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Everything posted by persephone

  1. Oh ;) You are right in saying that he had a good life ;)) He wasn't ill for long, and was being cared for. thinking of you
  2. With the yelping, etc..he may be in pain....from a pinched nerve in the neck...maybe then having an effect on the blood flow? Just a thought. would a spasm of the heart muscle cause pain such as this? This may make him yelp as well..... Poor little thing. A dog I knew with hypoglycaemia just used to suddenly go "Flop" and get very anxious. We had a Koolie bitch with heart probs..her front legs used to spasm, and she would go rigid....
  3. six months..and full of life !
  4. we have outside and inside dogs....I am happy for dogs to be outside Most of ours are. He is a dog..yes.. but a PUPPY, and his nights HAVE changed, and he no longer has his companions or bed. he will go thru an adjustment phase...and be missing the body warmth/contact/companionship.It is to be expected. Adult dogs can cope a lot better, IMO.
  5. Poor pup..he wil be confused he wants to be near you..he has had you alongside him for months, and now he has no-one. He is a teenager, so to speak,so yes, he will get excited, chew things and play rough. Please take the pup to a puppy "school" or training session...you all need to learn how to compromise Puppy may be happier if, at bedtime he gets the largest meaty bone you can buy...or a "kong" toy full of yummy things to occupy him. A bed is needed..so he feels warm and safe. buy old quilts or towels from the op shop,maybe. He doesn't know why he is suddenly outside.... When you take him to the vet for his desexing soon, have a chat to the vet , perhaps?
  6. ;) Yep..it is up to his human to prevent him making errors in judgement keep paperwork well out of puppy reach!! Do not leave him unattended in areas where you have important/dangerous things. , like documents,power cords... provide interactive toys.... and change them every couple of days so's he doesn't get bored Give him very LARGE raw bones...guyaranteed to be MUCH more of a lure than paper !
  7. Domination? Sounds just like what she would be doing with her furry littermates...they climb all over each other, and chew/mouth each other. :)All very normal, and to her..your young ones are now her littermates.She is a baby ! Ideas to stop this? well... just a couple from me.. you can keep her in a separate area from them until you have taught her some basics...like sit ,'Off' ..etc. You can provide her with lots of interactive toys..like a "kong", some various sized balls, which she can roll on, grab with her paws and chase. You can also try here... http://www.petnet.com.au/pethints/199607.2.html http://www.wagntrain.com/PlayBiting.htm http://www.suite101.com/lesson.cfm/18373/1627/4
  8. an irresistible food ? The one that is there when a dog is very hungry! Sorry... I agree..no treats or table scraps until he eats his meat & veg, or dry & whatever. Have you considered how/where he has been fed previously? That may be a clue...maybe he was fed alone..maybe with others> Maybe outside? Best of luck.
  9. Yep....clip hair on feet...check ears as well! Some grass seeds do pop out eventually, after an abscess type reaction which IS very painful, and can last for a couple of weeks :D The seeds DO travel, as someone said..and this means surgery to locate and remove them .Messy and expensive! When I worked at a vet..often people would bring a dog in fairly soon...a squirt of "local" in the hole..a fish around with forceps, and "bingo!" ) DO KEEP HAIR SHAVED on feet.
  10. Well done !!! That little girl is very lucky indeed ) Hope to see lots of pics of her now ! Hope the other one gets rescued... sounds as if the mum meeds to be as well-she may be very anaemic and ill herself, which is why she couldn't produce milk!!! Poor dogs
  11. I always fed soaked to my danex, Kieran (avatar), One day he scoffed some dry, and within a few hours was dead from bloat/dry.
  12. Don't be frightened.... but I would suggest perhaps go see another vet for their opinion She is on treatment, and has you to look after her... she is a lucky girl:) Maybe another vet could help explain things, and clear up your confusion ?
  13. a maybe.... if there seemed a lot of fluid in the nasal spray.. perhaps , instead of forming a light , easily absorbed mist, it travelled on down to the lungs to cause problems? with a tiny pup, and very little membrane to soak up the spray..could this be a possibility? Poor little thing
  14. Hope this works..he sounds as if hewould really enjoy that work ....*fingers crossed*
  15. URK! Not best practice. That said...a couple of "old bushies" I knew had a sure-fire way to stop digging ;) Pups had a few nails cut very short..to the quick. When they dug..it hurt! They did stop digging ....guess sore toes for a few days was better than more severe punishment for digging huge holes in unwanted places... different times, different ways...
  16. a long shot, maybe...but what about a drug-detector type career? They use high-drive dogs, to the extent that the dog would do ANYTHING to retrieve its ball/toy...he sounds a good prospect! Sounds lovely, actually.....
  17. for a vit.C supplement..I use calcium ascorbate..non acidic..and calcium based.You can buy it as powder or tablets.
  18. quote "Other people tie a sting of bells up and teach the dogs to paw at that if they want out" my piggy used to do the bell -ringing thing..but with his snout :D sorry..it made me remember
  19. ermmm..what sort of fleas are they? this can make a HUGE difference in the treament you need!!! Are the the large-ish very mobile hop-on-and-off,live in the coat- type about the size of the i ? or the very tiny,"stick-fast" all huddle in a group on bare skin-type about the size of a biggish full-stop? . A lot of the treaments for the normal "dog flea" will NOT work for the stick-fast fleas. I know..we have stick-fast ones here..they are very hard to keep under control. https://transact.nt.gov.au/ebiz/dbird/TechP...0environment%22
  20. aly..if you give the marrow bones WHOLE.. she will only get a little bit of the marrow at a time.... chicken frames are good..as are brisket bones, kangaroo tails.... even if you don't have a KONG..freeze a milk carton or icecream container full of a "soup"..lots of meat bits and veges & the odd biscuit in some stock.Give her this...she will be busy quite a while!
  21. excellent news!! *drums fingers* waiting for puppy /big ear/ little leg PICS
  22. a KONG toy with frozen chicken stock, or yoghurt, or whatever she CAN eat?
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