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Everything posted by persephone

  1. aly..if you give the marrow bones WHOLE.. she will only get a little bit of the marrow at a time.... chicken frames are good..as are brisket bones, kangaroo tails.... even if you don't have a KONG..freeze a milk carton or icecream container full of a "soup"..lots of meat bits and veges & the odd biscuit in some stock.Give her this...she will be busy quite a while!
  2. excellent news!! *drums fingers* waiting for puppy /big ear/ little leg PICS
  3. a KONG toy with frozen chicken stock, or yoghurt, or whatever she CAN eat?
  4. welcome! Good for you ,asking for advice first ) The desexing one is an important one. Have a look here...there are lots more sites... http://www.petsonthenet.co.nz/desex.htm Your other little bitches should also be done..as accidents DO happen,and if fi fi is small, she could have complications!!! my boy is desexed,as is our other house dog, a female. She was done later..my Mum hadn't had her done, but when the dog got very ill with PYOMETRA (infection in the uterus) the op. was a lifesaving thing!!! Luckily she survived..many don't! there are lots of sites lke this one around, too http://loveyourdog.com/firstday.html do LOADS of reading, and asking, and you will then find what works for you anf your new pup
  5. luckyheidi Interesting combination of breeds!!! Hmm...could be a tricky pup for a child to train, as well. I agree here..does not sound the perfect pup for your family at the moment. Bit young,no vacc's,very uncertain temperament/size/health may be a tough-love lesson for your daughter, but through folk on this forum you should be able to find something more suitable :D) there is lots of advice and info here for new-puppy people!! Best of luck
  6. errmmm wean puppies onto non-messy food? We only ever wean onto "just moistened" puppy biscuit and LARGE meaty bones! I have learnt my lesson ! We also only have bowls which are small..those two-bowl cat dishes work ..so two pups to a dish only. lapping, co-ordinating mouths/necks & feet is very HARD work for littlies..with meat on bones , they can suck it , chew little bits, and increase their strength and co-ordination as they go. We use roo tails or similar..and score the meat a bit, so the pups have somewhere to latch on.The moistened puppy biscuit smells better, they can pick up individual pieces and chew..not try & slurp,get slop up their noses etc Admittedly, our pups are a reasonable size...(koolie/kelpie) but I've been there, done that with the milk & slop..never again Have fun with your babies
  7. it may not even be arthritis.... could be a badly healed break,leading to pain , a malformed bone/joint....anything. try here, tho... www.wholisticanimal.com/
  8. http://www.dolforums.com.au/index.php?showtopic=60829 also have a look here for ideas on puppies :D and here for some differnt feeding ideas http://home.earthlink.net/%7Epawsreflect/nutrition.html and http://www.purina.com.au/bonnie/b_puppy.asp
  9. bread.....short answer...no! dogs need meat as the main ingredient in their food.....not cereals like human babies.
  10. http://www.google.com.au/search?hl=en&...erium&meta= maybe something in a search like this? sorry..it is a hard one
  11. my Kieran used to regularly vomit in the early mornings..until I started feeding him a bit of breakfast.
  12. we buy light rope/cord..and attach swivels & clips oourselves;) work a treat
  13. we must be very lucky....a couple of shoelaces is all.. a lot of the toys (soft bunnies,balls etc) are 4th hand! One in particular is now nearly 20 yrs and 4 dogs old!! It gets carried around everywhere,but never chewed. The cats wreck far more! Tissues,potplants,pens,artificial flowers.... ;)
  14. I use CALCIUM ascorbate powder (dogs and hoomans)...just mix in food...in several small doses. It has a slight bitter taste, but is well accepted:)
  15. we use the roll-on aeroguard a couple times a day. DO NOT use on bleeding bits. or...ask at the vets..there are sprays etc which will both heal ,and repel flies. Permethrin is also a repellant...ask the vet.
  16. I agree! Why can't she have low fat chicken/beef mince, a little grated veg (NO cabbage, onion ,brussels sprouts, etc) with a little boiled rice mixed in?This, plus bones (go easy on fatty marrow-give marrow bones cut across,not lengthwise) may help settle her. Poor baby
  17. maybe a muzzle sometimes ..just a light one, to help keep your sanity ?
  18. I have used the pineapple..no..don't give it to the cat..but the other dogs. I used it in a kennel situation, and it worked to some extent. Can't remember quantities, but a fair bit(much more than a teaspoon... .finely chopped. Pumpkin is also supposed to work. You could be vigilant and go round with a large pepper/chilipowder shaker.. liberally anointing each little bit The pepper up the nose should slow him down! Milk of Magnesia, I would only use after consultation with a vet...it most likely contains a magnesium salt of some sort, which can affect all sorts of things, and may interact with medications!!!
  19. http://www.hsus.org/pets/pet_care/our_pets...ior_basics.html http://ezinearticles.com/?The-7-Stages-of-...opment&id=16717 These may give you some information """Not tring to defend this breeder but she may have not know any different. This is the first I have heard of any of this so it is very well possible that she didn't know either,""" I would think if she is a breeder,she would have done her homework.... this is fairly basic dog knowledge.. puppy growth & development are essential things to learn otherwise , how would a breeder be able to assess the pups' progress accurately? I know you will give your new puppy a lot of care & love..if you can, we'd enjoy seeing pics posted here.
  20. Our crew get either Bonnie working dog ,or bonnie lite ,or bonnie puppy..in a smaller proportion to fresh raw meat,home sourced..goat,rabbit,mutton...meat is usually fed"on the bone".
  21. Hi... Wel done for coming here & asking :D five weeks is very young to be away from MUM...you will get all sorts of good advice from people here, so I will just say... A vet visit firstly,if you can..to check all is well..and get advice. Avoid "human" breakfast cereals etc..puppies do not need these. Buy a low lactose or powder formula milk from the vets or pet store,Puppies cannot digest lactose well. Feed RAW meat..human grade if possible.Package it into small quantities & freeze until you need it,to avoid tummy upsets. Feed about 5 meals daily..small ones start giving chicken wings, chicken frames etc ..pups this age can chew bones well. Do not give COOKED bones!! Raw ones are easily digested..cooked ones are not!! Buy the BEST dry food you can afford..you get what you pay for Try this website, too, for starters http://thevetshed.com/cms/p.php/_pages/hel...D=22&SubCatID=1
  22. What a showman :D Not my preferred viewing
  23. In the opinion of our dogs, every day is perfect! They go loking for left overs in both chook aND GUINEA FOWL NESTS , & sometimes I find a little pile of neatly opened and drained shells... (our house yard is about an acre,and very shrubby ,etc.) Some of ours will scoff a dozen per sitting..and provided we stay clear the next day, to avoid the "rotten egg gas" effect..no ill effects noted.
  24. As others have said...he is a DOG, and doesn't need human food. Fresh RAW meat, bones,egg,fish, and some fruit /veg,with maybe a good quality kibble. Some dogs are very good at training their humans .... they will use those brown eyes to get what they see us eating.....even though it can be something which makes them ill. Sometimes we give our dogs food which looks and smells good to our eyes....but a dog just doesn't see/smell things the same way
  25. Tris..you may want to include ,in your bag..a few sheets of paper towel, a couple of plastic bags,and some disposable gloves ;) for those "Ooopses" which WILL happen,when you least expect it.
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