved (older) dog to twisted gut..so I know part of what you are going thru.

    Another dog/pup will turn up when you are ready :happydance2:


  6. Our dogs get fresh whatever is around........goat ,rabbit,& whatever we butcher :(

    the raw egg thing is interesting..our dogs will scoff any/all eggs they find in guinea fowl nests.Sometimes 10 or so at a sitting!!

    the smell next day is amazing :mad

    My hamlet loves banana and rockmelon/canteloupe :rofl:

  7. :rolleyes: couch potatoes? Not my boys!! ;)

    My old b/c x was the most focussed(and controllable) fox killer,sheep worker and guard dog I have ever owned!!

    My dane x was also an excellent guard,very fit and muscled well.

    current "beast" is a wannabe hunter....will be very fierce with unwanted guests,and doesn't mind a scrap ,if food is the prize.

    I would have hated to try & control these, if entire :rofl:

    to each his own...:D

  8. :rofl: Hi..

    poor girl.

    Straining can often make it worse .....

    i had hamlet with an obstruction some time back....my vet did not send him home,but xrayed immediately,and when nothing showed, did the xray again , after getting the dog to swallow the little balls of barium, which stop where the obstruction is, and show up on xray.

    A lot of things do not show on xray...leaves, cork, clothing......& I think this method is a good idea..then if surgical intervention is needed, they know exactly where to look :(

    hamlet was in hospital around 4 days, all up,and healed beautifully after his op :rolleyes:

    Please contact the vet, or a different one...this really needs sorting :(

    Fingers crossed....

  9. i too would be going the way of daily brushing, and less baths.

    Also maybe another vet opinion,as diet or some sort of health issue can cause the problem.

    has he had his anal glands checked?

    I know he's young, but..if they are leaking , even a little, the smell gets rapidly transferred along his coat.......

    hope he is sweeter smelling soon :laugh:

  10. earlier this year,I noticed my mum's 7 yo bitch had a mucky discharge, a few weeks post-season. As I didn't have a car available, and it was an "open" pyo, after speaking with the vet ,she was on HIGH dose oral antibiotic for the day until I could get her to town.She was taken to the vet & speyed,etc..We got her very early..absolutely no other sign of illness other than a bit of discharge.she didn't even have a high temp!

    No probs recovery wise..and now no more problems !

    We were lucky... :laugh:

  11. Hi...sounds as if he has no NEED to look at you (from his point of view...) :mad

    Tryt feeding him a little at a time ONLY when he makes eye contact ,and or comes to yu !! NO "meal" in a bowl or whatever....

    WE have done this with a couple of "inherited" dogs..and have also given them water from our cupped hands on the occasion of them being very aloof.

    You become their lifeline..their ONLY source of food & water and company for a few days,..and believe me, they will start watching you very quickly!!

    One dog in particular was to be shot..as she saw no need for humans whatsoever...had lived in a pen..had food & drink provided..got let out. worked sheep...went home..got patted & fed...but paid no attention!

    Dunno.. a suggestion only...:rolleyes:

  12. :rolleyes: having lost my Kieran to bloat a few years back (avatar)..

    PLEASE contact a vet first in ANY case of overeating, or distension of abdomen,with restlessness etc....!!!!

    Speed is important here.

    keep DE-Gas capsules on hand..(simethicone) can help with bloat, by dispersing gas..will NOT work if torsion, tho....do NOT rely on them

    ,but have on hand to use after speaking with the vet.

    We are too far from a vet.. !.5 hr drive....even if I got him there asap it would've been too late....

    The vets were very supportive over the phone..and I had to send him over the bridge myself to avoid him suffering any more. he had the full torsion/bloat :confused:

    I am so glad she was OK, Chelsea's Mum..... :eek::)

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